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Posts posted by Hoot

  1. Ooooh I have one of these jars on my desk. Here's what I have:




    • Weed under the front yard trees.
    • Clean downstairs windowsills. (another for upstairs)
    • Wash downstairs windows. (another for upstairs)
    • Clean downstairs baseboards (another for upstairs)
    • Sweep basement.
    • Weed ALL garden beds. (this would take FOREVER at our house.)
    • Copy the book of Psalms for 15 min.
    • Vacuum the upstairs.
    • Weed vegetable garden.
    • Run 1 mile.
    • Clean all light switches and door handles.
    • Clean showers.
    • Empty all of your clothing drawers, fold and replace neatly.
    • Clean bathroom cabinet faces. (3 bathrooms)
    • Clean kitchen cabinet faces.
    • Clean all toilets.
    • Clean 2 toilets.
    • Clean 1 toilet.
    • Sweep front porch and sidewalk.
    • Go to the woods and move every stone and brick to the other side of the compost bin in a nice, neat pile. (We have a pile of bricks and stones that have been moved to this spot until we can figure out what to do with them. Sometimes boys just need to do some HARD manual labor and this gets the job done. It's a lot like digging a hole and then refilling it. ;))
    • Clean all doors and doorknobs.
    • Take a 30 min. nap.
    • I love you and want the best for you. This is your MERCY card. Choose something from the "Fun Break!" jar instead.


  2. Even though we've been doing "School Lite" over the summer, tomorrow is officially our first day of 8th grade. :001_huh: I'm making orange cinnamon roll waffles for breakfast, and then once we've finished working I'll take DS out to lunch and to the pool. We're starting out slow so we should be done by noonish.


    Who else is starting tomorrow and do you have anything "fun" planned?

  3. Send them to ME. :D

    Figs are my FAVORITE fruit. I just spent $12 on 3 teeny tiny boxes of them at the farmer's market and I can eat at least a full box in one sitting. I've been known to eat figs and only figs for a full day. I don't do anything with them though; just eat them fresh and raw.


    What type of figs do you grow? I have 2 Brown Turkeys that I planted last year and I've got about a dozen fruit on them right now. I'm just waiting for the day when mine are overloaded. :drool:

  4. I might be in the minority here, but I don't feel like everything has to culminate into an essay, even in the upper grades. Maybe if he does very little writing, an essay wouldn't be a bad choice, but I think there's still room for creativity outside of the pen and paper in the upper grades. Is there something specific that interested him in the book? Is there an area of outside interest that you could tie in somehow? Architecture, drawing, painting, creative writing, performing arts etc.?



    • If he's into performing arts or film making, he could write a script for a scene in the book and act it out. At this age it should be of a higher quality than just some little kids playing with a video camera. There should be thought given to the set, costumes, style of language etc. to give it some authenticity.


    • Maybe he's into mythology or drawing and could create an encyclopedia of creatures found in the story. Have it bound into an actual book when he's finished.
    • If he's into video games he could create his own Hobbit game based on the adventures in the story. The story-line in the game should mimic that of the book and thus indicate his level of understanding.
    • If he likes to paint, perhaps painting a scene from the story, his interpretation of Middle Earth or his favorite character would be fun.
    • Maybe he likes board games and would like creating his own high-quality game based on the book. I could see basing it on a game like Monopoly or Jeopardy.
    • If he likes computers, perhaps he could build a website of some sort.
    • If he likes to cook, he might like to come up with a menu for a Middle-Earth inspired night, invite some friends and/or family and cook a meal based on hobbit recipes. A quick search for "hobbit recipes" will give him plenty to work with.
    • Or maybe he likes creative writing and would like to write some Hobbit Fanfic.
    • For an ambitious artist, he could turn the book into a comic book.

    In the past, DS13 has used coloring book pictures added to his own original scenes to create storyboards for stop-motion videos. He has also used blocks, Legos, plastic characters and a variety of extra stuff along with his own set design to recreate entire books and stories on video, complete with music, editing etc. This was all on his own and turned out INCREDIBLY well. Ask your son if he has a project idea.

  5. DS got out of the shower this morning and said that he saw a black thing on his leg and, assuming it was fuzz he tried to flick it off. When he looked back later he noticed it was still there and pulled it off. My assumption is tick but he said he didn't see legs and none of the pictures looked like it. The spot is red with a definite bite like mark in the center. There is no bulls eye or radiating lines. He just spent a week with my in-laws in the country where they went hiking in the woods. Is there anything I should do or do I just wait and watch?

  6. DS13 was an amazing sleeper. He was born 5 weeks early and jaundiced and he could sleep through anything. He slept hours and hours on end for the first couple of months. Within the first week he had gotten himself on a schedule and slept through the night. He still had occasional bouts where he would wake up once during the night to eat but more often than not, it was just me waking up to CHECK on him. :tongue_smilie:

  7. The question becomes ... how can we protect our families from this contamination on our fresh fruits and veggies? What are reasonable precautions, and what's over the top? (Not that I would ever be "over the top" or anything.:D)


    Grow your own or buy from small, local farmers. Refuse to support big agribusiness companies that put the almighty dollar before the health and safety of their customers.

  8. Well, I would agree with you but I'm also in the waffling stage right now so I'm sure that doesn't hold much weight. :glare: I bought and love the look of WWS for DS13 too. The problem here is, he's already signed up to do IEW U.S. History Based Writing Lessons. We are starting Monday and I can't decide if I want to do BOTH or just skip WWS. It's driving me a little batty.

