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Posts posted by GVD22

  1. Staples has a Teacher's Rewards program - and they give you $3 cash back in rewards for every ink cartridge you recycle.


    The Teacher's Reward program is great because when they limit school items to the general public, your limit is 25. Case in point, through today they had 8 pk pencils for 1 cent and the limit was 2 packs for the gen'l public, with my rewards card, I was able to buy 25 packs.

  2. Thanks for the responses it's good to know I'm not alone.


    If I sit beside her and keep her on the right track, she can do the work with minimal help; yet if I'm not there, some days she literally can't remember how to do things that she has done many times before.





    If this doesn't sound like my son, I don't know what does.


    Lizzybee, I'm pming you.:)

  3. DS is in 3rd grade and WILL NOT follow directions and carefully recheck his school work. Here's an example of what I deal with everyday. Okay honey, this is what the directions say, now tell me what are you supposed to be doing, He then tells me what he thinks the directions are requiring. Great job, honey, okay get started.


    Math example: $20.00-$19.03= $100.00



    He knows that he has to go through each column and work it and then go back and make sure that his answer makes sense but he won't. When I check the work and bring it to his attention, he then does it correctly, most of the time. He also does it correctly when I work with him before he starts his independent work.


    Language: Divide these words into syllables. He has the syllabication rules in the front of his book and STILL makes up his own rules for dividing the words because of laziness. I asked him, "why didn't you look at the rules while you were doing your work?". His response, "I didn't want to."



    I am beyond frustrated with him. I have a DD ahead of him and one behind them and don't have these issues with them. Is this unique to boys?


    I've tried taking away computer/Wii privileges, requiring extra work and still the same result.


    What can I do about this?

  4. I love couponing. I have at least an extra $4000 in my bank account this year from couponing(would be more but I buy tons of fresh fruit and veggies:)). Swapping coupons is not illegal. Manufacturers send out coupons all the time and specify to give the extras to friends. Also, stores set out coupons for customers to pick up because those manufacturers are trying to sale their products.

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