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Posts posted by emzhengjiu

  1. Well, that would definitely be more worrisome. If it was during the first visit I wouldn't be surprised as likely not that many precautions were taken. But once they knew he had ebola (and given all the media attention etc.) I would have thought that they would follow protocol VERY stringently.

    I'm getting ready to leave for work, but I would like to listen to the broadcast again later to be sure I heard that information correctly!  Maybe the worker has underlying health issues that made her or him more susceptible. 

  2. According to a live newscast I just watched, the health care worker was on duty during Mr. Duncan's second visit to the hospital.  The worker also was following CDC guidelines to wear a mask, gloves and a gown, according to the hospital's spokesman.

  3. Before I read the article, I assumed the second case was a member of Mr. Duncan's family, but instead it's a health care worker at Presbyterian Hospital.  We live outside of Dallas.  I'm not afraid, but it's still a concern.  For some reason, it seems worse that the second case was a health care worker.   We're praying for everybody involved, especially Mr. Duncan's family.

  4. After some lengthy conversations, my daughter and I have decided that she will take live classes as long as the classes can be scheduled on the same days.  So far, I don't see any hybrid classes listed, only recorded lectures.   I'm disappointed, but we both feel she would miss too much great information with online only classes.   Recorded classes have a place, but maybe later for her.

  5. My daughter is taking free dual credit classes through our local community college.  Thankfully, the college is close by, but we only have one car and the combination of bus / train takes forever to get there.  She's considering online classes for next semester.  I assumed the classes were live, but they're not.  I'm concerned that she won't learn as much from recorded classes, but am open to the idea.  If you taken recorded online lecture classes, what did you think?  Thanks so much.

  6. My daughter took the test in the 9th and 10th grades for practice.  This year will be the one that counts for her.  The practice under real conditions has made her so much more comfortable about standardized testing.  Taking it through our local high school only cost about $15.00.  Last year though, the school had a policy that only their graphing calculators could be used.  We did not know this ahead of time.  Although my daughter still did well on the math portions, being handed an unfamiliar calculator cost her valuable time.  After numerous phone calls, the school has arranged for her to use any approved calculator this year, but I've made sure she is comfortable with TI's graphing calculators just in case.  My point is getting familiar with high stakes testing at a fairly low cost has been a good deal for my daughter.

  7. My daughter took the Bravewriter Expository Essay class recently.  I love the idea behind Bravewriter, but my daughter and I found the class to be slow paced and not very rigorous for what we thought would be a college prep class.  The teacher was responsive, but her comments about my dd's writing were not very thorough in my opinion.  My daughter lost interest after the first week of the session.  From other threads about Bravewriter classes, we are in the minority.  Most people rave about the classes.

  8. In a recent thread a free cookbook was mentioned called "Good and Cheap."  It was developed for people receiving SNAP benefits.  I've downloaded it, but haven't tried in of the recipes yet.  As a single mom, my budget is tight.  I'm hoping to stay at the $4.00 / day per person level for the fall at least.  


    The link is long, so I embedded it (or rather my 17 yo in-house tech support did.) Click here.



    ETA:  spelling; I thought the book was free, but now I think the author is charging $5.00. 


  9. I am not a native speaker, but I am a Christian of the RC persuasion. I have an MA in Japanese. Do you think they would hire me? Or maybe dh? He has his MA in Japanese, too, and has several years experience teaching Japanese at the high school level. We've both lived in Japan for many years. 


    I'm not all that serious, but...

    If you are at all interested, please please contact them today!  The class begins July 11th.  Landry is still looking for a teacher.  landryacademy.com.  Look under "our team" for the application process.  My daughter would be thrilled if a teacher is found for the class.  One of the Japanese 1 sessions is almost full, as is Japanese 2.  

  10. UPDATE


    Ok, so I just received an email from Landry about the new Japanese teacher. It seems that she has backed out and will not teach the classes after all. Landry will make a final decision by this Wednesday on what to do. I feel really bad for Landry, I can tell they are having a hard time finding a Japanese teacher who is also a Christian ( per their requirement). Actually, I think that considering that only 0.09% of native Japanese are Christian ( including all Catholic and Protestant denominations) it is going to be a tall order. It is a shame that they won't consider a nonchristian teacher in this case.

    Yes, we received the update this morning! I agree.  I wish Landry would consider a non-Christian teacher given the circumstances.  My daughter is so sad.  Japanese is her language of choice.  Why does it have to be this difficult??

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