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Posts posted by GVD22

  1. DD will be in 8th grade this year and I'm starting to feel a little bit of the panic I felt when she was going into middle a few years ago. Even though I have been researching high school courses and requirements since she entered middle school, now that it's almost time for high school I am really feeling the weight of her education on my shoulders(especially since we have a new baby and I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to teach my other 3). Kudos to those who do this with kids in the higher grades and infants too!


    DH doesn't really have an opinion one way or the other on what curriculum I use and has no idea what is required of her to graduate and get accepted into college. He has said in the past that if I just show him what I'm interested in he will take a look at it but I would love for him to take some initiative with her education and bring things to me that he has researched. He fully supports me in homeschooling(he helps teach them in whatever areas I need it) but he doesn't like to research things and that is my strength.:glare: I just hate feeling like everything rests on me. I think I'm going to talk to him tonight.


    Does your spouse take an active role in choosing curriculum and making sure your children meet all the requirements for high school and beyond?

  2. Angela - congrats on your christmas day baby, how fun!


    I took 2 or so weeks off before my twins were born - I was (and had been) on bedrest and it just was time to 'let it go'. :) We started back to school when they were 3 weeks old. My oldest is only 3rd grade though *and* the time off was over Christmas and New Years so honestly we probably would have taken all that time off anyway just for the holidays.


    Congrats to you as well.:D

  3. I took off about 2 weeks BEFORE the baby came... I couldn't concentrate on anything. Instead, we just got ready for Christmas and did some family reading together.


    The baby is now 2 weeks old and we've been back to schooling full-time for the past week. (I gave us a week after the baby came, too.) I do most of my teaching while the baby is asleep, for now, at least.


    I've thought about the last few weeks before baby comes as well. I'm wondering if I'll be able to concentrate. I initially thought two weeks off after childbirth was a little ambitious, maybe it's something to shoot for after all. Congratulations:)

  4. That is a difference in what protestants think He was referring to when He said "Upon this rock". I need to look up the Greek on this again, but He wasn't saying He would build His church on any one, failing human. Peter does mean rock, petras, and He was talking to Peter, from my understanding, but he was saying He was going to build the church on the truth that Peter had just spoken, i.e., that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. He wasn't building it on Peter or his talents, his abilities, his righteousness, but on the truth that Peter had just spoken. The two Greek words are different. Peter is petros which is basically small rock or small stone and the Rock Jesus referred to was a large rock. Peter was definitely a key person who affirmed the truth of who Christ was, but the church was not to be built upon Peter himself. Peter was the very one that Jesus also said "Get thee behind me, Satan" and also the very one who denied Him three times. There's not a human being alive, from beginning until present, other than Christ Himself, who could carry the weight of having a church built upon him alone.


    The only foundation of the church is to be Christ Jesus, the Son of the Living God. Again, I am fully aware that Catholics won't agree with that. I'm done. :)



  5. At the rate I'm going, it's going to take me a year to get to 50 posts. (But then again I don't have anything to sell, so it doesn't really matter.) I do spend a fair bit of time lurking, I just don't have much to add to most discussions at this point.


    It took me about that long.:)

  6. I recently started an motivational reward system that works like this: after my son has done his assigned work (and done it well) he has the opportunity to do extra credit work. For extra credit I have things like "Take It To Your Seat" centers, educational games, reading comprehension worksheets, etc. Each EC assignment earns him a sticker, and when he gets five he gets to choose from a prize box.


    This is working out well so far - the supplemental things I bought are finally getting used, my son is choosing to do the extra work so he isn't resentful, and it's a good lesson in working for things that you want.


    This sounds really good! DH and I were talking last week about some sort of motivational system for DS.

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