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Posts posted by atozmom

  1. She just sent out an email that there will be sales in August.



    Yep! Here's the email that I received......




    Just two things, real quick.


    1. Now you can purchase Math Mammoth Light Blue series books for grades 1-6 (printed copies), plus the CD for grades 1-6 at Rainbow Resource Center. They do not sell downloads, just printed copies, and the CD. Rainbow Resource is a popular store and some of you may like it better than Lulu.

    2. Also a note on upcoming sales (so no one will complain they didn't know...):


      In August there will be another group buy for Math Mammoth at Homeschool Buyers Co-op. The discount level will depend on the number of buyers. The products included are only the most expensive bundles (Blue Series, Golden/Green, Light Blue, All Inclusive, and 'Eveyrything' Bundle).


      Currclick will run a sale sometime in August where Math Mammoth individual products (not bundles) will be 25% off. I will also run a parallel sale at Kagi store in August for ALL downloads (including bundles) and CDs.



    Maria Miller

  2. I just received this email from MM---




    Just two things, real quick.


    1. Now you can purchase Math Mammoth Light Blue series books for grades 1-6 (printed copies), plus the CD for grades 1-6 at Rainbow Resource Center. They do not sell downloads, just printed copies, and the CD. Rainbow Resource is a popular store and some of you may like it better than Lulu.
    2. Also a note on upcoming sales (so no one will complain they didn't know...):
      In August there will be another group buy for Math Mammoth at Homeschool Buyers Co-op. The discount level will depend on the number of buyers. The products included are only the most expensive bundles (Blue Series, Golden/Green, Light Blue, All Inclusive, and 'Eveyrything' Bundle).
      Currclick will run a sale sometime in August where Math Mammoth individual products (not bundles) will be 25% off. I will also run a parallel sale at Kagi store in August for ALL downloads (including bundles) and CDs.



    Maria Miller

  3. Giving you another bump. :001_smile:


    In addition to Easy Grammar Ultimate that Brigid suggested, there is also Easy Grammar Plus. It is non grade level and everything is in one text. Jensen's Grammar and Jensen's Punctuation also comes to mind. Do you have a Barnes & Noble (or something similar) nearby? Maybe you could browse their shelves and see if something would be a good fit for your ds.


    I too, struggled to find the right grammar program for dd. We tried many of the programs that you have aa well as EG. The only one that has really worked has been AG. I also balked at buying it because of the price. However, as much money as I spent buying and trying all of the other programs, I could have bought a couple of sets of AG. :lol: I also justified the price knowing that it would be used for more than one year. So even though I shelled out quite a bit of money the first year, I knew I wouldn't have to buy anything the next year.


    I really hope you find something that works well. I completely understand the frustration of trying to find the right fit for grammar. Let's not even get started on writing! :lol:

  4. Did you see the samples on their website? Study guide, Mini guide. Here are a few more samples from Rainbow Resource: Hobbit & LOTR , Fellowship of the Ring, and Chronicle of Narnia. RR has several more of their guides. Go ahead and take a look at all that they have. All of the samples should give you good idea about what to expect.


    ETA: Sorry, I can't give you an opinion based on use. We haven't used them yet, I have just been looking into them as well.

  5. A little concerned after reading this forum. I purchased Zoology 3 Land Animals because that is what my daughter wanted to do. I first asked another mom who had used it and said I did not have to go in order. I will have to check into this more.


    Thank you for asking this question :001_smile:


    Like jannylynn said, just do the chapter 1 of Zoo 1 first, available as a free download. If your dd was interested in Land Animals, I say go where her interest lies. We were going to do Zoo 3 first, but ds really wanted to Astronomy. So Astronomy it is! :001_smile:

  6. We LOVE, LOVE MOH. It was the only history curriculum that dd was ever excited about. However, we don't start it here until 5th or 6th grade.


    My son just started A Living History (ALH) and he and I both really like it! The writing style reminded me of MOH. He actually asks me to continue reading and not stop at the narration breaks. We aren't using the notebook because he is just not a notebook kid. I on the other hand liked it. If your kids like notebooking, they should enjoy it. We are also using TQ with ALH and it is a great combo. We will include some hands on activities with the books by Laurie Carlson and David King.


    So our plan, ALH for grammar stage, MOH for logic stage.

  7. Ok, after going through my copy of PTIW 2 briefly today, I agree with the author's statement that I posted above, that a student needs to have a good mastery of paragraphs before using level 2. It really does not go into any depth on paragraphs. The 3 review units are very quick and touch only on the basics. Unit 4 starts with how you research for an essay. Unit 5 jumps right into the essay process. If you go to the author's website, all of Unit 5 is there as a sample. This should give you a good idea of the pace of level 2. There are also samples of much later units. I will be spreading level 2 out over 48 weeks, which is the typical student teaching schedule suggested by the author. I think dd will be ok starting with level 2 as we have worked with paragraphs a good bit. However, I think I will go over the basic paragraph structure again with her even before beginning the first 3 units of PTIW 2.


    HTH :)

  8. Here is the response that I received..............


    Dear Ann-Marie,


    Thanks for your interest in our materials. To answer your question, if your student has a strong mastery of paragraph writing, Level 2 should be fine. This means that the paragraphs usually do not go off topic, the transitions are very clear, and that supporting material is fully explained. The Level 2 text does begin with a very brief review of paragraphs. However, the review is not in-depth enough to lead a student to paragraph mastery.


    If you would like me to, I would be happy to look at a few samples of your student's work and give you some advice as to placement. Please let me know if I can be of assistance.



