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Posts posted by MooCow

  1. It just gets better! The bus driver was a sub, she did NOT know the route and was depending on the kids to tell her where to go. It is on camera the kids were all yelling and screaming at her some trying to get her to go the wrong way the girls that were taken to the ER were the ones in the front of the bus standing up yelling at her to stop turn around go back etc. The real driver who is a close family friend just called she watched the whole thing from the bus video and only three children on the whole bus were behaving my two girls and a young man in his ROTC uniform. I think that is the military program at highschool?? If I am wrong I apologize. The whole thing was nothing but a recipe for disaster. The children are all in trouble for their behavior but I feel the bus company owes something too. The bus was not even going the right place she did not know the route That is not acceptable at all. You cannot count on a bunch of kids for directions, a driver who knew the route should have been driving.


    I will be calling the company on Monday. The whole thing was doomed from the start in my opinion no one was doing their jobs and still no word on that poor woman who was driving. I don't hold her to blame she has to do what she is told by the company the company and the semi were both at fault.



    When my kids took the bus, and had a sub driving, it was also the kids who told them where to go.

    Luckily the kids told the truth and usually it was only one or two who acted up.

    I would call as well.


    I am glad your girls are OK.

  2. I wonder if the high school does dual enrollment with a local college....

    My oldest went to a very small private school and they did dual enrollment classes

    with the local community college. It counted for high school and college credit.

    It was also cheaper signing up through the private high school since

    there was already an agreement in place.


    eta: I would hold her back. We did that w/our dd,

    and it's worked out really well.

  3. That reminds me of a story.....my father who always wore cheap slacks and polos walked

    into a Lexus dealer, ready to pay cash for the foreign car that my stepmom had

    FINALLY convinced my father to buy, (he always bought American)

    and no one would serve him.


    They ended up walking over to the Cadillac dealer they usually went to,

    and the owner later called the owner of the Lexus dealer, and told him

    about the sale he had lost. :D


    My father never did buy a foreign car.

  4. We did the second grade readers with my son just reading some of it to me.


    I had gone all gung-ho on it and bought all the workbooks that went with the books,

    but they were above the level my son could do on his own.


    I just recently brought them back out, and have picked out stories that are relevant to

    our Bible class. He does the parts for "after" you read the story...there can be

    quite a bit of writing, and since ds still stuggles with that part, I do the paragraph writing



    I'm loving it!

  5. I've always heard/learned that brown/brown is dominant. Dh is brown eyed, and I am blue. We have 2 brown eyed children and 1 blue eyed. Perhaps if we had one more we could create a perfect punnet square!



    I'm brown, dh blue, both sons have blue, our daughter has brown

    I think it's a carpshoot :D

  6. Can you tell me any of the activites that did not involve paying more than the resort fee?



    The pool. And walking around looking at the characters placed throughout.


    My kids sat in Steve's "Thinking Chair", we saw Eliza in the pond, that kind of thing.


    The pool is really all that and a piece of cake.....all of my kids and dh enjoyed it.

    My kids were 6, 13, and 17.

  7. I think this might be something you will have to do your best to not let it get to you. Since the boy is not even preparing, I can't see how you can figure out if it is a learning disability or not. If he were studying and just not getting it, that is a different matter. I will try and address it with the parents but go in with an open mind because some parents really do not expect anythings from coop, they might just see it as someplace for the kid to go and socialize so they might not be making him study as they don't get what the fuss it. They also might be doing a lot at home and so don't have a lot of time for that.

    I wonder if the parents are aware of what is involved before signing up but maybe you can go over expectations again.


    Hugs to you.


    This. :iagree: But said so much better.

  8. Of course, I worked in HR in the US before staying home with dds and I was never allowed to give out any information other than dates of hire and termination. Is it the same in Canada?



    This. I know here you can't ask anything except the above and is the person eligible for re-hire.


    Of course, their are ways to get around it.


    It's a tough situation to be in.

  9. well, the kids had a blast. They actually liked it better than Disney; of course

    Disney was insanely crowded (and the older two had been to Disneyland) for

    what it's worth. We did not do any of the activities that you had to pay for.

    Except for the arcade.


    We hung out at the pool most of the time, and the kids loved getting slimed. :D

    The rooms are supercute, and the staff was great.

    Make sure you stay in a building where there are no bedbug problems



    We went during the month of December.

  10. Truly, the facts should be made known. The facts should change everything concerning America's sympathy and/or response! I am sure most of HSLDA's supporters do not know this information.


    1. They can legally and easily move within the EU to a nation where homeschooling is legal and welcomed.


    2. Private religious education does exist in their native land. There are already alternatives to the secular, state-run school.


    Both facts taken together say to me that this is none of our business. This is not an American crisis.



    This thread has been very interesting! I learned quite a bit by reading this thread.


    The original article I read this a.m. was short on details, and slanted. (surprise :glare: )

    I had no idea they could move freely in EU. I *thought* the USA

    was their only shot.

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