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Posts posted by emzhengjiu

  1. We're fine. The tornado was a just a couple of miles east of us. My daughters and I along with our upstairs neighbor stayed in our bathroom during worse part of the storm. My neighbor is 7 months pregnant and her husband was at work. She felt safer with us than alone in her apartment.

  2. Such a weird subject for a moderator to post. Is this for ferreting out heated argument for the purpose of banning people or just the usual bizarre Americentric gun lust topic of the day?

    Wow! I'm just a "moderator" to help control spam not anything else. I live in the Dallas area and was very surpised to read the article this morning. It seems to me to be a valid topic for discussion except for the Trump part I suppose. That does seem political.

  3. I'm all for protesting, but I just don't see how this can be legal!  About a dozen armed protesters gathered at a mosque in Irving.  According to the report some of the protesters carried riffles or other long guns.  A couple of the protesters were masked.  Open carry is legal in Texas as it is in many states.  This seems less of a protest and more intimidation.  This is the first time I've heard of protesters openly carrying weapons.  If people with guns were outside my church I would be on the phone with 911 and be expecting a SWAT team to arrive.





    ETA:  The people attending the service at the mosque were told to ignore the protesters and thankfully nothing happened.


    ETA: I changed the title because the original was probably too inflammatory.  When I read the article early this morning, I was shocked and upset that protesters could openly carry guns.  

  4. How do we know this is legit? Sorry, no offense intended, but it sounds like you are wanting people to pay you directly based on your promise to pay Landry, and only then will we hear from Landry?


    You have only posted on WTM a few times, and at least three of the screen names you mentioned in your OP come up with No Results when searched on (chigurre, emzhengjju, stc).


    OklahomaGirl only joined yesterday and while her profile says she has two posts, I can't actually find them.


    Sorry, not trying to offend you, but does this sound kind of suspicious to anyone else?

    Just so you know I'm quite real and have no affliation with the OP. I would love an opportunity to participate in the promotion, but as I mentioned above I didn't notice the OP only had 16 posts.

  5. My daughter also said that this webpage has a lot of really good information and a list of what you'll need for about $25. They also offer paid lessons.




    She also said to practice with a normal ballpoint pen when you first start out, because many people are not familiar with the strokes and flurishes and it'll save a lot of expensive ink and clean up time!

  6. I'm not familiar with caligraphy pens, but my daughter started with a cheap set (I think the brand was Manuscript) from Hobby Lobby. She suggested for fountain pens to look for ones that have ink cartriges and refillable options. A wide veriety of nibs is nice because it gives you more options. She likes Pilot, but those run around $150, which is too much for a beginner. There are some Japanese caligraphy (disposable) fountain pens that she wants to buy but hasn't yet. She suggested looking at Jetpens website: http://www.jetpens.com/Calligraphy-Fountain-Pens/ct/2661


    She also said don't forget the pen ink cleaner, because many inks are waterproof and are really difficult to clean without pen cleaner.

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