  9. You can track by attendance. I was wanting the same thing and finally figured it out last week. Go to the "Scholaric" page. "Goal Tracking" and click on that line that say "Total Hours" rename it "Total Days" then on the right top under the star where it says measure hours, click it and choose the "metric type" you want: hours, lessons, days auto by hours, or days auto by lessons. I have it set on days auto by lessons so whenever I check off at least one lesson done that day it counts it as a day completed.


    Oooh thanks! That's perfect.




    I believe this is coming soon.







    You can automatically put in days off and holidays and when you schedule it will skip those days. Go to lesson planning and then click the arrow by the date and choose "calendar" and then "vacation, or holiday" and it will automatically skip those days. Now if you already have something scheduled it won't reschedule it, but it will skip it if it is done before you schedule.


    I did figure out that you could put in days off and holidays, but not until after I had already entered our lessons. Good to know that it will skip those days if I do it the other way around next time.




    You can schedule a field trip under the date as an "event."


    I figured that. I guess I just wanted to be able to compile a report of all of the field trips for the year in one document at the end of the year. Not a big deal though.



    Oh and you can print the scheduling/calendar grid. Just go to file print on your computer and it is set up to print the grid. Or you can press ctrl P. This was a new feature added recently.


    Good to know. I'll try that. Will it also print the notes that way, or just what is listed on the lesson planning grid?

  10. When we homeschooled for Pre-K and K I used the free download for Homeschool Tracker. I liked it well enough, but it looks like it has changed a bit. Also, we need a bit more now that DS will be headed into high school soon.


    Since then, I've tried paper & pencil; which was a disaster. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and the handwriting was never neat, I was constantly flipping back and forth between weeks to check on things that weren't finished yet and there was NEVER enough space to write.


    Then I tried Skedtrack. The automatic rescheduling feature sounded good to me and it was free so I went ahead and started entering lessons. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if we weren't dependent on a co-op for a few of our classes. Obviously, the work for those classes must be done by a certain date in order to be turned in to the teacher. If Skedtrack reschedules them, we have a big problem.


    I've looked into most of the planners that were suggested and here's what I determined:



    • Well-Planned Day - It's pretty but that seems like about all it has going for it right now. It seems like it has the potential to be great, but nearly everyone is complaining about how buggy it is. I really don't want to sink $65 into something that may or may not work.
    • Homeschool Tracker Basic - I actually downloaded this and played around with it a bit; however, whenever I would go to enter plans it would give me error messages. Not really having a ton of time to mess around with it, I abandoned that quickly and moved on.
    • Homeschool Tracker Plus - Pretty much everyone I asked said that if I disliked the Basic version for any reason, that I shouldn't bother with Plus. I looked at it a bit, determined that I didn't want to spend $5 just to try it (how silly is that?) and definitely not $50 for the year.
    • Homeschool Tracker Online - This I really liked the looks of. I watched the videos and read all of the information. SO many people said that there was quite a learning curve to the HST Online program. The $60 price tag made me a little leery of trying it this year simply because I don't have the TIME to deal with a learning curve. This is one I may consider for next year.
    • Planbook Edu - This seemed like it would be a good program just to hold my lessons; however, it didn't handle grading, generating reports etc. so it didn't seem worth the time or money.
    • Scholaric - My first impression of Scholaric was, "ooh this is UGLY." :lol: Seriously, there is nothing pretty about it. However, it is beyond simple and the price couldn't be better. I can deal with ugly. And, since I only have one child, it's just $1 a month. I also loved that the preview period was FREE! I really just didn't understand the reasoning behind HST charging $5 to preview their products. I started playing around with the free sample and before I knew it, I had entered our ENTIRE YEAR. It was so easy that I had everything switched from Skedtrack AND the subjects that I hadn't gotten to yet entered into Scholaric on their specific days. I wish that they offered attendance tracking rather than strictly tracking by hours. I also wish they offered weighted grading, a way to automatically put in days off, holidays etc. (and then skip them when auto scheduling), lesson printing in a calendar format, field trip scheduling, book list and such. However, its ease of use won over all of the little things that I wish it did. The lesson planning, grade recording and report card generating are the most important aspects that I need from an online planner right now, and Scholaric seems to do its job well. So, that is what I chose for now. Everything is entered and we are ready to go for Monday. I can't tell you what a relief that is. Thanks for all your help, guys. :001_smile:

  11. That makes sense. I guess my big hurdle will be training my family to learn that "10 blocks of cheese" does not equal "cheese party!" I gave up trying to buy in bulk a while ago because it just encouraged everyone to eat more and didn't save me any money. (I can't just keep stuff "up high" because dh is the main offender! :glare:) It really sounds like that is my only option, though, so I'm going to give it another try.


    Thank you!


    I wouldn't just tell them that it is supposed to last X number of months; I would literally Sharpie the month onto each item. If you have 10 blocks of cheese that are supposed to last 5 months then write on each block:


    Jan. 1-14

    Jan. 15-31




    Same with chips or cereal or whatever else. This is a visual reminder of what is available during any given time.

  12. Breakfast

    (DS) blueberry bagel w/cream cheese $1

    (DH) cheerios, blueberries, grapes & Greek yogurt $2

    (ME) raw oatmeal w/almond milk, chopped banana & blueberries $1



    (DS) 2 waffles w/apple butter, 1/4 yellow watermelon, apple cider doughnut $1.50

    (DH) Chicken salad wrap, sliced veggies & dip $2

    (ME) 1/4 yellow watermelon, raw vegan walnut "burger" on tortilla w/spinach, mustard and garden tomatoes $2



    (DS) ? He left to stay with the grandparents for the week.

    (DH) Fish tacos, garden veggies & soup $3.00

    (ME) Zucchini pasta w/spinach sauce & garden tomatoes $1


    Generously, $13.50 for the day for the 3 of us.

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