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Posts posted by Juniper

  1. I grew up in the country 10 miles from the nearest town. We walked on our country roads all the time, and I rode my bike a mile to a friend's house. A couple times I rode my bike the 10 miles to town. We roamed far and wide on our farm, and we also had far more responsibility at an early age than any town kid. I was driving tractors as soon as I could reach the pedals, and milking our herd by myself by the time I was a teen. Before I was legally able to drive I was scheduling hired hands on our farm and milking for other farmers too.


    I live rurally now where most kids can't walk anywhere. The farm kids are just like I was - they are driving tractors and working on the farm at early ages. They get their farm driving permits and snowmobile permits as soon as they can. Yesterday I saw a student at the high school driving his snowmobile home. In the fall the 15yos drive grain trucks to the elevator. These kids are far from sheltered, but their parents probably would have stricter rules in an urban area since the kids aren't used to that environment.


    My own 10yo & 8yo walk 1.5 miles into town and ride their bikes that far too. They also drive the lawnmower and mopeds around our acreage. We lived in an urban area when my oldest two were toddlers, and they knew about sidewalks, curbs, traffic, etc. Now we live rurally, and my current toddlers have no clue about safety in an urban area. They know how to avoid grain trucks rumbling down the gravel road, but they have never been exposed to the dangers that come along with urban traffic (as an example).


    The town I live in is a scene from my childhood.



    We have just moved from "Texas rural" to "Northern Michigan rural" and they are very different. In Texas rural we were less than a 1/2 hour from the incident where the father killed the man who was trying to drag off his little girl. I would not have felt comfortable letting them walk the half mile to the gas station in our small town. The towns are just different. Texas was small, but a major thoroughfare for trains, semis and illegal immigration issues. Michigan, is small, but a touristy village. Our biggest issues are drunk snowmobiling and the occasional meth house.


    Here my kids are having to learn a whole different set of dangers. When is the ice to thin to fish on? Have there been any bears? Is it hunting season? My 12yr old daughter has had to learn to drive a 4 wheeler when working at the barn, snow mobile safety, avoiding snow plows and various other things. Oh, how to work the snow blower is another fun one. ;)


    In a month, when we move into our new house we will be 1.5 miles from our little village. They will be allowed to walk to the village and buy penny candy from the little gift shop where their grandmother works. I am more scared by the fact that we will be living on a lake than I am of violent crime.


    I do watch the kids at the bus stop right now, especially since I found out there is a pedophile down the street, but for the most part they are allowed to play and sled outside with only the occasional glance out the window from myself. When we are at the barn/farm they are allowed to roam completely unsupervised.


    The one thing I cannot convince my twins is that those giant icicles are dangerous!!!! They think they are the greatest swords ever! ;)




    Edited to add: I am very aware about the prospect of rural crime. We were youth pastors when a young girl from our church (from a farming town in rural Mo) was brutally assaulted and murdered in the woods not far from her home. The perpetrator was a boy from her school, who got off at her stop and followed her home. It was devastating and it can happen anywhere. I do think about it, it does concern me, but it is not going to control how I parent my children.

  2. You can do it. I had newborn triplets, an 18 month old and a six yr old. Sleep, eat off paper plates and just survive for a while.


    I used to put us all in one baby safe room and go to sleep on the floor in front of the door.



    The night we brought them home from the NICU dh and I both got serious, vomiting food poisoning. I had a 12 month old and premie twins. We called so many people to come help, and they must not have understood how serious it was because no one came. I baracaded dd1 in with couch cushions, got dh and I each vomit bowls and am still a little fuzzy on how we made it through....but we did make it through. I do sometimes wonder if I mixed them up in those first, very hazy, 48 hrs. ;)

  3. Can you and your dh take shifts at night? i say this so often to moms of mulitples and they always look at me as if I have two heads. Really, you have to know that your dh can handle them for a couple hours, but one of you stays up late and the other passes the baton in the wee hours of the morning to he early riser. Please know that I do not say this with an ounce of bragging, but doing it this way saved so much angst and made life during this phase much more enjoyable.


    I got to sleep SLEEP from 12:30 am to 7:30ish am every night because dh manned the boys from 3:00ish am on. Last feeding from me at 12:15, change and a couple hours sleep, before daddy took over with pumped breast milk. He would just camp with them in car seats in the living room dozing on the couch until he had to get ready for work.



    Now, at almost 11 I am find I am asking the same question....."Please, tell me this gets easier!!!!!" ;)

  4. That's a very biblical truth.









    ....or, The Donkey. ;)


    In all seriousness, I think there may be a fundamental misunderstanding of the counselors role. Even a secular one should never be counseling someone to divorce.


