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Posts posted by Hoot

  1. DS13 and I recently watched it. I think content-wise it would be fine for your DS; however, my DS and I both found it mind numbingly dull. If your DS liked the book, I guess maybe he will like the movie. My DS is very into sports, likes older movies and prefers non-fiction to fiction; however, he found this one to be very ho hum and boring. As one other poster mentioned, it can be hard to keep the characters straight because there are so many extraneous people.

  2. Perhaps next weekend you can take the kids and leave hm a list of things he needs to have done before you return. :001_smile:


    Hahaha! Honestly, that wouldn't be a big deal here. DH does NOT know how to sit and relax. He is constantly in motion. I think he just thinks that everyone should be like him. In the summer he's outside all day (when he's home) mowing grass, picking weeds, working in the yard and garden etc. In the winter on his Fridays off when I was working, he would clean the house. As for me, I tend to be productive when he's gone but I do it QUICKLY. I usually bum around, goof off, do my own thing and then an hour or two before they're supposed to be home I get all the cleaning done. I just can't seem to do it the other way around. :tongue_smilie:

  3. Honestly I would be the one scheduling housework or schoolwork for that time. But I am very goal oriented and have a hard time meeting my goals with the kids around. So while I would set some time apart for a nap or for reading a cozy mystery, I would primarily be trying to get some serious cleaning or planning done.


    I am a lot like that too, Jean. I do tend to be somewhat productive, when I have time to myself because I don't like clutter and I need to be relatively organized in order to get things done. Having only one kid though, I tend to do just fine getting things done with him here. Actually, I tend to do more because he is able to help. :D


    Today I was particularly motivated to get things clean since DS will be away all week and I will have the house to myself while DH is at work. I don't want to think about regular housework unless I have to.

  4. When your husband takes the kid(s) out for the day, do you consider it a day off for yourself?


    When DH takes DS13 out for the day, DH seems to think that's my time to get housework done uninterrupted. :001_huh: To me, that is time for ME. Like today, DH and DS went to a baseball game. They've been gone since 10:30 this morning. DH's last words before he walked out the door were things he wanted me to do while he was gone. Not major things and nothing that would take an enormous amount of time; however, I find it irritating that he thinks just because I'm stuck home, I should be cleaning or doing something "useful." His first words once he's in the door are usually, "so what did you do today?" Not in a mean way, but he seems sort of put off if I don't mention having done something constructive.


    ETA: I should say, I really don't have a problem standing up for myself if/when I feel like his opinions are over the line. He knows that if I feel like he's being intrusive or controlling, I'll bust out a 'tude. :tongue_smilie: Mostly, I'm just interested to know if you or your DH have any sort of spoken or unspoken expectation on how you use your time when he and the kids aren't around or if it's strictly whatever you want it to be.

  5. I thought I was set with Skedtrack. I loved the idea of it at first even if it wasn't perfect. Now that I'm entering in some other subjects, I'm realizing just how limited it really is. I H.A.T.E. that I can't enter in assignments by date. There are some things that simply MUST be done on a certain day and some that don't need to be done on a specific day but within a certain week. If I just enter these assignments using Skedtrack and check it with the "predict dates" function (a rather clunky but doable solution) there is still the issue that, if we happen to get behind in a subject, those items that NEED to be static are going to roll over to a later date. I then run the risk of forgetting about them and not getting them done in time because Skedtrack rescheduled them.


    So, what I'm looking for is a program that:



    • is either online or downloadable to my laptop
    • allows for specifically dated work and rolling plans (or maybe just the ability to input everything at once but then only SCHEDULE it in small chunks of say 2 weeks at a time)
    • will allow me to input grades and generate report cards, attendance etc.
    • DS can access and check off as "done" as he goes through his subjects daily
    • isn't ridiculously expensive
    • is easy to use

    While not necessary, and certainly not a deal-breaker it would be an extra bonus if I could also:




    • plan meals
    • plan outings & field trips
    • add reading lists
    • add volunteer hours & extra programs that he's participated in throughout the year

    Since I've already input most of our plans into Skedtrack (with the exception of the co-op syllabi) AND we start school in a week, I'm hesitant to sink money and more time into something that will end up not working or will take an incredible amount of time to learn.




    What says the Hive? Does my ideal exist?

  6. Yes, I do. My kids are aware that this is a derogatory word and not to be used, but that it was used in the time the books were written. The word signifies a whole attitude, and this attitude is central to certain books. So, we read them as they have been written. I do not really understand why I would avoid offending words when offending attitudes are themes in a book. Slavery in itself is much more offensive than the mere word.



    This is my opinion exactly. DS13 has read some books with the n word and has always understood that it is not appropriate to speak that way, but was used in a derogatory fashion in the past.

