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Posts posted by atozmom

  1. If you sign up for the MOH 1 yahoo group, there are schedules for using MOH with other resources including Greenleaf, SOTW and other supplemental living books in addition to video lists. If I remember correctly, the back of the MOH book itself tells you what bible verses to read with the lessons. It also lists supplemental books to go with each lesson.

  2. When will volume 4 be out? I looked on the site but didn't see it. I'd like dd14 do go through them all as well, she is starting the rotation again next year.


    There is no release date anywhere yet. I remember a post by Linda on one of the yahoo groups at the end of November that said she was close to being done writing (only 5 lessons to go) but of course editing and printing take quite a while. That it would NOT be ready for the fall of 2012, but POSSIBLY for the fall of 2013. I think she posted something like this on her facebook page too.

  3. We started it at the beginning of the year for dd. She is doing the later books for high school. I can't say that it seems to be helping at all. She really retains more just from reading her literature selections and looking up words she does not know. We used Vocabulary Vine before and I personally like it better. I asked dd about it and she says she got more out of it than VfCR. I think we may just go back to that along with having her continue to look up anything she doesn't understand while reading her assigned literature book.


    Tonight we were baking and making gingerbread cookies and candy. All the sudden dh looks at dd 13 and says "I will give you $10 if you eat a teaspoon full of cinnamon" :001_huh: Ofcourse dd will do just about anything for money so she jumps right on it and says "OK!" So- she gets it in her mouth and you can see her face start turning red. I am trying not to start :lol: because she had a mouth full of cinnamon. All the sudden she tries to say something and this HUGE pouf of cinnamon powder comes out of her mouth so then she looses it and just starts laughing. HARD. Ofcourse at this time I have a teaspoon of cinnamon on the counter and floor.


    So at this point dh pipes up and says "I can do it" Ofcourse. I should have seen this coming. Dh has to do everything because he can do it :001_rolleyes: So not only can he do it but he can do a whole tablespoon. So he puts a tablespoon of powder cinnamon in his mouth. Again. Can see his face starting to turn red but he is stubborn. So he is trying and trying to get it down then all the sudden he says something and I have another tablespoon of powder cinnamon on my kitchen floor. Then they both start laughing again!!


    They still have the flavor of powder cinnamon in their mouths :lol:


    Gotta love holiday baking.


    :lol::lol::lol: memories. Dd did this over the summer when a friend bet her that she couldn't. DD is stubborn as well and would not give in and spit it out no matter how much she wanted to. She was able to do it. However, she hasn't touched cinnamon since. :lol:

  5. Are either of you allergic to latex? All my son has to do is touch something that contains latex and touch his mouth and he gets a reaction like that.


    I know that those rubbery dog toys frequently contain latex. So do balloons. Maybe also plastic or rubbery toys.


    Benedryl works for mild reactions.


    I was going to ask about Latex as I am pretty positive Polly Pockets contain Latex.

  6. While I haven't used JAG yet with my youngest (but plan to in the future), my oldest is using AG. I love AG in that it is just grammar. It is easy to understand, has built in review and we finish quickly each day. Now they even have the teaching DVD's to go along with both JAG and AG. AG has been the first grammar program that actually clicked with DD. I hesitated for a couple of years because of the price, I am sorry I didn't go with it sooner.

  7. As far as the $5 group rate goes, it seems they have changed that policy for homeschoolers.


    Our homeschool group was organizing a trip to go. We had talked to the contact at Legoland and were told to get a firm head count. We took 1 week to collect everyone's money and get a firm head count. We called back the next week to book and they informed us of the price change. It is $5 for kids K-6th and $25 for adults and older siblings. (If you have already booked your trip, you are locked in at that price and good to go.) Even though we had talked to them the week before and they quoted us $5 for everyone, they wouldn't let us book at that price. They said there were too many homeschool groups abusing the price and bringing family/friends that were not homeschooled.

  8. I make my own using word. However, I have a few bookmarked in addition to Donna Young that has already been mentioned.


    New Beginnings Blog


    Homeschool Launch - there's a few here, it just takes some searching


    Barefoot Meandering Blog


    Cindy Downes - this has a lot of other great things as well


    Highland Heritage


    This is a great resource to several freebies.


    Hope you find something that works well for you. :001_smile:

  9. I met Mrs. Vick at the Greenville convention last spring. I was talking to her about our state's 4 science credit requirement and not being sure which 4th science for dd to do because she's just not my math/science lover. She suggested E&S. She told me that it is a high school level course, and even the author says it is. Would you agree?


    This is what I was told as well when I called and talked to them. My DD will be using this for high school. Having looked at some of the PS high school texts used here, it looks like it will be plenty, especially if you do all of the Application and Investigation pages. I got an amazing deal on the teacher's guides and student books, but they didn't come with the tests. We are just going to use the Chapter Reviews as tests and some of the Application pages in the back as quizzes.

  10. For DS it has been CLE Math, The Sentence Family, Train Up a Child Bible Studies, WWW (Winning with Writing) and Logic Safari.


    For DD it has been AG (Analytical Grammar), ACE Biology w/ DIVE, PTIW level 2 (Put that in Writing), MUS Geometry and 2 Teaching company sets that she has loved. How to Listen to and Understand Great Music and Understanding the Fundamentals of Music.


    We like all of our other choices and they are going well, but those above have been the favorites so far this year.

  11. I just received my copy of HTTS this week. At first I was completely overwhelmed. But after going through the TM and through workbook 2, I think I have a handle on things. :lol: I have searched through the boards and come up with some great tips and tricks on how some use the program. I was wondering if anyone using HTTS has a blog where they have discussed HTTS and how they use it?


    Thank you to boscopup for providing samples of the How to Spell 3 workbook on your blog!! that can be found in this thread that I started.

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