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Posts posted by shawthorne44

  1. grate them and make hash browns out of them until they are at least translucent.  Since you have a lot, it is handy that they shrink down.  Heat takes the bitterness away.  

    Before I tried that recipe I thought radishes were only technically edible, like fondant and play-doh.  

  2. I didn't do that, but almost.  Right before a playdate at my house I went to pick up a to-go order at Jason's Deli.  They had mess-up on top of mess-up and then they threw in attitude.  When I got home I was spitting tacks.  I parked in the garage, grabbed the food and went inside.  DH, my friend and her son were there.  I told them the food story and why I was so mad.  She said, "Ummm, where is (DD's name)?".  I was stricken.  DD was sleeping in the car.  

    I would have realized she was gone shortly after I was done with my rant.  But, that 5 minutes I had totally forgotten.  

  3. ok, I confess Dr. Phil is on my TIvo.  I went probably 10 years without watching one episode, and then I fell off the wagon a few weeks ago.  

    I don't like him or listen to what he says.  Although, "How is that working for you?" has practical real-world applications.  I think he scratches that itch that causes people to watch soaps, or my husband to watch wrestling.  

    Not all episodes have this, but I think it is the cathartic moment that I like.  People that have gone astray realize the error of their ways and decide to do better.  Then Dr. Phil offers to pay for the medical help that they need.  Very satisfying.  

    But, I won't tell people this in real life. 

  4. High Quality probably does explain a lot.  I noticed very early that the highest quality materials easily available was often only a little bit more expensive.  So, I generally went with the nicest.  

    DH is/was a handyman, and he brings home stories of egregious things he has seen from the original builder.  He will look into things like "The master shower has always drained slow", and he will find that the drain is clogged with grout.  And that is a premier builder.  

  5. I bought our house in '97, that was a fixer-upper.  I bought it for its price new in '76.  I knew that immediately, I would need a new roof, paint the interior, new carpets and the backyard needed to be leveled.  


    I don't think I've spent anywhere near $1/sq.ft/year since those were done.  During that time I completely redid the kitchen, one bathroom except the tub, new fence, new A/C, new electrical box, installed a yard sprinkler system, tankless water heater, new windows, replaced the exterior doors.  Probably some other stuff I forgot.  None of that except for the water heater, A/C and kitchen cabinets were done on an emergency basis.  



  6. I've gotten the letters that tell me to call an automated line every night for a week to see if they need me, but it always tells me that I am not needed. I would actually like to be a juror, but I doubt that a defense attorney would keep me on a jury. I would not have a problem being unbiased, but I doubt they would see it that way :glare: .  I have been told several times that close relatives of law enforcement are often removed from the pool. My dad and brother are both local law enforcement. I think I would do a good job though.


    A friend of mine served WHILE he was a judge at a different level.  He said that everyone knows that it is bad idea, but occasionally you get a clueless lawyer or someone representing themselves.  He named a Supreme Court judge that had served on a jury.  

  7. I am 44 and I've never served on a jury.  I've been called twice in my life.  the first time I would have liked to have done it but it was the day before the first day of college fall classes.  The second time, I could have done it although it would have been inconvenient.  I made it to questioning and the defense lawyer irritated me (and I think the rest of the jury).  


    The defense lawyer tried to get me thrown off for cause, but because he'd irritated me I made sure he had to use one of his Without Cause allotments

  8. One that shocked me because I have a low opinion of actors in general was "Memoirs of a 4-year-old".  The format is the left side of the page is how she was a baby, and shows the baby doing whatever it is.  Then the right shows what she can do now.  For example, (from memory)


    When I was a baby, I didn't know how to talk 


    ... but now I do

    (shows her taking something back from the baby and shouting "No"


  9. A coworker had the A/C die on their house at the same time a neighbor wanted to buy their house for a generous price.  The buyer was willing to buy it with a not-working A/C.  Note, this was Texas last summer.  But, he didn't want to finalize the sale for a couple of months.  The family spent a LOT of time at Starbucks and the library.  They ended up with a lifetime Starbucks discount card.  

  10. Dance Little Baby by ... oh darn I forget her name.  Beautiful voice, most popular as a folk singer in the 70's.  

    I would have the computer play it on repeat.  In fact, I called it the "Torture (DH's name) song".  He hated it.  He really really hated it the 200th time that morning.  


    I had other songs I sang when she wasn't crying and just needed to calm a bit.  "Hush Little Baby" was popular.  Although I am forgetful and "buy you something else" was frequently inserted.  


