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Everything posted by HomeOnTheRanch

  1. LOL! He just discovered an error in his Precalc book. He couldn't get the problem to work out right so he checked the solution manual and saw that the problem in the book was missing a sign. Oops. Hmmm...perhaps he should be an editor.
  2. When he took the PSAT he gave his email address for colleges to contact him. He's gotten quite a few, but the subject line of one from today made him laugh. He's not interested. ;) ETA: I actually had to read it twice to catch the error, so I don't blame the sender too much.
  3. Hi, thanks for your replies. I thought I would throw in an update. I just kept on with it. I constantly asked him if he needed to go and put him on the toilet after meals. Yesterday (3 weeks after starting) he FINALLY started telling me (sign language...he speaks very few words) that he needed to go. He has stayed clean and dry for several days, but I am very relieved that yesterday and today it is because he has told us rather than us asking him. The next step is getting him to actually go on his own instead of insisting that someone accompany him, but hey, I'll take it!
  4. What's up with this?? I started training my 2yo (28.5 months) a week ago Monday. Prior to that he had shown interest and would sit and pee on his potty occasionally. Last Monday I blockaded the two of us in the kitchen and 1/2 bath area and did the training with the doll that wets based on the Toilet Training in Less Than a Day method. I checked that book out of the library for my 1st, laughed, used it, was amazed it worked, and bought it to use with the 2nd. Somewhere along the line I've lost (permanently loaned?) the book, but I've used the method for all of the others. We stayed in the kitchen 3 mornings straight (nap after lunch). He will go to his potty chair or the toilet (he can use both fine) ONLY when I tell him to. He won't choose to go to keep his undies dry. I'll ask him if he's wet/dry and he always answers dry. I'll tell him to feel. At that point, if he's wet, he'll go to the toilet and change, go pee more, etc. The bewildering part is he stays completely dry during his afternoon nap (since we've started training--1 1/2-2 1/2 hrs) and at night (the last 4 in a row--10 hours). He refuses to have diapers put on him now. I use undies with plastic pants (both easily removable by him) during the day and pull-ups at night for extra absorbency if needed (as I've said, they've been dry the last 4 nights). The only times he has ever indicated to me that he needs to go pee without me asking is during church (HA! 3x!) and after he's been tucked in bed. Those times he didn't do much and wanted to play with the toilet paper, etc. OK. I've been a mom for many years. I know that those times it was more "fun" to go to the toilet. With a newborn and homeschooling 4 others, I can't make life "un-fun" for him forever, can I? Any thoughts? I've never experienced this before. I've tried food bribery, etc., but nothing seems to work! :confused:
  5. We used the Potty Pager. Worked great! It took about a week. We bought it for DS#2 when he was about 4. We used it again for DS#3 when he was 3. Then we had to use it again for DS#2 a few years later when he started wetting again (later found out he has many food allergies--may be related). ETA: Just went to the PP website. Wow! $75? I think it was only about $45 when we bought ours, but that about 8+ years ago.
  6. We used the Potty Pager. Worked great! We bought it for DS#2 when he was about 4. We used it again for DS#3 when he was 3. Then we had to use it again for DS#2 a few years later when he started wetting again (later found out he has many food allergies--may be related).
  7. Yesterday & today we watched all 36 10-minute installments of Victorian Farm. Any other kid-friendly, educational, and fun videos on YouTube? I liked this one because I just had to press the button to go to the next one. It provided hours of fascination.
  8. Thank you! He has 4-5 different colleges/universities that he is seriously considering. One gives full tuition to finalists and 2 give partial scholarships. Admission to any of them wouldn't be a problem. He just needs to narrow down his choice of majors to see how to rank the colleges. Right now I'm just concerned about completely fulfilling all the recommendations and other requirements for the scholarship. One of the universities is where DH attended seminary. DS was born there and we moved when he was 2. I'm getting all teary-eyed thinking about it. He's grown up too fast!
