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Posts posted by Hoot

  1. In response to a post a few weeks ago, I made this reply regarding the church:


    "...I'm so fed up with the commercialization of churches these days. They build these mega-churches that do nothing but feed their own egos. Why not small community churches where the pastor can actually know the names and faces of his parishioners and the debt is manageable or non-existent? Or, even better, why not house churches? What's wrong with a dozen families meeting in each others' homes or a park? This is the kind of church I'm looking for. I actually quit going to our "home" church a few years ago because I'm fed up with this mega-church, bigger is better commercialization mentality within the church. DH doesn't like that I've stopped going but I can't in good conscience go where I feel that the pastor is so self-absorbed."


    It got me thinking, WHY am I not looking for a church like this? WHY am I just choosing to sit home and worship by myself instead of finding what I really desire. So, my question is, how would I go about finding a small HOME-based church setting like described in red above? I'm not interested in the building and the politics that goes along with that, just genuine PEOPLE in an authentic setting.

  2. I've been asked by one of DH's co-workers to pet-sit her two rats in my home for 18 days. While I own rats of my own, I have no idea what to charge.


    The service would include daily food/water, cage cleaning and an hour of out-of-cage time per day.


    What would you charge? If you have pet rats or other rodents, what would you expect to pay?


    Edited to add: I'm actually looking to get into this sort of thing - pet-sitting, dog walking etc. - as a business.

  3. LOL, if it does, it makes me one too. I'm sensitive to homeschoolers that make the rest of us look bad and don't want to be associated with them.




    I find myself justifying my choice to homeschool to my family because they saw my step-mom bumble it up so spectacularly with my siblings. I feel like I have to add a clause that says, "no I WON'T screw it up like she did" because that's the only homeschool experience that any of my family has been privy to.


    As for the original post, that would bug me too but I would still join. Use them for what they have to offer and leave the rest at the door. You're not there to make friends or, heaven forbid take over the newsletter, you're there to take advantage of a service for your child.

  4. We do and we're doing Ancients - Reformation this year. All of our read-aloud selections won't be related to history but many of them will. I have a list of supplementary lit. for the year but some will end up being independent reading, some read-alouds and some ditched altogether.


    Adam and His Kin


    Cat of Bubastes

    Riddle of the Rosetta Stone


    Mara, Daughter of the Nile

    Tales of ANcient Egypt

    D'Aulaire's Greek Myths

    Mythology by Hamilton

    The Story of the Greeks

    Aesop's Fables

    Black Ships Before Troy

    The Iliad

    Wanderings of Odysseus

    The Odyssey

    Archimedes and the Door of Science

    Oedipus Rex

    Augustus Caesar's World

    Story of the ROmans

    Young Carthaginian

    Bronze Bow

    D'Aulaire's Norse Myths

    Famous Men of the Middle Ages

    Story of the Middle Ages

    King Arthur and His Knights

    King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table

    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight


    The Apple and the Arrow


    Adam of the Road

    Robin Hood

    Canterbury Tales

    Joan of Arc

    Trumpeter of Krakow

    Tales from the Thousand and One Nights

    Bard of Avon

    I, Juan de Pereja


    Leonardo da Vinci


    Three Musketeers

    Story of the Renaissance and Reformation

    Whipping Boy

    Romeo and Juliet

    By Pike and Dyke

    Don Quixote

    Morning Star of the Reformation

    Hawk That Dare Not Hunt by Day

    Prince and the Pauper

  5. I love this idea. If I were you I would start packing that stuff away NOW and get moving. And think of it this way, if it's not working out, you can always bail at any point and go back to Hawaii. If you don't do it you'll always wonder what it would have been like.

  6. In the beginning, yes. When I first started eating RAW I was hungry all. the. time. I wouldn't leave the house without an "emergency banana." Eventually, my body leveled off and I was eating a little more normally again. However, you need to understand that healthy foods like raw fruits and vegetables go through you much quicker than denser foods. It takes way more to fill you up. A 2 1/2 C. salad is SO not enough if that's the bulk of your meal. It is not unusual for me to sit down and eat 5 - 6 apples for breakfast, an entire cantaloupe or a whole HEAD of lettuce made into a salad. Don't limit yourself on the raw fruits and veggies.

  7. I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled at the same time under local anesthetic. The worst part for me was that the dental surgeon numbed my cheek a little too high up, which in turn numbed my eyelid. I couldn't blink with that eye for HOURS. :D The pain was not bad at all and I didn't even use anything stronger than regular Tylenol on the first day. I was pretty tired when I got home, though I was able to talk and laugh normally.


    The second day I was able to eat softer things and drink just fine. By the third day everything was completely normal. The dentist warned me about "dry socket" and I had a minor freak-out moment where I thought I had it, but when I went in for him to check he said I didn't.


    The one major inconvenience, besides the numbed cheek, was that I had an infant at home and wasn't allowed to lift over 5 lbs. for the first 48 hrs. My MIL came and took care of DS that second day so I didn't have to pick him up.

