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Posts posted by atozmom

  1. That's a decent sample of the TM. Those are the very beginning pages. The words and sentences get a LOT harder toward the back of the book. ;) This actually sounds great for my high schooler that could use some remedial spelling help. Nothing we have tried so far has worked. It was my intention to work through AAS quickly with her, but well......


    As easy to teach as AAS? Well, probably not quite, because AAS is scripted, so you can just open the book and read what it says. HTTS is not scripted, and you have to pick out which words/sentences you'll use. The workbooks help a lot with this though. I never use AAS as scripted so I think I would be ok with this.


    I would just start at the beginning of whatever workbook you get. Each year, you start at the beginning and work your way through the TM. As you get into upper grades, some new concepts are added in. They're labeled as to which grade they're taught.


    Just remember that the workbooks are not grade levels!!!!


    Workbook 1 = grade 1

    Workbook 2 = grade 2-3

    Workbook 3 = grade 4-6

    Workbook 4 = grade 7+


    Thanks, it looks like I should go with book 2 for DS and maybe 4 for DD. Are the answer keys necessary?


    I accidentally got workbook 3, and I should have gotten workbook 2, which is why I'm not using it right now (that and I wanted a completely independent spelling for a bit, so we're using R&S Spelling right now, and will probably use HTTS workbook 3 sometime next year after we complete R&S Spelling 4).


    I REALLY appreciate all of your help!!

  2. :lol: This whole time, I've been working on posting samples before seeing you guys ask for it!


    Here ya go... samples of book 3:




    Sorry they're fuzzy!


    Thank you!!! :001_smile::001_smile:


    Are the sample pages of the Teacher's book at CBD a good representation of the rest of the book? Would you say it is just as easy to teach as AAS but without all of the extra? And last questions -- we are on step 20 in book 2, where would you recommend starting in HTTS? Sorry for all of the questions.

  3. Ugh. I am trying to decide if I want to switch over from AAS. We are in book 2. I like AAS, but it doesn't seem to get done as often as it should. We haven't used the tiles in forever. DS would rather just write on the whiteboard. We don't review as much as we should because the cards drive me nuts. I guess I just don't like having so many pieces to have to get out just to do spelling. (I don't know, maybe part of it is just mid-year burn out :lol:)


    I already own all the way through book 5. I got a really great deal when we first started the program. So it almost seems like a waste not to use them, but it is taking forever to make it through one book. (Not because he's struggling but because it just doesn't get done.) We stared book 2 at the end of last year and we only on step 20 now. See what I mean about not getting done. :tongue_smilie:


    Ok, I guess I am done rambling. I don't feel like I am making any sense this morning. :confused: :lol:

  4. I think it all depends on the child. DS 8 has seen them all but the 3rd one, Revenge of the Sith. (too dark) He started watching them when he was 6. There were a couple of parts that we fast forwarded through at first. I think there is only one part on the 2nd movie, Attack of the Clones that we still skip. He is a HUGE Star Wars fan.

  5. Yup. I can relate. I spend way too much time trying to decipher the teacher book. I just wish she would have a lesson laid out in irder. I flip back and forth within the teacher lesson plan and juggle the student book to see what she is talking about.



    Yes. This was me as well. I have brought our EE set out again several times, only to put them back away because it just seems to be such a pain to coordinate. I do like the material that is taught, which is the only reason I have not sent it back for a refund. I just can't seem to get past the lesson plans.


    DD is actually using Put That in Writing Level 2 right now and she is doing well so far.

  6. I'd be a mess! You're amazing!


    Our funny story from recently: I was sitting here on TWTM and heard squealing; LOUD squealing. We don't own pigs. I went outside to see what was up and literally, the squealing was UP. Standing in my driveway, the squealing, YES, like a pig, FLEW OVERHEAD. BIG wings and LOUD squeal! I said to myself, "#$%^ Did pigs just fly???!!!" I could hear the squealing moving from tree to tree but eventually it went away. Next night, we're all sitting at the dinner table with the window open. Squealing starts up again. We ran to the noise and saw our cat with a baby bunny in his mouth. SO, yeah, pigs haven't flown yet...just most likely an owl with a fresh bunny rabbit. :lol:


    Yes, I have heard this squealing noise many times and it still freaks me out each time I hear it. There is a tree right outside my window where my computer sits that must be an owls favorite spot. One week he "ate his dinner" there 3 nights in a row. (need a shuddering smiley here)


    Sunday night my ds and I were coming back from my parents next door. Our dirt drive is very dark with several trees all around. Half way down the drive we here this AWFUL blood curdling, screeching noise followed by hooting. :eek: I have heard owls screech before, but never like that. Even the hoot sounded creepy. Needless to say, we quickened our pace quite a bit. :lol:

  7. We do AAS 2 days a week and grammar 2 days a week. However, when we are doing our phonics and writing, and get to things that we have already learned in AAS, we talk about those. "Oh look, here is something you learned in spelling. Do you remember the rule for this?" This year we will be done with our phonics program and will move on to doing AAS 4 times a week.

