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Posts posted by myfatherslily

  1. :seeya:  Hi!  I haven't been around lately, but wanted to pop in to ask where you like to buy cross necklaces for your kids?  I figured that Milovany and Mommaduck must surely need replacements from time to time! :)  We have one broken and lost, one simply broken, and one simply lost.  I am looking for very inexpensive crosses.




    Forgive me!!

  2. I start mine reading with other resources, then shift them to Spalding in 1st grade.


    DS5 is currently reading with Bob Books, Explode the Code book 2, and the vintage Word Mastery available through google books. I've started teaching some "teams" (ch, th, etc.) but it's very low pressure at this point.

  3. Our first three weeks of school were fabulous.  Now I feel like we're just barely slogging through!  This is our 7th week now.  We're on lesson 3 for Latin (i.e. we're going so painfully slowly that retention is nearly impossible).  I have felt crabby and horribly impatient almost every day.  I chucked my son's Spelling Workout book the very first day of school and decided to continue with Spalding for spelling instead (no regrets there).  History is at a total standstill this week - I'd wanted to do more with Shakespeare but I think we're just going to have to move on.

    Part of the problem here is that I've had lots of work online these past few weeks.  This is a good thing!  And yet, at the same time, it's NOT. 

    Anyway, it's not all bad.  It's just my crazy head that's affecting us day to day.  Pray for me if you think of it! :)

  4. Thanks!

    Is it ever withheld as punishment/discipline?


    My understanding is that yes, it can be.  However, I'm not sure that "punishment" would be the word.  Again, it's a matter of safeguarding.  If a person is intentionally and repeatedly acting in a such a way that they are disrespecting the Church, her teachings, or their priest, it seems evident that some issues need to be addressed.


    [Disclaimer: I know very little.  This is just my understanding, and I could be mistaken!]



  5. I hadn't followed her blog for very long before she disappeared.  I had purchased Ages of Grace, then ended up not using much of it.  I was concerned, like many others, when she suddenly disappeared, and I wish she would have posted even some very short word of explanation ("overwhelmed, things are okay, gonna disappear for awhile").


    I'm not adding the blog to my reader just yet.  I'll keep an eye on it and see.

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