    Shari Barrett



    It looks like I should receive my copy today. I am going to go ahead and have my dd go through the paragraph review then assess whether we should start with 2 or 1.

  9. Level one (paragraphs) is 7th-12th. Level two (essays) is 9th-12th. I heard from a gal I know that used it with her dd and she said it was way advanced than she had ever seen from a high school writing program.


    I already ordered level 2. It is on its way now. I hope its not too hard. :confused: Essays are the one thing dd has a hard time with. Really hard will not be a good fit. I guess I'll find out when it gets here. :tongue_smilie:

  10. Okay. Now I've had a chance to go through it. This program gives each part of speech a role in a family, with stories to tell how they interact. My belief is it will complement most other grammar programs. (I say most only because there are obviously programs I've never seen.) I believe the only way to truly cement comprehension in teaching is to go at a subject from several angles, and this is another angle a teacher can use to help students understand grammar, the foundation for writing. This program seems especially suited to kinesthetic students who need something to do during lessons, but since you tell stories and see pictures you've drawn I would say this is a multi-sensory program, although I am not expert. Based on my experience, my dd just finishing 2nd grade could have done this program the latter part of this year and understood it, although I think the author suggested it for 4th grade. I'm not completely sure on that, though.


    Here is an excerpt from the intro to the teacher about how to go through the program.



    Teachers are supposed to learn the stories well enough that they can tell them in their own words. You can read them as is, but this can take away from the discussion if your student doesn't respond well to just listening. You can get into some "socratic discussions" as Michael Clay Thompson talks about, if you really know the stories and relationships ahead of time. So, this program may be a bit more prep work if you're used to scripted programs.


    One interesting thing I realized is if I am hesitant in teaching the drawing of the character (i.e. saying I'm not a good drawer, it looks dumb, or show frustration) then the student thinks he needs to have perfect drawings too and might be too stressed to do it himself. So if he sees me comfortable with my stick figures, then he may in turn realize he can have fun without having to be perfect. That is one benefit to NOT having beautiful professional art work for this particular program. There are specific tips for how to draw, so it's not so intimidating when you break it down.


    The program stresses using large pieces of paper so the students have enough room to draw different characters together in the same scene to show how the parts of grammar interact with each other.


    The book has this to say about diagramming:



    The diagramming looks very similar to what I've seen in FLL samples. (I've only done FLL through level 2.) On paper it's the same diagramming, but you go about explaining it differently. The vertical line is the "bed" to put the main characters on, the "headboard" divides the noun and verb, "slanted beds" for adjectives and adverbs. Direct objects, predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives, and prepositional phrases are given some attention as well. Linking verbs are not explained well in this curriculum, but students are taught how to diagram them so this program may make more sense for a student who has studied basic grammar first (like in 2nd grade). The four types of sentences are given a lot of attention in the beginning of the book. I also appreciate that articles are given their own place in speech, so there are 9 parts of speech studied (not just lumped in with adjectives).


    I would say this program, like MCT, is front-loaded, meaning you teach the grammar and relationships in a month or two (depending on how many days you do grammar a week and how much your student is interested), and then apply it in practice throughout the rest of the year. It is not as thorough as FLL or other things, and it doesn't hold your hand as a teacher as much, but if your student is struggling with feeling like grammar is boring and likes stories and drawing this is a wonderful solution to spring-board into something else that delves deeper in the second semester, or even the second month if you do grammar every day.


    For me, I plan to use it just before starting MCT Grammar Island since it looks like it will fit well with our situation and will be fun. I think the different perspective Sentence Family brings will make comprehension come even faster so we won't be slowed down at all for finishing 3rd grade on time.


    Obviously, others might disagree. These are only my thoughts and impressions. Hope this helps.


    Thank you very much for taking the time to type out such a detailed explanation! :001_smile: I will definitely be getting this. I think my son will enjoy it. I think I will go ahead and get the download from CurrClick and only print the black & white pages.

  11. I have seen a few posts where CLE users have gone from CLE 3 to Saxon 5/4 and even 6/5. Have you looked at the TOC or scope & sequence of Saxon 5/4? You could compare it to the scope & sequence of CLE 3.


    Hopefully someone else who has used either one will chime in too. :)

  12. I have no experience with the DIVE math CDs. I LOVE CLE for the younger grades. My son is finishing 100 now. But for the upper level math we will use Saxon with the Saxon Teacher Cd's. My dd has used them with 8/7 and Algebra 1 and has done very well with them. I like that the teacher goes over the entire lesson and practice problems. Every single problem in each lesson and each test are also on the CDs. So if my daughter runs into a snag with something, she can go and watch it on the CD. I think the CDs do a better job presenting the material then I could. I am not comfortable teaching the upper level maths, so I like the added security that the Saxon Teacher Cds provide. :001_smile: She does use it independently, however I do still check over her work everyday. It just adds accountability that way.


    Here's a link to the Saxon Teacher Cd's You can watch a demo here.

  13. Can you skip the diagramming parts without any issues? Is there a lot on diagramming? I will start JAG with my son in 4th, and I really don't want to keep hopping around with different diagramming approaches. But I really like the gentle introduction that this seems to give, not to mention the drawing aspect. My son LOVES to draw.

  14. Is there real diagramming with lines and slashes? I didn't know about this and will need to re-consider it again. I hesitated buying because I thought it was just a story of the parts of speech, but if it goes beyond just an explanation of the "characters," I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have just one more grammar supplement.



    I am curious to know what the diagramming looks like as well. Can anyone give us a sample. There is not a sample of that on the website that I have seen.

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