  8. I'm surprised no one has mentioned CLE Math. My older kids are using it and I'm very pleased with this program. I'm also trying out the 1st grade level with my 5yo dd since she's flying through Singapore Essential math and will be finished with that in 2-3 weeks. So far she enjoys it and is doing two lessons per day.


    Each grade level has 10 lightunits and two teacher's manuals. CLE math is a spiral math program (meaning it covers different topics in one lesson.) There are also speed drills in the back to reinforce math facts. The tm explains each lesson thoroughly and the curriculum is very thorough. CLE math is also very inexpensive. You can check out plenty of samples on their website www.clp.org.


    Congratulations on making the decision to homeschool. I totally understand about working full time and homeschooling. The past two years we used BJU math and I really like the program for K-3, but I felt we needed a change. CLE teaches to the student and the instruction is very straightforward.


    I also like MM, but we use the blue series for certain topics only.

    HTH, :)


    I'll throw another vote out there for CLE. We started ds with MUS and it just was not a good fit for him. We switched to CLE and he has been doing great. The explanations of concepts in the LightUnits and the explanations in the Teacher's guides are great. There is enough review without it being overkill.

  9. How difficult is it for an average student to go from Saxon 76 to Algebra 1? I'd like to do it, but I'm concerned I'll miss something if we skip Algebra 1/2. What have your experiences been?


    Do not skip. You need to complete 8/7 or Algebra 1/2. They are considered pre-algebra and your dc will need those skills for Algebra 1.

  10. I recently ordered The Sentence Family for my 8 year old who was completely not cut out to do FLL!


    Well, she absolutely loves it. She said that it's favorite part of the school day. She loves the drawings, loves the stories, always wants to do do more.


    Well, my "problem" is that she likes it so much, and is doing so well, that we will probably finish the book within about six weeks after we started it!


    So ... what do we do next?


    So, if you've enjoyed Sentence Family: How long did it take you to finish it, and was there a program that your child enjoyed going into next?



    We are just starting The Sentence Family and trying to take it slow. :lol: My ds is really enjoying it. We are reading Brian Cleary's books along with it. His website is fun too. We will also be applying the grammar concepts taught in each section of The Sentence Family to other subjects. For example, when we do our dictation sentences in AAS, I will have him underline the part of speech we are working on at that time.


    The author of the Serendipity blog has a free program that would be similar to Sentence Family. She uses Ruth Heller's books in her Lively Language Lessons.


    If you feel the need to add in something like worksheets, there are all kinds of free things out there. Here is an example of one through Scholastic.


    Here are a few games/sites that could be fun to add in as well.


    Grammar Blast

    Wacky Web Tales

    Road to Grammar

    Sheppard Software

  11. Anytime I have ever hand delivered any of our forms to our local office, I would make my own copy before leaving the house. I would have them stamp the form I was turning in and the copy that I made. That way if any changes were ever made to the form, I could prove that it wasn't that way when I turned it in and they could not argue since their stamp was on it. Now I just mail in our evaluations at the end of the year. However, I do mail them with signature confirmation. That way if they claim they never received it, I can show them the signature confirmation card as proof that someone signed for it upon delivery.

  12. Woohoo! My order went through and I have already downloaded all 10..for FREE!!! Only took 35 minutes. :001_smile:


    Algebra Readiness Made Easy Grade 2

    Algebra Readiness Made Easy Grade 3

    Great Map Games

    Fun to Solve Map Mysteries

    Follow the Directions...and Learn! grades 2-3

    Follow the Directions...and Learn! grades 4-6

    First Word Problems: Time and Money

    Sing Along and Learn: Following Directions

    Grammar Cop

    Paragraph Writing Made Easy

  13. Thanks. I am worried that my son will whip through the pages to get it done and not retain anything. I have SWR for him, I just need more hours in my day to get it done.


    I know what you mean. I have AAS levels 1-5 on my shelf. DS is on book 2 now, but I just can't seem to work them in to dd's schedule. We are very thankful for spell check right now. :tongue_smilie:

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