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Posts posted by Juniper

  1. Hmmm....I can see that being one usage. The book I was reading had none of that in it and I am reasonably sure I read a post by a fellow boardie involving "mental exercise" or something along those lines.


    I guess what I am trying to get at is I think there might be more to it than I am aware of and would love to gain a bit more understanding. :D

  2. I read a book awhile back that centered around the art in a special deck of tarot cards. It got me curious about the history and meaning of these cards. What is their purpose and how they are used?


    It is when I have these types of questions that I really appreciate The Hive! :D


    Thanks in advance.....for keeping this polite, kind, and informative. :p

  3. Here's the thing about the situation. The seller's issue isn't going to go away. A septic that isn't up to code is going to be a problem for every buyer who looks at the property. Most will walk just b/c they don't want to deal with the problem. Even if someone is willing to buy the property with a septic issue, they will require the seller to offer a septic allowance. The sellers may not be ready to face facts, but I'm guessing that if you give them time, you'll find that they eventually see the writing on the wall. The septic is a problem and it has to be solved in some way before they can sell the property.




    Things seem to be working a little differently up here. For some reason I do not think the inspector has to report it up the chain. The broker said if we were conventionally financing it wouldn't be an issue, but because we are looking at fha or rural development it doesn't meet their standards. What I don't get is that the code is the code...either way. Why would conventional be okay with it not being up to code? Ugh! So frustrating. Hopefully they do see the writing on the wall and are willing to get it fixed.

  4. We bought our house with a septic system that wasn't up to code. We thought it wouldn't matter, but it absolutely does. Our septic system was put into place in the 1970s before the current code existed. Still doesn't matter. The septic inspector is required to report all his inspections up the channel. Well, the EPA isn't OK with septic systems that don't meet code. So the EPA is requiring us to replace the entire system. If we don't comply within a reasonable amount of time, they contact the county attorney and start issuing fines or something else equalling unappealing.


    We've drug this problem out for 4 years now, but I am positive we will have to replace it this spring/summer. The only reason we've been allowed to delay this long is b/c dh is one of the county attorneys.


    I didn't want to like this, but I really appreciate your answer. I am trying to emotionally let go of the property. I am sure we will send it back to the owners asking them to get it up to code, but I do not have high hopes about their willingness. They are already having to take a credit line out on their new place to pay off this one as it looks like they were either upside down or had a second mortgage on the place.


    Thanks for being honest.

  5. We had our inspection today on the lake house and I am feeling very bluesy. The house itself is in great shape. The septic tanks and NEW drainage field are fine as well. The problem is that the inspector discovered that the septic tank is only 31ft from the well head (code is 50ft). The new drainage field is the appropriate 50ft from the well head.


    We are having the water tested and if bacteria is found, this is a none issue as the owners will have to replace the tank and get it up to code. I think the water will test fine. The well is deep and the inspector had no reason to believe the tanks were leaking.


    That said the house was built in 68' and we are thinking the code was different or non-existent then. Does anyone know if these things can be grandfathered in? There are wetlands very close to the house and I am not sure moving the tank...even 20ft....is going to be workable.


    The other factor is that we are only able to qualify for an FHA or Rural development loan. The Broker told us that a conventional loan wouldn't be an issue, but the regs for FHA and Rural Development might be (our realtor is looking into this on Mon). Even though a conventional loan wouldn't be an issue, I think I have an issue with buying a house that cannot be resold with ease.


    Any thoughts? I really love this house, but this is concerning. :(

  6. It has been a number of years since I was up here, but some of the things I really liked were just outside Anchorage. There is a place you can go panning for gold and another would be to do a float trip on the Kenai River.


    If you are feeling very adventurous there is a scenic train that goes up to Mckinnely. If I ever took my family back up that is something I wouldn't miss. You can go up, stay in the cabins over night and then take it back to Anchorage.


    Thanks, Juniper. I actually do "get" the mystery part.


