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Country Girl

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Everything posted by Country Girl

  1. Yep, I definitely need to have them be more clear about its necessity. If we don't feel comfortable with the answers we get, then we may postpone treatment alltogether, until we return to the States in 18mos. Unfortuantely, going somewhere else isn't really an option. We are already driving 3 hours to see this ortho in Beijing, and don't know of anyone else that is closer that I'd feel any better about.
  2. Thank you all for sharing your wisdom and advice. Unfortunately, second opinions are hard to come by here, so we are kind of at the mercy of our ortho and our own research. So I really value the opinions and BTDT experiences you all have to offer. It sounds like having a CT isn't the norm and I'm hesitant to have it done if it isn't necessary. We are still waiting on the complete recommendation of our ortho, but I did get another email from her and she is still insisting that a CT is needed to confirm it. For some reason I get the impression that she isn't 100% sure that what she is seeing on the x-ray is actually a mesioden. Thanks!
  3. We went for an ortho consult this weekend for ds, and we found out he has an extra tooth. It is is still imbedded, between the upper, middle teeth. We are still waiting for the ortho to write up her treatment plan and recommendation for his ortho treatment, but she did mention that he'd need a CT to confirm the tooth (and I'm guessing its exact placement etc.). My dh asked me if I thought a CT scan for a tooth removal seems a bit excessive, but I really don't know. So I'm here, asking you all to shape and form my opinion on the topic:D. Is this normal practice for dealing with this issue? Also, if you've had to deal with this, how did your doctor choose to treat it? It seems we can have it removed now, or leave it and hope it doesn't cause future problems and need to be removed later (after having spent big bucks on "fixing" his teeth with ortho treatment). Thanks!
  4. Martha and Lisa, Thanks. It looks like I need to double check our insurance coverage. So it sounds like the child is less likely to need teeth pulled if they get the Damons, right? That is a definite plus.
  5. We are going tomorrow to have my ds's first ortho. appt. and discuss our options. Damon versus traditional will be one of the decisions we have to make. I'd love to hear any other opinions on the benefits and disadvantages of either choice.
  6. We're trying out Teaching the Classics' online class this year and the first book they read is the Hobbit. I'm really excited about it for my ds. We've loosely used TtC in our home for the last several years and have enjoyed its simple approach to literary analysis. Projects don't get done in our home, so we like the read/discuss format of TtC and the online class. Sorry, I just realized you were looking for something for 4-6. The online class is designed for 7th. After talking with Missy Andrews about it, I'm going to give it a try with my 6th grader this year but I don't know about using it with a 4th grader. TtC does have their Ready Reader program that includes The Hobbit as one of the literature selections. I have the Ready Reader book to use as a backup if the online class proves to be too advanced for ds.
  7. Thanks Beth. It is great to know that the Concept 2 holds up..... 20 years is a long time. Your comment about needing to adjust it because of your size raises a red flag with me. I too am much shorter than dh. I didn't know there was really any adjustment involved. I'll have to check into that some more. Getting to see one in person would be best, but there isn't a place that sells them within driving distance. If we buy one, we'll just have to order direct from the distributor and hope for the best. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the reply. I like exercises that give me a good, hard workout in a short amt. of time and it sounds like the rower would fit the bill.
  9. It is great to hear the positive reaction to rowing. I love the interval/pushup combo that your trainer has you do. That sounds like the kind of workout I usually enjoy. What brand is the rower that you like? We are looking at the Concept 2 rowers. We've been told they are a really good piece of equipment and they have the added bonus of having a distributor here in China.
  10. Thanks for the feedback. Good point about the space needed. According to the specs, we should have enough room in our exercise area, but it will make things a bit more cramped for other activities. Also, we don't currently have a tv in our area, but I think I could set up the computer and watch movies/slingbox from that to battle the monotony.
  11. Dh and I are thinking about getting a rower to use for exercise. We both regularly workout (weights, run, bike, HIIT), but are just looking for something new to change things up. Dh has a friend that does indoor rowing competitively and got us intrigued on the idea. It appeals to us because it looks like it would be a full body workout and because it looks low impact. I have a family history of joint issues/arthritis, and have already begun to show signs of following the same path and know I need to find a way to continue to be active without damaging my joints. If you row, what can you tell me about it? How long have you been doing it, do you enjoy it, what keeps you motivated to keep at it, what kind of results have you seen (endurance, muscles development, weight loss), any tips or warnings? Thanks!
  12. Well, we are giving Derek Owen's Physical Science course a try for my ds11 this year. This will also be his first outside, "class-like" setting course he has ever taken as well. I too am thinking the practice with note taking will be a good skill and is one of the reasons we chose the class. The partially completed notes seemed like a good way to introduce my ds to this skill slowly. We don't start until next week though, so I can't give a BTDT as to how it will go, but wanted to let you know you won't be alone if you give it a try.
  13. Mine is one I've changed slightly from a Papa John's clone I found a few years ago. I went through several different recipes for pizza sauce before we all fell in love with this one. The measurements for the oregano/basil/garlic are approx. (I don't measure them). 2 cans of tomato puree (I like Hunts because it is thicker than some other brands) 4tsp. sugar 3/8 tsp salt 1 tsp oregano 3/4 tsp basil 1 1/2 tsp. garlic pwd. 3 tsp. sunflower oil 1/4 tsp olive oil
  14. Thankss Donna. That is about how long I was estimating, so it is good to know I'm on the right track.
  15. Thanks Wendy. That is an expensive app:eek:, but I'll check it out online. If it does what I need it to, it might be worth it. Thanks!
  16. I would like to find a flashcard app for the iPhone where I can create the flashcards on my computer and somehow acess and load them onto the iPhone. Is there anything like this? I hate trying to input/type large amts. of info on my iPhone, and don't want a flashcard app where I have to type everything in on my phone. Thanks!
  17. Sorry to hijack, but I was wondering how long it is taking her to finish the lessons. I'm trying to determine how much time I should expect this to take my son this year, and would love some input from experience. Thanks!
  18. I am going to be order WWE 1 and 3 in the PDF version. Would there be any reason to order a PDF of the student pages? Aren't the student pages already included in the PDF of the student workbook? If having a seperate PDF of the student pages makes my life easier, I'm willing to pay the $10. But if all the student pages are already in the student workbook, and I'm already authorized to make additional copies for my family from the student workbook PDF, then I'll save my money. Thanks!
  19. HomeschoolbuyersCoop offers two choices for online typing program: Type to Learn 4 and Typing Pal. Has anyone ever used either of these programs? If so, can you give me your thoughts on it? If you have used or compared both, did you prefer one over the other and why? If you know of another online/web based program I should look at please let me know. Thanks!
  20. I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has posted their ideas and plans here. Unfortunately, we had a family emergency come up and are traveling. So I haven't had a chance to look at them all yet, but will when we get back home. I'm excited to take some time and look through them all and get our final plans for the year figured out. Thanks!
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