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Posts posted by emzhengjiu

  1. A sweet kitty showed up where I work.  She's clearly been someone's pet. She comes up to everyone trying to be petted.  We've searched for her owners but nothing.  The center where I work is on the edge of a large city park.  It's possible she was abandoned, but it's also possible she wandered away from her home.  She's not been declawed and appears healthy.  Recently, our area had bad weather with freezing rain, sleet and some snow.  For us here in Texas, it was really cold.  I couldn't bear the thought of the kitty outside, so my girls and I brought her home with us.  The problem is we can't keep her in our apartment.  We already have two cats.  I've tried very hard to find her a home but no takers.  I've called rescue groups, "no kill" shelters and everybody else I can think of.   Do I take her to the local shelter or do I take her back to work.  We were feeding her before the bad weather anyway.  At work, she would have to be an outside cat.  I don't like either option, but I don't know what else to do.  Advice, suggestions please.


  2. Is this a reputable honors organization?  My daughter received an email from them indicated the "deadline to apply was soon."  My first thought was it's a scam, but their website looks legitimate.  She's a dual credit student at our local community college.  We know about Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society for community college students.  She'll have enough credit hours to apply for it at the end of this semester assuming she completes her horrible online classes with the grades she's used to making.  I believe both groups accept dual credit students.  Both  charges fees to join.  Thoughts.  


  3. After talking to the rep did they tell you or your daughter why she wasn't going to be accepted? 


    That would play a huge role to me in deciding to accept and go or pass. 


    We were told that there were several well qualified applicants and it was a difficult decision.  Not a real answer in my opinion.

  4. Without going into too many details, my teen daughter recently applied to a particular organization (not a college or university.)  It was a competitive process but it's not a situation where hundreds of applications are received either.  She received an acceptance letter that required her to notify the organization that she accepts.  She followed through immediately.  We were all excited.  Three days later, she received a casually worded email stating a mistake had been made and she had not been accepted.  It was frustrating because three days had gone by during which time we believed she had been selected and told several friends and family.  The original acceptance had her name and other identifying information.


    After some serious, pointed discussions between myself and the representative, they have honored their offer.  I believe my daughter is well qualified, but we don't know how to proceed.  I don't want her to feel awkward because I don't know how she would be treated.  This is a unique opportunity that I would love for her to have, but I want it to work out well for her.  We would appreciate any advice or just a hug. We're both feeling sensitive right now so gentleness would be appreciated.  Thanks so much.


    ETA:  this is not a job or an academic program

  5. Thank you all so much for the advice.  I'm feeling better about looking for the right clothes for her.  We will be watching the weather forecast closely too!  D.C. weather sounds as crazy as Texas weather, except it gets colder.  Today we're in the 60s; by Monday the temperature will be in the 40s.  Borrowing some winter gear is a great idea.  I don't want to buy things that she won't be using much if at all again.  We're going shopping tonight.  Hopefully she'll find some great buys on sale!

  6. is she going to a pack AIP AC for Israel my daughter is attending as well and I'm wondering what the weather will be like that would be awesome if they were attending the same conference

    She's attending the National League of Cities as a youth delegate.  Is AIPAC the pro-Israel lobby? The conference sounds fascinating.  The NLC conference is March 7 - 11.   I hope your daughter has a wonderful experience.

  7. Layering makes sense, but I'm a fashion washout!  My 14yo can go into any store including thrift stores and fine amazing clothes.  My older daughter and I, not so much.  She's the way I am; comfort over fashion.  Unfortunately, she and my younger daughter have very different tastes.


    This trip came up unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago.  It's an amazing opportunity for her.  We have to scramble to find her affordable business casual clothes.  Most of her clothes consist of jeans and T shirts.


    We're thinking 2 pairs of nice dress pants, probably in black.  3 or 4 nice shirts in some color that she likes.  But after that, I'm lost.  What can we buy that can be layered maintaining a pulled together business casual look but isn't too expensive.  Also, she has jackets suitable to our changeable Texas weather, but her heavier coat isn't dressy.  Should we buy her a dress coat?  I'm thinking that the look of her coat won't matter very much.  I'm concerned that we'll have trouble finding appropriate clothes because some of the stores have swim suits on display!