    I think it was "The Happiest Baby" book where he talked about loud fast songs being needed for a crying baby, and lullabies for when they are already calm.  

  11. Not even the Mall of America? I'd consider that one lol



    I think it was much cooler when it first opened.  But, now there is just more of each of the stores that are in your home mall.  I think there were like 4 Victoria Secret stores in the mall.  I think the stores decided that people weren't willing to walk all the way to their store, so they put many so you won't have to walk.  I remember shopping for a book to read on vacation and having trouble.  Since I like just about everything, that is saying something.  Everything seemed to be kid's books.  So much so that I ended up randomly grabbing a soft po&^ one on accident because the section was labeled "adult".  I thought it meant "Not kids".  Seriously, I was quite shocked when I read the book.  


    The aquarium was amazing.  It was like you traveled down the Mississippi.  So, at the start would be a beaver dam, and at the end would be sharks, etc like in the Gulf.  

  12. I don't think you have to have 10 adult children to call hogwash on that.  You just have to think back to adults that you've known (or yourself) that has a miserable grip. I have a permanent dent in my thumb from my grip.  I think that this is cop-out on the same scale as "They will work through their reading problems on their own".  


    This is sitting in my Amazon cart.  




    maybe a present?

  13. Like a PP, I've read many scholarship essays.  I am part of the early screening process, final decision is left to others.  

    To get past the first screening requires near-perfect grammar.   If we laugh AT you, you are eliminated.  Really, that is all.  A shocking number are eliminated just on those two things.  

  14. I took all sorts with my first pregnancy. Reglan, Phenergan...eventually Zofran....which stopped working. 


    Vitamin B6 and a Unisom was what did it for me. Seriously. My mom is a nurse practitioner and after researching, she told me it was safe and had, at one point, been on the market in the US. 


    I went from vomiting everything I ate and drank (including water) for 18 weeks to perfectly barf-free within a week or so. When I started vomiting with my second (which that first episode lasted for so long I ended up in the hospital) I started taking it again. Once again, the sickness went away.


    Throwing up water is a lower level of hell than merely throwing up.  I don't know why that is.  

    But, I always feel very sorry for myself when that happens.  

  15. Years ago, at our first visit to an Ikea, my children called it "Pirates of the Carribbean," after the ride at Disneyland. You twist around, following a winding path with too much too see the first time through. Truly a tourist attraction.


    I truly do not understand why they don't have a yellow brick road painted on the path.  

    I actually worked at one once when it was being setup.  I mentioned that thought to the head-cheese and he looked at me like, "What an interesting idea".  

  16. Yeah, we got some that didn't have the torch, and we got some that came with a torch and the torch has since been lost.  
    It truly is just a white circle at the end of stiff paper.  White circle is maybe 1" diameter.  

    We sometimes use a torch from one of the other books.  Other times we just use an index card.  The only downside to the index card is that sometimes you have to move it around to see the words nearby.  Like the body book has microscope pictures of body parts.  I needed the label to know which was muscle which was bone, etc.  The nice thing about the index card is that you can put the whole thing in there, and see things you missed.  




    And then you just move it around under the transparency to reveal various bits of it?

    Yes, that is it.  I found it worked best to let DD move it around and say, "What is that".  It was terribly exciting for her.  I think that there is something about the process of her asking and me answering that helps with comprehension.  

  17. I went to one many miles away from home but I was shopping for a kitchen.  My mom and I were doing the Napa wine tour and stopped by an IKEA to look at the cabinets.  Mom always likes to "help me spend my money".  I then ordered it and had it delivered.  

  18. Prednisone is what I took.  It was amazing for the month that it worked.  I had soldiered through before that because I thought that was what I had to do.  I remember throwing up ginger cookies.  And then I had my first ob visit.  She asked how I was feeling.  I said miserable.  She said, "I can do something about that."   When I was sick it was all day except for about 1-3pm every day.  So, I ate once a day.  Fortunately, *ahem* I had stockpiles stored on my body to carry us through the rest of the day.  

  19. The thing is, I remember kids from China at my university.  In general, they weren't that smart.  I was in the U.S., so maybe they were in the 1/3 that didn't pass the test?  They did have an attitude of being smart, but if you knew enough to ask good questions you could quickly see that it was a front.  I remember in the lab I worked we got a new postdoc from China.  The professors were explaining our equipment, stopping frequently to ask if there was any questions.  He never had any questions.  Until the end, after 3 hours, he asked a question about the very beginning that showed that he'd had NO CLUE what they just spent three hours talking about.  The professors left in disgust and told me to explain it.  

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