    I just figured that since there was prayer for the departed in the DL, then there was some kind of teaching to go along with the prayer.



    If you take a look at this article about halfway through there some examples of the effectiveness of prayers for the dead. What Ir eally wanted to steer you towards was the footnotes. The footnotes contain sources from the Church Father's. ;)



  8. Many prayers to all who are hurt.


    I have a general Orthodoxy question. What is the stance on judging others? In example, There is a big stink going around my town about a flower shop that refused to sell flowers to a gay wedding. Half my friends are demanding that head roll for judging others, and the other half of my friends are going out of their way to support this shop because they are standing up for 'what is right!'. I'm all for businesses making their own decisions and standing for what they believe in, that's their right. But what is ticking me off is the group of 'christians' who are shouting WoohOO! that gay couples are getting what they deserve. ( this isn't a question of what Orthodox believe in regards to same sex marriage. ) These same christians are sinners in a different way, but apparently their sins are less? Do you suppose God has two clipboards up there, one with the REALLY BAD SINS, and one with ONLY A LITTLE WRONG sins?


    I guess what is bugging me is the complete hypocrisy of these people who are supposed to love all and share the love of Jesus, but who are being so judgmental that I can literally see and hear the non-christians saying ' See, that's why I'm not a christian. '. What does Orthodoxy say about hypocrisy?


    MM, I do not know if my answer is "Orthodox," but it is what I have come to believe in my journey as an Orthodox Christian. I cannot judge anyone without first condemning myself. Therefore it is with great trepidation that I would do so. My focus is to be on my own walk and in extending the grace and mercy that I hope will be extended to myself. It brings up the deep heart cry of "forgive me a sinner," because I so often fail at this and walk the path of the Pharisee.


    Thanks, Juniper. I actually do "get" the mystery part.


    I just figured that since there was prayer for the departed in the DL, then there was some kind of teaching to go along with the prayer.



    There is. I am just not sure which specific source to steer you towards. ;) Someone else can jump in here! I know that it will be found in the teachings of the church Father's. Also, if you look even further back into Jewish teachings on this issues you will be able to build the foundational concept that the Church Father's built upon.



    I understand the first sentence, but the rest of it I don't. If they are in heaven (is the Orthodox concept the same as the Protestant one), for what things do they need prayer?


    If they are in hell, what does prayer avail them? In Orthodox teaching, can they be prayed out of hell or Hades or the torments lessened? Is it like C.S. Lewis's Great Divorce?


    Is there someplace different than heaven or Hell/Hades?



    I will take a totally lame stab at this question, mainly because it is one of the things I find so comforting about Orthodoxy. Orthodox theology does not seek to answer each and every question that could come up, what it does seek to do is stay true to what we do know. The gray area between what we know and what might be is often regulated to the term "Mystery." Another term for this whole approach is "negative theology." (note: does not mean pessimistic ;) )


    So, if we apply this line of logic to your question we first fill in the things we know to be true. We know that we are not Judged until the final Judgement. We know that people die before that Final Judgement takes place. Next there is what we wonder about. We wonder what happens to souls between the time of death and the time of the final judgement. Right? Since we do not have a Dogma (I do not think) on this it is a Mystery. If you are not comfortable theorizing beyond that point you do not have too. That is something I appreciate.


    But, if you are we then turn to the the Tradition of The Church. In the Tradition of the Church we do have a frame work, miracles, visions, teachings, instructions and advice on how to approach this concept. It is a deep well from which to draw comfort and hope. Within that well I actually see many biblical echoes that reinforce the tradition. King Saul contacting Samuel via the witch or Lazarus and the rich man would be examples.