  9. DS is a junior and he did quite well on the PSAT (235). We've been told to assume a scholarship. I've looked at the NM website, and I pretty much understand what it says, but I want to make sure to fill in any gaps. Classes: Other than music lessons, 100% of his instruction has come from me. We were planning on him taking cc calculus next school year, but will that be too late? We could probably work out a cc class (statistics is available 2 nights/week) starting in January, but we were planning on taking a few weeks for a college tour, and that would make a cc class difficult to schedule. EDIT: I meant to say that he hasn't had any AP type classes. Although his coursework includes precalc, chemistry, etc., the cc calculus would be the most rigorous. Another option would be an online course. Is there anything in particular that would help him more or less? Teacher Recommendations: No outside classes=no teachers other than me. How should/could this be handled? I'm sure I'll think of more questions. Is there a dedicated site or board for parents/students to ask questions? Although I *know* his 235 is exceptional, it hasn't quite hit me yet. Mostly I'm relieved I didn't ruin him academically. This was his first standardized test and I was a wee bit nervous. :bigear:
  10. So far DS16 (now in pre-calc.) has been getting by with my old Casio (hey, it is a piece of history) and online calculators. He's been looking at all the TI models, but we're a bit overwhelmed at the choices. Which calculator should he get to carry him on through college? His current interests extend to engineering, but a future major is completely up in the air.
  11. UPDATE: DH contacted the bank, but opted not to do a stop payment. They told him if it was cashed by someone who wasn't the intended recipient then the police could get involved, etc. The cost of doing a stop payment vs. the amount of the check was such that he decided to just wait and see what happened. Last week he brought home an envelope from the USPS. The ZIP on the envelope was from the city of our nearest USPS hub. They returned the check AND the card. I was stunned that we got the card back. They must have still been together. :001_smile:
  12. It is nice to hear it can be normal! I had never heard of such a thing. My 5 previous babes all spit up. One was very colicky and I had to completely revamp my diet due to allergy issues with #5. It is such relief to have such an easy baby...and she slept for 6 hours straight last night :001_smile:.
  13. I'm not complaining, but I do find it intriguing. When DD was given her first bath in the hospital hours after her birth, she screamed the whole time. After the bath was over, she spit up a lot all over her nice fresh clothes and bedding. Heh. The nurse re-bathed her and we took her back to the room where she promptly gagged and spit up again all over the bedding. We took her back to the nursery where another nurse used a syringe and tube to get some more bloody gunk out of her tummy. Since that time 2 weeks ago, SHE HAS NOT SPIT UP! At least not enough to come out of her mouth. Sometimes when she burps (and she can belch like a sailor!) it sounds like she has spit up, but she swallows and there is nothing that comes out of her mouth. She is growing and getting plenty of wet/dirty diapers, so I know she is getting enough to eat, but I'm not accustomed to walking around with a newborn and no spit rag. DH still insists on using a spit rag. He says the first time she spits up will be all over him!
  14. Son #3 showed DH a rash on his stomach last night. DH asked me if he'd ever been vax'd for chickenpox. I got out the shot records and he has had all his shots. DH isn't 100% sure it is chickenpox (he is an MD), but said it does look like the beginning of it. All the older kids have been vax'd, so hopefully it will be mild if they do get it. 2yo ds has only had tetanus vax due to his extensive allergy issues. I think 12 day old baby should be ok with her immunity from me, right? Ugh. NOT what I want to deal with at the moment! DS16 is supposed to take the PSAT this week and..and...and...too many other things to do!
  15. Thank you, everyone! We are enjoying her immensely!
  16. DH's step-sister is getting married this weekend and we finally got a card & check in the mail to her last week. With our new baby, planning a cross-country trip was not possible. I was chatting with her on fb tonight and she said that she received an empty, unsealed envelope in the mail. I'm assuming the glue just didn't stick and the card and check came out somewhere along the way. Sooo...do we have to stop payment on the check, or can we just notify the bank and sit tight, hoping the po returns at least the check to us? I'm thankful it wasn't cash or a gc, and at least it has a chance of making it back to us.
  17. Just because I'd already given birth 5 times before sure didn't mean I could predict how this one was going to be! Basic stats...7 lbs., 5 oz., 19 1/4" long. 9/29 @ 10:49 a.m. All are healthy & happy! Full story is on our blog...I'm going to get another nap now!
  18. Due any day now...very much planned. Now if we could only agree on a name!
  19. If you google "facebook down" you can see that this is a known issue today. I've been able to get on intermittently, but not for very long.
  20. It happened to my oldest son back in January. He'd had the account for several months, but he'd just started really using it. A polite email inquiry to fb from his email (worded by me) got an apology and reinstatement within 24 hours. Let me know and I can probably find the email we sent if you wish to copy it.
