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Posts posted by MooCow

  1. Thank you ladies. I'm just sitting here, in shock. I know that diabetics have issues with healing of wounds. Does anyone know specifically about back wounds?




    I am not familiar w/back wounds. I've had foot/toe/hand/nose wounds, and they do take a really long

    time to heal. I do know that the better she keeps her blood sugar under control, the better she will heal.

    Keeping them clean is of course essential. I had toe surgery back in Oct. and it took several weeks

    to heal.


    I have found the fastest way to lower my glucose levels is eating a low-carb diet. Luckily for me,

    that was exactly what my dr told me to go on.

  2. I'm so sorry. My dd had a serious dose from *nice, Christian, home schooled* girls. It really clouds how you view yourself. She's lucky to have an aunt like you.



    change out girl for boy, and yup. My youngest has been there.

  3. How do we force someone to get help that doesn't want it? How do we determine who is so bad that there should be an intervention against their will? Who gets to determine the criteria? I know many people who want more help for the mentally ill, but there are big problems in getting help for those who don't feel they have a problem or who don't want help. It seems they aren't forced until they hurt someone. I honestly don't know how to change that. This guy seemed to question and dislike most authority so I don't think just offering him services would have done much.


    Exactly. What if you KNOW someone is mentally ill, refuses their meds, won't go to appts.,

    self-medicates instead (ie, drugs, alcohol), commits petty crimes(so far); and the probation dept.,

    social services, the courts, all choose to ignore it and really do nothing to help?? They just

    pass the buck time and time again between their offices, not listening to family members

    who are screaming at the top of their lungs for help for this person,

    and choosing the believe the person who is ill, and really good at saying what the

    so called people in charge want to hear and playing their little game

    because it is easier, and nobody has to do anything or accept responsibility.


    ok. rant done. sorry.

  4. I believe that every.single.one of us is a child of God and that this man is loved by Him just as much as I am. I'm not saying that it was wrong that he was killed, I am saying that I was shocked at how many people seemed to glory in that fact. "glad they got the SOB!", "Let him rot", "Glad he got what was coming to him". Wow.


    There is no glory in the fact that some woman's sick son grew up to break her heart by doing unspeakable acts of violence to others. That man was once a little boy who played with toy cars and built forts in the dirt. May the Lord have mercy on his soul.

    I recognize that it had to be done, but that fact truly saddens me. No shouting for joy or fist pumps in the air here.




    INo, he only feels respected if I am utterly, totally passive and agree with him on anything and everything and have no needs. He has been emotionally draining, verbally & economically abusive, controlling, isolating and spiteful and takes his anger out on me, no matter how "respectful" I was. Which is why I asked for opinions. I wanted to make sure I wasn't just knee jerk reacting or seeing control where there wasn't any. I have asked him to seek help for his anger issues. He has to some extent, and has mellowed a few degrees but still holds much of the same extreme ideas that feed his anger.



    Ah........I'm sorry :grouphug:

  6. Does your husband FEEL respected by you in your marriage?


    I have learned (the hard way :crying: ) that for a long, long time,

    my dh did not feel respected by me. That is the number one thing

    my dh needs from me. It's not about power, and having the last

    say; it's about commitment and trust.


    It blew up in my face over a minor thing. I suggest you and he

    have a serious talk about what you each need from one another. :grouphug:

  7. Well, I broke my big toe, and it hurt like heck for weeks. I finally went to my dr because it was also my toe with an ingrown toenail, and the pressure

    was horrible. My dr really wanted to xray it to make sure it didn't need surgery, but we have new insurance that sucks, and I wasn't willing to pay

    bucko bucks when odds were that it was fine. It was fine, and healed nicely.


    I hope you feel better!


    PS the dr did tape my big toe and the one next to it together. I kept it taped for about two weeks.

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