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Posts posted by emzhengjiu

  1. My daughters and I are improving our diet to eat healthier and cleaner foods, but we're not there yet.  I would like us to start taking at least a multiple vitamin.  Our budget is limited so I would like to get the most for value for my money.  I have no idea if the brands in the big box stores are okay or not.  What are good brands and where can I buy them?  In the past, I would have bought a generic based mostly on price, but I'm not sure anymore if that's wise.  Did I mention our budget is limited.  Thanks.

  2. Wow, I had no idea some states only require seat belt use for the front seats.  In my family, the car doesn't start until every one is buckled properly.  My daughters, now teens, have called me in the past to get them because some adult wanted them to ride in the back without seat belts.  There's no way I would allow my girls to ride in a vehicle unbuckled.

  3. My daughter really wants an 18th birthday party.  Our apartment is too small, but I think we can arrange to use a room at our church.  But I'm an introvert!  Just the thought of planning a party makes me want to run and hide.  Our budget is tight, so there's not a lot of extra money for activities and such.  Since I love my daughter, I really want to do this, but I have no ideas for teens.  If she were going to be 8 instead of 18, I would have no problem planning a great party.  Please help with ideas, suggestions, moral support.

  4. When we moved this past spring, I called Salvation Army to pick up some very usable, but not perfect book shelves and tables.  The supervisor accompanying the truck refused all of the items saying they were not high enough quality.  He was quite sharp about it.  I was embarrassed and a bit angry.  My daughters and I put all the items near the curb.  Every single item was gone within a couple of hours.  I felt better that someone could use what we couldn't take with us, but I won't forget how we were treated by Salvation Army either.

  5. One of my daughters is a junior this year, the other is a freshman.  If I had a 10th grader, I don't know what I would do.  There's so many study guides for the current SAT that I might push to have a 10th grader take it at least once.  If the scores were high enough, the new SAT wouldn't matter as much.


    I'm concerned about the new essay format.  My younger daughter is a slow reader.  By the time she reads the source document, she'll not have a lot of time to write.  At least, that's my concern.

  6. This is my daughter's first semester as a dual credit student.  She's taking physiology and humanities, So far, she loves the experience.  I was hoping that she would take some online classes, but I didn't know until we met with her advisor that all the online classes are recorded.  I just assumed they would be live.  As of now, we're not sure what classes she'll take next semester..

  7. Last year during the PSAT, my daughter was not allowed to use her scientific calculator!  Instead the high school insisted she use one of their graphing calculators.  Since she wasn't familiar with the calculator, she was confused at first and lost some time.  She recovered and still did well on the math sections.  The schools in our area are requiring all their students to use graphing calculators provided by the school.  This year, I spoke to the administrator and got permission for her to use her own scientific calculator.  I even sent the email giving her permission with her this morning.  I'm hoping she'll have no problems.  Having a familiar calculator saves valuable time!

  8. Have we become complacent about infectious diseases at least until now in the U.S.? My daughter's godmother died a year ago.  She had several underlying medical issues.  At the end she was in isolation in ICU for droplet protocols. To visit her, we had to gown, mask and glove.  While there, I routinely saw several doctors exam her without any protective gear.  On one occasion, I saw a doctor leave without washing his hands or using the sanitizer.  I mentioned my observations to the charge nurse, but as far as I know nothing was ever done.  I didn't follow-up because we were grieving her loss and because I wasn't sure of the protocols.  We live in the Dallas area, but my daughter's godmother was in a different hospital, not Presbyterian.  With the problems surfacing at Presbyterian Hospital, I'm concerned we don't take infectious disease protocols seriously in general.  This isn't directed at the nurses involved in Mr. Duncan's care specifically.  I feel deeply for them!


    edited:  spelling

  9. That's how we came to have a pet anole :)

    Exactly.  We're in Texas, but same situation.  My daughter had the sweetest green anole she had found outside for a couple of years.  He was so entertaining to watch, even for me who prefers kitties and puppies.  The bearded she has now is interesting, but no where near as much fun as her anole.  


    edited:  spelling

  10. I don't think the worker was wearing a hazmat suit, but was gowned, gloved and masked.  I enjoy conspiracy theories as much as anyone,but I don't think this is the time to dwell on them.  I would rather concentrate on what I can do that's positive, especially praying for everyone involved.  It has to be scary for Mr. Duncan's family and for this worker and their family. 

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