    Julie, dear one, you are in my thoughts constantly. I am so grateful you have little bumblebee angles in your area and if you should need anything...even to discuss options within your specific church organization ...please know you can pm me (since I am familiar with it) or know that you very welcome to join the FB group. You have my support and acceptance. ((((hugs)))))

  5. I am having a little bit of a rough time in my new parish. In many ways it is a better fit for me in that it is not as "southern" conservative as our last parish. Otoh, the priest is very young (but kind and wise) and the church members do not treat him very respectfully. We also did not have Meatfare or cheesefare or forgiveness vespers. Feeling sad and a little homesick.

  6. I have the Brian Froud Faeries deck. I can't even begin to do full readings with them, but I do love to pull them out and "play with them". There is so much going on in each card visually that they make a good meditation tool, and help me connect with the wee spirits that might be lurking in my garden. :p


    We have some other decks around, but none as visually appealing to me as the Froud.




    Brian Froud has always been one of my favorite artists for things mystical. :)

  7. I am a professional reader. This is a fairly accurate depiction of the history of tarot.


    A superb book for understanding the tarot meanings in the Rider Waite system is this by the lovely Rachel Pollak.

    http://books.google....id=t3sBB0u8zUwC .

    I have about 50 decks and read for parties, individuals and the like. They are not used for divination in a specific manner as in thi scard refers to that. It is far more a tendency of certain choices and behaviours will lead to x outcome if you continue doing what you have always done. It is one half interpretation of the person being read for, the querient, and one half several years of study and practice to recognize the connections between the cards once they are in relation to tone another their meanings can change 180 degrees or more.

    My word, this will be the year of elizabeth flying her freak flag ever higher. I welcome any and all questions about tarot as a practice not about the morality of the practice as I am not interested in others opinions on that question. And yes, I am also a lawyer. A lawyer who not only writes her own briefs but scrubs toilets in the office because damnit I have standards that no one else can meet! :coolgleamA: I read on Saturday afternoons and Sunday evenings at a couple of locations and might do a Renn Faire this year. It is delightful, quite fascinating and I have done this for 32 years now. If you want to look at many different types of decks try Aeclectic tarot as they picture many decks online so you can see the wide variety available. here is the link to Aeclectic




    Elizabeth, thanks for flying your freak flag!!! ;)


    I cannot get the hermetics site to work for me. Actually, I could only get the google books one to load properly. I figured out the aeclectic one, but I am hitting a brick wall with the history one. :(

  8. But you're here posting, so I'm not understanding what's happening? You're a member and posting. What needs to change? The link you posted above, when I click on it, brings me to the discussion topics in this group. I wonder if different people are seeing different things.




    For some reason the groups are not "hidden" yet. I am hoping OJ gets this worked out! :)

  9. Kathryn, if you go to the very top header it says "social groups" click that and find exploring orthodoxy. Don't click the thread title, but the actual group name. That should bring you to the CP page the control panel page. the third tab over should say "join group." Hope that helps!

  10. Apparently so. I had to go to the main screen and scroll WAY down to find this group. It no longer appears on the groups page for me at all. I can't even search for it. And once I'm in here, it looks totally different than the other group of which I am a member. I don't have any option to join the group anywhere.


    I am so sorry! I couldn't figure it out and was trying to add you. Then when I figured out I couldn't do that I tried to get out of the page and it deleted you all!!!! Ugh! I wonder if I can send an invite. Let me try.

  11. Our hidden group is still showing up at the bottom of the home page to read. It is only hidden from new members joining. Is there a way to get it off the home page?


    OtherJohn, I really do appreciate all the work you have gone to, but the privacy of the Social Groups is one of their main draws. Is there something we are missing about the "hidden" feature? What can we do to keep all our content out of the public forum domain like it used to be?

  12. There was a little screen with some members names when I first entered this social group. I tried to click out and it says I deleted them!!!!! Ack!!!!! I see some have already responded tot his thread. How did I get a "they need to be added" notification," but then they are already here?


    Did I really kick Caitilin, Mommaduck, Kathryn and a couple others out? :(

  13. I would insist on counseling before breaking the younger two away from their bio Dad. Finances will only be harder without him, so this would be an investment I would make ASAP!


    Edited: I had not read the further info. I change my answer to separation and counseling. It does sound like there could be an underlying medical issue like anxiety with bad coping skills fueling anger issues. In that case an MD and psychiatrist would need to be brought on board as well.

  14. If you want to avoid a lot of conflict in this thread, you may want to mention that you don't want this to turn into a religious debate about the occult and Satanism, because I can kind of picture it going that way before too long.


    Unless that's what you wanted to know about. :D In which case, I'm putting on my tinfoil hat and will keep following this thread... quietly. ;)


    I always think threads like this are cool and informative until someone starts looking for a battle.




    Yes, please! Info=good. Debate might be better served elsewhere. ;)

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