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Posts posted by atozmom

  1. I was looking at this the other day and am confused as to what it actually is. Is it just a story book for grammar? What does it entail?



    The Sentence Family tells a story where each character represents a different part of speech or sentence type. (4 sentence types are covered first) With each character there is a description of their appearance and personality (Mrs. Interrogative always speaks in questions, verb is always active). Each character also has their own favorite color. As you go through the book, you read the story about each character (or tell it in your own words), draw/color the picture and then practice identifying words each character would say. Use a large enough piece of paper when drawing so your child can add words to the bottom of the page that the character would say. The book then gives you some example sentences to use for your child to identify the part of speech they just learned. They underline that part of speech with the characters favorite color. Diagramming is taught towards the end of the book and is also done in a creative way.

    We also really like Brian Cleary’s books. Another fun way to discuss grammar.

  2. Here is a thread that mentioned Uncovering the Logic of English, which really looks interesting. Other programs I have heard mentioned with older students - Apples Daily Spelling Drills, Megawords, Sequential Spelling, and The ABCs and All Their Tricks.


    AAS has a forum if you do not know about it already, The ChatterBee. Using AAS with older kids has been discussed many times. If you are already planning on using it for your younger children, your 9th grader could do it at a more accelerated pace.

  3. I know that you can use it with just the internet but honestly I and my son would go crazy with that! So I was trying to choose a book from the list. I had my heart set on campbell I guess because I have heard so many good things about it and I like the lay out.


    Maybe my question wasn't clear.... Should I find a book on the Dive list and keep Dive (suggestions on which book I would appreciate!)? Or ditch Dive and use Campbell Concepts and connections or another campbell biology text?


    Sorry, misunderstood

  4. DD just finished Saxon Alg 1 over the summer and is now in Alg 2. After she completes a lesson, I go over it. (Using the solution manual :)) If she gets a problem wrong just because of careless error, I do not have her redo it. If she has had several careless errors in one lesson, I do point them out just so she knows she needs to slow down. The problems she misses because she has done them wrong, I have her look back over. If she can tell me where she went wrong showing me she really did understand it, then I don't make her redo it on paper. If she is not sure, then she does the problem over again, working it right along with the Saxon Teacher CD.

  5. Grammar - The Sentence Family -- Very colorful, short lessons and fun. DS (2nd grade) asks to do grammar every day.


    Spelling -- AAS -- You do as little or as much as you want everyday, so it really doesn't take that much time. It is all laid out for you in the teacher's book, so it is open and go. My son does well with it and is retaining the information well. I also love that it is multi-sensory (very important for ds), incremental and incorporates dictation.


    Writing -- Winning with Writing -- Short lessons and gets the job done. I don't know if we will stick with it long term, but it seems to be working for now. We just started.


    Primary Phonics workbooks with Readers and Reading comprehension workbooks -- These are very quick and easy lessons and ds enjoys them. He loves all of the little stories in each reader. I like that there are corresponding comprehension workbooks that go along with the readers. He's done well with the series and we are sticking with them until the end, which will be half way through this year.

  6. Have you tried re-syncing them to the wii? (with the red buttons on the remote and the console) that happened to us once because the batteries had died from sitting to long so it unsynced the remotes.


    This is exactly what I suggest as well. We had the same problem. I had completely forgotten about re-syncing then. We did it and no more problems.

  7. We did it!! Made it through an entire day's schedule (even the first day back for piano lessons) without any issues or meltdowns. And...my house doesn't look like a disaster area! :D To finish the day my dd even made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I pray ever day goes as smooth.


    Oh, we started Sentence Family today and my ds loves it!

  8. We start tomorrow too. Year 6 for us. I believe I am ready. I worked in a good house cleaning and organizing over the past few weeks. (in addition to ds 8th birthday, visiting relatives and final curriculum scheduling) The week after this we start our one day a week co-op. Then the week after that my baby turns 16!! :eek: How did that happen so quickly?

  9. This looks like fun! I have never used CurrClick before and am wondering if someone could explain how the product would work on PDF vs the actual book? I assume the book is color pages? Do you print every page and bind it, and if so, does that save any cost over just buying the book?


    I only printed the black and white pages and drew/colored the color pages myself. I put the colored pages in sheet protectors then put the whole book together in a three ring notebook. It worked really well and my son likes that the drawings were done by me. It makes him laugh because mom's aren't as good as the original, which also will make him feel better when drawing his own.

  10. I may have asked this before, but can you start with PTIW 2 and skip Level 1, if you child is already good with paragraphs?


    This is the response I received when I emailed them that exact question....



    Dear Ann-Marie,


    Thanks for your interest in our materials. To answer your question, if your student has a strong mastery of paragraph writing, Level 2 should be fine. This means that the paragraphs usually do not go off topic, the transitions are very clear, and that supporting material is fully explained. The Level 2 text does begin with a very brief review of paragraphs. However, the review is not in-depth enough to lead a student to paragraph mastery.


    If you would like me to, I would be happy to look at a few samples of your student's work and give you some advice as to placement. Please let me know if I can be of assistance.



    Shari Barrett


  11. Oh, and the notebooking journal has other activities that are not in the book. Not sure how many would be food related. However, if you emailed the author, I am sure she could help you with that. She is on the Apologia Elem. yahoo group quite a bit.


    You should be able to do the same for RSO. There is contact information on the website and they have a yahoo group too. Although I don't think it is very active.

  12. If it is dairy that she is allergic to, you can just skip the ice cream activity. There are plenty of other activities throughout the book that skipping one would be no big deal. I would think you could substitute the chocolate bar with something else that melts easily.


    We have a problem with dyes here. We have to skip all experiments that have you adding dyes or using food with dyes if I can't figure out a substitute.

  13. Flipping through my Apologia Astronomy book, I see only 1 food related activity that is supposed to be eaten. (homemade ice cream). The other 4 that I saw that involved food ingredients, do not have you eating them. One activity has you melting a chocolate bar, but not eating it. There is one that involves dropping pebbles into flour to show what craters look like. And 2 that involve salt dough (flour, salt and oil) for modeling.


    Sorry, can't help with RSO.

  14. I am looking for some shorts plays to use with one of our co-op classes. I know when it comes to reading the plays, we can just select a scene or two. However, I am looking for a couple to watch as well. Since our co-op only meets once a week, and each class is only 55 minutes long, I didn't want to pick a longer play and have to break it up with a week in between each viewing. The kids will be 7th grade and up. Any ideas out there for some shorter plays to watch? And hopefully some I can find through the library in order to keep costs down. :001_smile:

  15. My DD loved MOH!! She enjoyed the writing style and retained the information really well. Have you joined the yahoo group for both volumes? There is a ton of information on both. Here are the links... MOH 1 & MOH 2. There are several schedules for using MOH with other programs.


    You could also check out Illuminations. It is a program that was designed to go along with MOH, created by Bright Ideas Press, the MOH publisher. I have not used it myself, but I know that it includes literature selections with guides and bible study that follow along with MOH. I believe it also includes schedules for using other curricula for grammar, spelling, vocab, and writing. You can see the samples on their website.

  16. OK thanks ladies! I really think I will wait.


    I was originally planning on 2 years on US History so we could really dive deep on western ancients, colonization, rev. war, pioneering, etc. I am concerned if I do 2 years on US History, then DS would be 6th grade before starting MOH cycle.


    For ds, I will be starting MOH in 6th grade. I plan to use the 4th volume (not out yet, but will be by the time I need it :)) for 9th grade for his world history credit. My dd has done volumes 1-3 and absolutely loved them.

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