    I am sure I have just muddied the waters more, but I was feeling chatty this evening and wanted to share. ;)

  11. I went to a convention in Houston last summer (one of the last I think SWB was speaking at). Afterwards, they asked me what I wanted to hear and what would bring me back the following. I told them more academics...less lifestyle. I gave examples of the types of academics. I think Ken Ham was named the next main speaker. Yeah, they sure didn't listen to me. ;(


    They then sent a follow up email where I told them in no uncertain terms I would not be attending. Little good it did. Oh, then I ran into the adult homeschooling dd of one of the boards members and told her why I wasn't coming back. She was shocked at how they were inviting (she was a classical homeschooler) but still nothing.


    Oh, well. It will be interesting to see what time does....

  12. Allergy shots have helped me.


    The only place where it is truly "safe" and pollen does not persist is at high altitude. Albuquerque is not high enough altitude. Colorado Springs is. I'm not sure what the exact altitude cut off is. Colorado Springs was the place that was best for my pollen allergies. But, after allergy shots, anywhere is tolerable. I went from a full dose of Claritin and being miserable to where I can have 1/2 dose most of the year and a full dose the first few weeks of spring when things are in full bloom. They take several months to start working, but they are worth it.

    the only time my allergies cleared was when I lived in Prescott, Az. A mile high and arid.


    Texas was a nightmare!

  13. *snort*


    Go read this:



    Then go read some books on Wicca, some more on Druids and some on reconstructionists. Or pray someone will think of a way to answer you in less than 1500 characters or whatever the limit is in this format. :p


    I know....I know....I know! :) I did read through the online portion (specifically the table of contents) and didn't see where it divides out the various pagan "denominations." Is it really in there? ;)

  14. I just told the kids and was really surprised by their reaction. My dd12 wanted to make absolutely sure we were not LEASING the home, but owning it. When I reassured her that the title would be in our name she gave a massive sigh of relief. I was struck and a little saddened by how much stress she had taken upon herself while we were leasing for the last few years. I underestimated how important this feeling of having a safe "stable" home was to her.

  15. Can you guys help me find a couple good "blessing the meal" type prayers that I could have the kids and I memorize? The ones I have found are to complex to work with our present mixed living situation (protestant and Orthodox). We have worked a bit of an alternating prayer system with FIL praying over the meal every other night and then I or one of the kids on the others. Normally we say the Lord's Prayer, but I think my FIL is going to start getting hung up on "repetitive prayer" here shortly. ;)


    Also, I would really like something regarding moving to a new home, thanksgiving for said home and the like. Not sure if exists but thought I would ask.

  16. And then there's people like Gerald Garner who essentially created today's modern Wicca, drawing somewhat from the history of the culture and meshing it with occult science of his time.


    To confuddle the Pagan mix some more, it seems reconstructionist hasn't been mentioned. There's those who seek to recreate the religion of the culture, sans modern "magick". Such as the Asatru who worship as the Vikings would have and not reinterpreted with modern meanings.




    Are there good sources for the pre-reconstructionist Celtic and Norse beliefs and practices?

  17. That's difficult. Remember the winners write history, so much has been lost. And what was collected wasn't always unbiased information, and often propaganda. It also depends on which practice you are interested in. Many pagan cultures were in many ways absorbed into the church and you can find shreds of the traditions. And not all cultures kept written records. It's rather easy, however to find information on Greek and Roman beliefs before Christianity because they were highly literate. Same for Ancient Indian and Native American beliefs. Celtic beliefs have more recently been adopted by Pagans, but the records just aren't there for a complete understanding of their beliefs. Much was...put together by later anthropologists and pagan enthusiasts of the Victorian era. Not all of this has proven to be accurate, mind you.




    I understand...even if I wish it were otherwise.:D

    My family originates in France and I have always been curious about what it was like there Pre-Christianity. I know that it would technically have been a mix of Celtic and Germanic cultures, but what does that look like? (more redundant than really expecting and answer ;) )

  18. Can I ask a question about the Elements and how they relate to personality? Also, what does this have to do with Astrology? I know that is vague, but I am curious about those who know which they relate to and how that plays out in their path/practice. :)

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