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Black-eyed Suzan

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  1. Donโ€™t be afraid to โ€œre-classโ€ your son if you think he needs more time. I know several homeschoolers who have done super senior years quite happily. Look into dual enrollment rules; if he plans to DE you may want to change his grade earlier in high school. That will also give more time to keep his extracurriculars and explore potential careers while he works on the challenge areas.
  2. It sounds like you may be in NC. ๐Ÿ™‚ I do see a lot of value in taking community college courses in high school: the child learns logistics such as finding classrooms, dealing with different professors, learning the technology used, etc. I have definitely seen a benefit with DS17. But taking community college courses (especially if itโ€™s a full load) also seems to take away some of the benefits of homeschooling. I miss our flexible schedule, for instance! A member here (regentrude, I believe) gave the advice not to take too many entry-level courses before college if student is likely to be a STEM major. If you are in NC, you can look at a possible major at each NC public college and see which CC classes fulfill requirements (instead of just transferring as electives or general credits). That may help you plan.
  3. 8, Iโ€™m not the OP, but when would you choose Environmental Science (if you ever have)? OP, the GIS program sounds interesting. ๐Ÿ™‚ I agree that we need more information about your student. I generally do not value completing an associateโ€™s degree for a college-bound student.
  4. I looked again and it is called visiting student! Thank you so much, regentrude!!
  5. I agree that taking a practice test for each and seeing which one is preferred is the way to go. My understanding is that the prep books from the test makers (College Board/ACT) are most closely aligned with with actual tests and so are the ones to buy. We did not do a class - he just read the prep book and took practice tests. Khan Academy also has prep materials for the SAT. When is the SAT supposed to change? Maybe avoiding the SAT if she doesn't have a clear preference is a good idea? Edited to add: the College Board website says the digital SAT will be available in 2024 in the US.
  6. A cruise! How nice! I hope you had an easy reentry. ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh, thank you! Thatโ€™s good to know. It sounds like a potential option for my sonโ€™s senior year, but not the best for this year.
  7. I'm so glad the physics and math DE worked well for him! I need to check the specifics about high school students at our local 4 year. I don't think they allow DE, even if we pay for it, but I'm not 100% sure about that. It sounds like that may be a good option senior year if it's possible.
  8. That's great news that WOOT can go on his transcript. Maybe he'll like the geometry portions more with a goal in mind. ๐Ÿ˜‰ He does qualify for WOOT. I can't evaluate the proof skills myself, but he reliably gets good scores on his AOPS writing problems. He's dabbled with scratch, python, and java. Maybe it's the way we went about it, but he's never been that interested. He does use LaTeX proficiently, so maybe it's just a question of having a goal and not just programming for programming's sake. Thanks for the recommendation for the statistics class, too!
  9. Oh, thank you for sharing! Those are interesting considerations. Right now (as a 10th grader) he has no idea where he'd like to go to college. But looking to make sure there are enough math classes available seems like a great idea.
  10. My son finishes AP Calc BC this year and needs 2 more years of math (probably a class or more each semester). I don't know what the best choice for a likely math major is. I would love your input, please! Background: He loves math and has enjoyed his AOPS classes/books so far. He did decently well on the AMC12 and AIME and is interested in continuing to participate in those competitions. He will probably major in something like applied math (or maybe finance?). He is not a future engineer and geometry was his least favorite math course. He is pretty apathetic about programming. He has not had AOPS Intermediate C&P or Intermediate NT. He is interested in taking statistics, too. We do have a free CC dual enrollment option, but I do not know how rigorous their math is. Other parents have noted that other classes are very easy, so that is not encouraging to me. My understanding is that taking major classes at a CC is not preferable anyway because the treatment will be richer and more rigorous at a 4 year university. But feel free to offer a different opinion if you have it! Questions: My research has shown that most students go on to take Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra after Calculus BC. But is this rushing through a standard curriculum? Is it better to explore other topics? Or is it preferable to keep continuing in the sequence so skills don't atrophy? I had thought about a course each year in the sequence along with a course in another topic. Does that sound reasonable? Other options I have found and have no idea how to evaluate: AOSP C&P AOPS NT AOPS WOOT โ€“ can this be counted on the transcript as a course? Or is it considered extracurricular math competition preparation only? AOPS group theory IMACS mathematical logic CTY self-paced classes (on the expensive end for our budget) โ€“ Multivariable Calculus, etc. MIT OCW Multivariable calculus EdX and Coursera also seem to have options Statistics: BlueTent self-paced, CTY self-paced, CC, PAH Thank you so much for your help! My background is no help in evaluating math paths at this level. Note: Malam was kindly helping me with this question on the Accelerated board. Here's the link to that if you are interested: https://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/712025-aops-group-theory-vs-linear-algebra-through-stanford-ulo/
  11. Oh, good point! Thank you, Malam!! He likes the live AOPS class style, but not video-based live classes. Self-paced is fine as long as there are problem solutions. I'm not as concerned about credits transferring as setting him up for success in whatever math field he chooses. I think I'll post the question on the High School board. Once I've done that I'll post the link here so anyone interested can follow the conversation. ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Thank you, Malam! He has not done Intermediate C&P or Intermediate Number Theory yet. He also wants to take statistics. I think 2 semesters of math per year is what we'd like. I'd love more ideas and suggestions. ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. @SanDiegoMom, how did this go for your son? What did he end up taking after Group Theory? My son finishes AP Calc BC this year and needs 2 more years of math. I don't know what the best choice for a likely math major is. He has enjoyed his AOPS classes so far.
  14. I believe so. Here is the link to join what I believe is the same group: https://groups.io/g/hs2coll
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