  8. My 17 yo daughter is going to D.C. in March.  Since we live in Texas, I have no idea of what kind of clothes she should take.  I'm assuming a heavy coat just in case, along with something lighter.  She has to have some business casual clothes for a conference, but she wants to pack as lightly as possible.  Her activities will include attending a conference and some sightseeing including touring the White House.  Any advice would be very much appreciated.


    ETA:  spelling

  9. Traditional B&M college vs. Online college


    Question about Online Classes


    I guess your thread back in September didn't scare you off the online classes. 

    Actually, if I had remembered that I had asked the question back then, it would have made a difference.  All I can plead is old age and single working mom status.  My memory is a sieve!   This will likely be her last online class unless we have specific information about the class before hand!

  10. Honestly? I'd drop the class if it's not too late to take a W.


    If it needs explaining, it's easy to explain that you signed up for an online course and found out the format was really, really not a good idea.


    She has until next week to drop the class.  If she drops and wants to take the class again on campus, I will have to pay the tuition.  Fortunately, our CC is relatively inexpensive.  Originally, I thought the drop would count toward the 6 maximum number Texas allows students in Texas state universities and CCs to drop, but I discovered last night that dual credit students are exempt until they graduate from high school.  That's good.  We're still deciding the best course of action.   It's frustrating, but I would rather learn about these potential issues while she's dual credit, at least I guess I would.

  11. None whatsoever?  The instructor doesn't even give lectures or lessons via video?  So, essentially, you are paying for a Berlitz class with grading?  This is no way to teach a spoken foreign language, especially one as tonal as French.


    If this is the case, I'm guessing that it isn't the instructor's fault, but the college's fault for setting up the course like this, and I'd be very leery of any other online class from this institution.

    I agree!  Both my daughter and I have been surprised and disappointed in this class.  Thankfully, tuition is waived as part of the dual credit program.  College has changed so much since I graduated.  Other than some independent study programs, all classes were live.  I'm wondering if these types of online classes are an attempt to reduce costs for the school similar to teaching assistants actually teaching many undergraduate classes (in my day.)

    • Like 1
  12. Off topic, but what baffles me is: how can an online foreign language course possibly work? You can't learn a language without practicing conversation . Do they not speak and prepare dialogues with partners?


    Nope, there is no interaction with other students or with the instructor.  My daughter submits recordings of her reading passages but even with this, the instructor doesn't correct her pronunciation.  It's really weird!  I thought the class would be set up the way online high school language classes are with Landry and with the Potter's School.  Both of these programs have included ample time to work with partners and practice conversational skills.

  13. Does her syllabus state office hours when the teacher will be physically present? DS is taking an online class where the instructor only "appears" when he asks questions and to reply with grades/ comments on quizzes etc. Thankfully, she is very on the ball. She clearly states office hours in the syllabus that she sent via email to students.


    Good luck!

    The instructor doesn't have office hours listed in the syllabus.  It's a strange setup to me.  Your son's experience sounds similar which would be okay if my daughter's questions were being answered.

  14. When I was in college, there were no online classes so I'm having to rethink everything I'm been telling my daughters about college.  The textbook for this class is pretty good.  There are online exercises, some ear training and cultural videos.  It looks and feels as if it is prepackaged software to me, but I could be wrong.  I will suggest to my daughter that she write write short, direct emails to the instructor and hope for the best.  So, if the teacher doesn't teach, does she get paid on the same level as instructors that have live classes??  Next semester, I'm going to strongly recommend that my daughter take live classes and get a lot of feedback from other students.

  15. My daughter is taking French 1 online through our local community college as a dual credit class.  The instructor does not have regular office hours for face-to-face meetings nor is she available over the phone.  I actually didn't expect her to take phone calls.  She responds to emails quickly, but doesn't give thorough answers to questions.  My daughter missed several similar questions on a recent test.  The online tests show that an answer is wrong, but not the correct answer.  When she and I couldn't figure it out, she emailed the instructor.  The instructor's response was that my daughter's answer was wrong.  Duh... she knew that.  She had asked to better understand the correct answer so she could learn and not make the same mistake again.  I expected more instructor involvement in the class.    According to a some other students, many of the online classes have instructors that are missing in action from my perspective.   Now I'm curious, are most online college classes basically for independent study or are the instructors actively involved in teaching the class in some way or other?

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