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Posts posted by emzhengjiu

  1. during one prolonged unemployement stint - dh contacted them.  they turned us down.  we were the "wrong" religion.  I've heard similar from other people.

    I don't know about Medishare, but Samaritan Ministries requires a pastor's signature for membership and annual renewal.  I was a member of Samaritan Ministries for a year, but had trouble renewing because I was between churches at the time.  Christian Healthcare Ministries ask if you are a practicing Christian but doesn't require any outside verification.

  2. I'm a member of Christian Healthcare Ministry.  I like them better because pre-existing conditions can be covered under certain circumstances.  Prescriptions still are not though.

  3. Hmmmm, with ours, if we go to an in-network hospital and are admitted, we can't be billed out of network for anyone who sees us because once you are in the hospital system, you don't have any control of who works on you. The rules apply only for non-hospitalizations in which we are making our own appointments.


    Ds once had an out of network doc, but it was an emergency surgery at an in-network hospital so fully covered.


    I would call and ask a manager - don't settle for a customer service rep - of your insurance company, get that person's name and position in the company, and ask for a follow up email which you then never delete. This way if they say it's covered, they can't back track later, or they can try, but you have verifiable communication otherwise.

    I will call back and insist on talking with a manager. That's a great point! When I called the first time, I was told it was my responsibility to make sure that all labs, physicians, etc. were in network. That's almost impossible when you are hospitalized! We have a broken system, but at least the total out of pocket is capped. Still for me as a single mom, that cap looms large.

  4. Those of you that suggest talking with my daughter about her views on relationships are right.   I've tried and will continue to talk with her gently about relationships and the future.  I am  so concerned about her that it hurts.  I hope this young man changes for his own sake, but I just don't see that happening in the foreseeable future.  So much seems entrenched.  It's a tough place for a mom to be.  I love my daughter and want her to have healthy relationships, but I can't force it.   

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  5. Yeah I feel like I've read this situation before but maybe it's a common situation?

    Could be.  I posted once before about my daughter and this young man but not quite the same information.

  6. She's going to end up behaving like his mum, which is a particularly thankless job in adult relationships...


    I hope she stays "just friends."

    This is one of my fears!  I hope she stays just friends too.

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