  7. I'd first assume that either I didn't actually post it, or that FB lost it. Occasionally, it will take a few hours to show up too.


    Has it happened more than once? One more than one person's board? If so, they might have taken your comments as bashing regardless of your intent.


    No, I'm positive that it was deleted. It showed up yesterday, it notified me when there were "likes" etc. Then, this morning I was notified that there was another post on the thread but mine was gone. She has deleted others that she hasn't agreed with in the past, though I don't think it was any of mine.


    You're right, some people just want to be agreed with and overwhelmingly, that's what she was getting. I just offered my own view, which is markedly different, and she clearly didn't want it there. The part that bugs me is that there were people responding to me and THIS was my reply to THEM; now it just looks like I'm the one who turned tail and ran without responding. KWIM? It's really not the end of the world though, and it certainly won't ruin my day. :D It's just FB after all.

  8. Seriously, online I have time to think about what I'm going to say, possibly refer to the dictionary or thesaurus on my choice of words. I can research cool facts about a subject within minutes. However, in person I'm quiet, a little self conscience, and at times feel awkward and don't know what to say.


    Online I'm bold, bright, opinionated, and extroverted. In reality I'm shy, quiet, and introverted. I'll get on FB and talk to everyone about anything. Put me in a room with the same people and I just take it all in and observe. I do best when I know people well and it's a 1 or 2 person group. Then I'll talk, but I'm not able to support my thoughts as well without my resources.


    Am i strange? Anyone else feel they have an online alter ego or vastly different personality?


    Just thinking out loud.


    Not strange. This is me EXACTLY!

  9. I'm thinking Facebook here. Does it bug you when people post something on their own wall that is relatively controversial, yet when you respond with a well thought out opinion of your own (mind you, NOT bashing the OP and stating up front that you respect their opinion) they up and delete it?


    I get that it's their own personal wall and they can do what they like; however, it just seems so childish. Like, I can't think of any intelligent response so I'm just going to delete your opinion like it never happened.


    Does this bug anyone else?

  10. I always call people by the name they introduce themselves as or the name they say they prefer but really, it doesn't bother ME. My son, Quentin, gets called every name in the book - Wintin, Clinton, Quint, Clint... And then there are the nicknames - Q-minator, Q-tip, Q-T-Pie, Q-Man. My name is Crissy and I have ALWAYS had a hard time with it. People either spell it Chrissy or think it's short for Christina or Christine. I even had a lady insist once that it MUST be short for something when I wrote it on some official document. Honestly, it doesn't bother me. We even joke that we answer to pretty much anything. :tongue_smilie: Oh, and we have lived in our home for 15 yrs. and our neighbors have lived here longer. We talk with the man next door ALL the time and yet he STILL calls my son Brandon. :lol:


    Last year there was an Anastasia in my class. She was introduced as Anastasia, but on all of her papers she would write Ana. Assuming that's what she preferred to be called, I started calling her Ana. Well, mom flipped. her. wig. She came in and positively snapped, saying that if she wanted her daughter called Ana, she would have named her Ana... and on and on. I seriously didn't get the big deal.

  11. Thanks everyone! Since this is DH's co-worker, I asked for an assessment of her as a person and then asked him to ask her frankly what kind of arrangement she has had in the past. Some people are less "animal freak" than others, if that makes sense. :D Some people are just looking for the equivalent of 3 hots and a cot, while others want and are willing to pay for the best care available. Because I want to break into this business and it is one business where word of mouth is KEY, I didn't want to lose the possibility of the job due to over or under charging. Now that I've done a little more research with other small-animal sitters online and talked to this woman about some things, I have a better handle on what would be appropriate to charge across the board.


    I had a number in my head going into this; however, as it turns out the standard rate is more than double it. :001_huh: THIS is why it is good to ask. :tongue_smilie: Veterinary boarding is at least $20/day for rats, if not more. Most independent sitters charge $8 - $15/day depending on location. This woman is used to paying $10/day, which is within the average range. I'm really hoping that this is my "in" and I can build a client base from here.

  12. I guess maybe I should clarify a little more. My personal conviction is that THE church should look a little more like a house church - not perfection, just small groups of people getting together, learning the Bible, physically BEING the hands and feet of Jesus and BEING in each others' lives in a REAL and informal way. Our large church does have house churches, but that's not what I'm looking for. Everything the house churches do are tied back to the "mother," all decisions, activities etc. I don't want to be affiliated with any church or denomination, just genuine REAL people searching for Jesus. I don't necessarily want to sit and listen, uninvolved, while one man stands up and "teaches" me all I need to know about God.


    If you're familiar with the blogger Bohemian Bowmans, her ideals are very similar to my own.

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