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Everything posted by christielee7278

  1. If you have any questions, let me know. If you don't receive it, lmk and I'll resend. Have fun!!
  2. There is a sell and swap board on this forum. Also I like www.homeschoolclassifieds.com.
  3. Do you care to tell me the difference between this type program and others?
  4. Thank you!! That makes me feel much, much better! lol My mom tells me all the time that I'm worrying for nothing. My sisters and I who all went to ps knew how to read a few words before kindie because she worked with us on phonics. She keeps saying it's easy. She even still has our old phonics books from kindergarten that I keep meaning to get from her. Which do you recommend more, PP or OPG? Thank you so much for the encouragement!!
  5. I didn't think to use it for spelling too. Thanks for that idea as well!!
  6. Thank you!! I've been on your website several times, and checked out the Webster speller. I really LOVE the Webster speller too and plan on using it too. This is our first year to homeschool so my oldest who is an excellent reader was taught phonics in school. I've read to him and with him since he was a baby, but didn't *teach* him to read. Phonics is the one area I'm terrified of messing up! My boys LOVE being read to, even the baby who hands me books all the time. lol I'm hoping their love of books and my complete willingness to do whatever it takes will create three more excellent readers. =) Thanks for your help!!
  7. Any thoughts? We are slowly working through the ETC A, B, C books. Would Blend Phonics work well ETC? It looks pretty straightforward. Do you print it all off? Thanks!!
  8. I will be cutting this off at noon cst tomorrow!! The list will be ready to email out by Saturday evening. I will post on here after I get it mailed to everyone so you know to expect it. Fun!!!
  9. My son was in ps when he learned times tables, but his teacher wasn't the greatest so I bought those learning wrap-ups to supplement at home. Usborne sells them as does Mardel, a christian homeschool/book store. It was sort of a fun game for him...He really liked using them!
  10. Mine too! Kind of boring this week. http://stpeterslearningacademy.blogspot.com/
  11. Time is almost up!! Unless I get a HUGE rush of families at the end, I will definitely have the list ready to email out by Saturday night!!
  12. I plan on emailing everyone who is participating either Saturday night or Sunday afternoon the list of addresses with instructions. I'll also mention it on here just so everyone knows when to expect the email. We have just over 30 participants now so it looks like it will be a fun exchange! We're still taking names so anyone else who wants to join, just email your snail mail addy to me!! =)
  13. Sure! We already have a family from New Zealand on board!
  14. :party: Who else wants to join us??? Email your snail mail addy to me!!! christielee7278@live.com
  15. Since I have so many names already, I suppose we can just continue with this one and then join the one listed above for next year too? I have about 20 addresses so far.
  16. Alicia64-YES!! I love chocolate!!! =) I think Articmom explained it very well. It would be fun to if the postcard was something related to your state, but other than that no rules!! As far as the list goes, it depends on how many families participate. So far I have a little more than 10 at last count. I'm sure there will be a lot more. I'm going to send the list out in different orders so there isn't the one family who gets bombarded all at the beginning. Right now I have two seperate lists with the same families just in a different order. If I need to, I'll do a third or fourth list. Does that even make sense? lol As far as how many all together, we won't know that until closer to Saturday. I would imagine nobody would mind if each family sent out a few at a time to make it more affordable. If there are just a boat load of participants, maybe 5-10 a week? Would that work, you think?
  17. I thought I'd start a new thread on this with some clear instructions for those interested. If you'd like to participate, you can email your snail mail address to christielee7278@live.com and I will complile a list. Please put WTM postcard exchange in the subject line so I don't miss anyone!! I'm thinking we'll keep this open until Saturday. Then I can get the list finalized and emailed to everyone Saturday night or Sunday afternoon, depending on the response. ...if everyone would please help me keep this post bumped to the first page, I would appreciate it!! Looking forward to this!!
  18. Thanks ladies!! Kfamily-I'll have to check out that AO link! Jennie-my 11 yr old discovered the Charlie Bone series this year after I gave up trying last year to get him interested. He is LOVING them now...lol. I'm not strict on his fun reading either, as long as it's age appropriate. Thanks for the list. Just based on the titles, it looks like your son and mine have very similiar taste in books.
  19. I'm trying to put together a list of books for my 11 year old. He reads extremely well and has tested about two years ahead of grade level. My problem is finding books that are challenging enough for him, interesting enough for a wiggle worm, but not so advanced that the storyline isn't above his head. Anyone care to share their 6th grade reading lists? We will be starting on the ancients in history so I would love suggestions for history. I would also like to find some good fun books for him to read. Thanks!!
  20. Sounds like fun. I can organize it if nobody else is interested. If you want, email me your snail mail address and I'll compile a list. My email is christielee7278@live.com. Be sure to put WTM postcard exchange in the subject so I won't miss anyone. We should probably set a deadline for joining so I can get one main list emailed out to everyone. How long do you all think?
  21. So do you use all of the materials? Maps? Coloring book? Timeline? We made our own timeline in a notebook...would we be missing out if I don't order theirs? Thank you for your help!!
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