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Everything posted by kdownie

  1. Co-op day! It is probably my kids' favorite day of the week.
  2. Thank you all for your suggestions! From all the great ideas, I know that we will find the ones that work for us.
  3. My dd is in first grade, though she can read a bit above grade-level. We will be using either Phonics Pathways or The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading to continue with her phonics development. There are lots of words she can read but doesn't know the phonics rule behind. The problem is that I'm not sure what to do about spelling. She can read words that she isn't even close to spelling, since we haven't gotten to all the rules. A lot of the reading she has just picked up naturally because she enjoys it so much. Do I start with a spelling program (like AAS or similar) at the beginning, and let her advance in her phonics book at a faster rate ? Or do I move slowly through the phonics books, teaching her the rules and how to spell the words? If we were working on just reading in PP or OPGTR, she would likely be moving much faster. Does that make any sense? My husband says I'm over-thinking all of this, since she's just 6. I really want her to have the most solid foundation possible. Thank you for any input.
  4. Thanks everyone! All the input was really helpful, and I'll either get the workbooks (because being able to just open and go would be really great once the baby-on-the-way arrives) or I'll just be careful to choose passages from a variety of sources.
  5. Thank you! I was thinking that was the case (i.e. appealing to a variety of children), but I'm always second guessing what I do.
  6. I recently started WWE, and I am currently using just the teacher's guide(for a first grader). I plan to choose my own passages for many of the weeks, instead of getting the workbook. I notice that the passages we have read so far are from a variety of books (Wizard of Oz, Little House in the Big Woods, etc). Is there a specific reason that the excerpts are from varied books? I'd like to use the book we are reading out loud together (Chronicles of Narnia: Magician's Nephew) so it all ties together nicely, but if it is beneficial to use a variety of books, I could definitely do that too. This is my first year completely home schooling, so I'm always open to suggestions for making this work. Thanks!
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