  21. In the 7 years we have lived in our home we have NEVER had a delivery made to our house. Our choice. We have a PO Box that all our mail goes to and if someone needs to send a package UPS, I'll have it sent in DH's name to one of the offices where he happens to be working at the time. One of the medical offices he works at has a blanket policy that no personal packages are to be delivered there. That's fine and we respect that. For the past several years I have had Rainbow Resource orders sent to our PO Box with no problems. This year I got the order confirmation email with a UPS tracking number. I raised my eyebrows wondering how they were going to handle that, but I figured I would just wait and see. Well, local UPS guy gets package, and not knowing where we live, but knowing where DH works, takes it to the "no personal package" office. The office manager is having a fit when DH walks by and the UPS driver asks if the package is for his wife. DH looks at it and acknowledges it probably is. "Look," he told office manager, "it's not my name on the package and it is not this address. I can't help it if he brought it here!" She agreed that it probably wasn't his fault. :D I've had one other company call me this year to say that they didn't wish to send to PO Box, so I gave them DH's name & another office address.
  22. I have it! It's bothered me off and on since after the birth of son #3...not saying it is related, just when I first noticed it. I've had it almost constantly this pregnancy. My vitamins I take as part of my prenatal cocktail are a B-complex, so I'm sure mine isn't related to a B deficiency. I've read that it can be triggered by stress. I fully believe that is my issue. When I have really bad issues with it, as in blisters forming on the edge of my tongue so it is excruciating if my tongue touches my teeth, DH (an MD) suggests swishing Benedryl in my mouth for a few minutes. That does seem to help long enough so I can at least get to sleep at night. Otherwise, I just try to avoid acidic, spicy, and salty foods :( I'm dreading my first post-partum dental appt. Tooth paste and mouthwash have been used at an absolute minimum this pregnancy!
  23. I'm not really concerned about my 22mo son yet, although complete strangers are beginning to raise their eyebrows and give unsolicited advice about his lack of verbal vocabulary. He started talking at about 10 months. Hot (around oven, woodstove, etc.) was about the extent of his consistent vocabulary. He also says "up" (for up or down), "ock" for sock, block (duplo), etc. He grunts and points, and usually one of us figures out what he wants pretty easily. He signs all the words 10yo has bothered to teach him (please, thank you, milk, water, eat, book, airplane, medicine, help, all gone, more, shoes, etc.) and makes 2-3 word sentences out of them. All the info on the net I could find says that grunting and pointing is fine, but screaming and grabbing is not. He is definitely a grunter and pointer. His hearing is fine. We are sure of that. He follows instructions quite well, even when his back is turned or he is across the room. He is completely normal in his crawling, walking, running, playing, and interaction with others. He does have extensive allergies (mostly food) that we deal with by special diet and a nightly dose of Benedryl. He has not had any immunizations except for tetanus due to his allergies. He will copy sounds. The other day we were talking about sonic booms and 10yo made the noise. 22mo copied it exactly. I was stunned. He makes all the appropriate motor noises for toy cars and planes. He makes a few animal noises (moo, quack, baaa). He loves to "sing." As soon as he could scoot and crawl, he would spend as much time as possible under the piano bench listening to 16yo practice. His current favorite song is "Deep and Wide" with all the hand motions. Last week I saw him playing by himself doing the motions and I am sure I heard him sing "Eep and Ide" although nobody else was around to verify. There is already enough noise in this house, and I'm not too anxious to add more, BUT should I be concerned? Perhaps he is just a budding Einstein.
  24. We have 50+ acres and when they go outside for a break, I want them to be able to come back inside on time without me having to go ring the dinner triangle (especially when baby is down for a nap). I know I've seen timers on lanyards at the $ store, but I want something that will at least last through the school year. $10-15 is the max I want to spend...accidents do happen. I'm going up to the city this week, but I don't have time to "browse." Any specific B&M ideas? Online would be ok, too. TIA!
  25. My Rainbow Resource order came to $135. So, do I pay $13.50 for shipping or just order another $15+? No brainer. The problem is that I cannot find any additional items in the whole entire catalog that I want to order!!!!! I'm in the major nesting phase right now (5-6 weeks until we meet baby #6) and I'm wanting to declutter and throw out all sorts of stuff. If I haven't used it in the last 10 years of homeschooling, I don't want it. There are only 8 items that I'm ordering (mostly consumable workbooks for youngers and Chemistry for oldest). I don't even want any new pencils, pens, or post-it notes! My nesting has already unearthed boxes of brand new school supplies. I sent the catalog to work with DH for him to look at on his break. I told him we need $15 more to get free shipping. :tongue_smilie:
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