  8. I am Native American and some of the things I have read about A beka makes me uncomfortable. I tend not to buy anything from companies if they do things like I have read about their history materials. It makes it hard for me to take a curriculum company seriously.


    Early American Christians did a lot of evil things. I can't teach my child that they were directed or excused by God for those actions.




    Not only that, A Beka is SOOOOOOO phenomenally boring. I was a paraprofessional at a Christian school last year and they used A Beka for EVERYTHING. I particularly remember the readers being wrist slittingly dull. DS13 didn't mind the history and science texts in the upper grades but he would have preferred to just read straight through them.

  9. What's there to plan? What were you doing before?


    I like to use book lists for inspiration, but other than that I haven't planned. I let my kids pick some books and I pick others. Some we read together. Some are read aloud. Some are just read for fun. A few we talk about. That's been it.




    And some we will end up skipping completely for time's sake. The only lit. we have planned are the 2 lit. guides that DS will be doing. All the rest is just supplementary and we will wing it.

  10. Yes, we use our DVD player because we have Netflix and own many movies. We also have an excellent library system; however, I have to say that most of the movies from the library are in horrible condition. People have ZERO respect for things these days. I mean, a library DVD should not look like it has had soda, snot, and a set of car keys rubbed on it. Now that I think about it though, the educational DVDs and documentaries are usually fine. :tongue_smilie:

  11. Uggh I truly wish I could get rid of every screen in the house but DH will absolutely not have it. He is completely addicted to tv and background noise.


    Our problem has never really been tv though; I've always had a strict leash on that with DS. Here it is absolutely no tv during the week unless it is intentional. There is no channel surfing or junk watching. DS might watch a history, weather or baseball show but only with prior permission. We utilize the DVR a LOT. On the weekends we have a pizza and movie night and on Sunday we typically watch America's Funniest Home Videos together after dinner. DH and I are another story. The man cannot be in a room with a tv without it being on. :001_rolleyes:


    The problem arises with video games. I held my ground for a LONG time that we would have none in the house. Then, when the Wii came out DH begged to buy one for our anniversary. We all enjoyed it for a little while. Then, it started. DS wanted a PS3. Again, I held my ground for a year against DH and DS before finally caving. Now we have the iPods, laptops, Vita, Wii, PS3, N64, Sega Dreamcast, XBox and I don't even know what else. (DH likes to buy older systems when we go thrift shopping :glare:) DS13 is ALWAYS asking to, "just play for an hour." Or, "if I do ____ can I play?" I don't understand this because I've been very strict about screen time with this from day one as well. He gets to play on Saturday mornings while DH and I go thrift shopping and on the rare occasion that he has a friend sleep over. That. Is. It. And yet he still asks... all the time. :banghead: I think I'm going to start doling out chores for every time he asks. :D

  12. Well, to be honest.....we've thought about it a few times. Just watch yourself Crissy....we have our eye on you....




    That must be why my ears have been burning. It's all those secret meetings behind closed doors. I know what you're up to. :glare:

  13. DH and I were in the car driving home one night several years ago. We stopped at a red light and suddenly something bizarre flew over our car. It was relatively low-flying, black, fairly quiet, slow-ish in speed and triangular in shape. We BOTH saw it but neither of us had ever seen anything like it before. We're close enough to an air force base so it could have been something military (and probably was), but we never did find anything in the paper or online about it in the area. It kind of weirded us both out though.

  14. We are doing Streams of Civilization this year at DS13's request. I already had it as a supplement for Geography. I was PLANNING on doing MOH but when DS saw them both he LOVED Streams of Civilization. He was kind of ambivalent about MOH.


    It seems like there aren't many people doing Streams though, which is a bummer.


    Personally, I am glad that DS chose Streams. I didn't love that MOH seemed to skim over a LOT of ancient history in favor of doing just the Biblical history. In addition to that, I really wasn't a fan of the activity book. It just felt too juvenile with lots of hands-on projects and stuff. DS would just not go for that and I would hate it. As for Human Odyssey, I haven't seen it - only previews online - but I really liked the look of it. The only thing I didn't like was that it was secular. Actually, I'm thinking that I'll get H.O. just to read through as a supplement if I can find it cheap enough.

  15. Welcome!


    I'm Crissy and I'm a mom to one also. I really don't follow the classical method either but I find that this is the best homeschooling forum out there. How cool that you guys get to travel so much. And, to be a travel agent too! I'm a little jealous. :tongue_smilie:


    Jump right in; I did and they haven't kicked me out yet.

  16. I don't use Sonlight, so I can't comment there, but I have MapTrek, and it is really nice, and a very large set of maps. It also includes blank map grids of different types. The ancient set has a lot of Christianity based maps, which you can use or ignore based upon your own preferences, just FYI.


    It works well, is easy to navigate, has a clear table of contents, and has a wide array of maps for various time periods.


    Hope that helps!






    I just purchased this to correlate to Streams of Civilization for this year and I would agree with Jen. The maps are really great and I love that everything is already coordinated to the correct lessons for me. That was the primary reason that I spent the money; I didn't want to do the leg-work myself. :tongue_smilie:

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