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Posts posted by GVD22

  1. I'm going to dissent here. I think their sofa quality is carp. The fabrics seem ok, but the frames give more than I like and they all seem so light. I like a heavy framed sofa, and Ashley just seemed like toy furniture to me.


    Do a google for Ashley furniture reviews and see what you find.


    My DH, who is in furniture sales, would never buy Ashley. As someone else said, you get what you pay for.

  2. I would like to say it was either me or Nestof3- here's mine

    http://triviumacademy.blogspot.com/2008/04/our-k-8-science-by-seasons.html and Dawn's is...



    I don't know if either of these is what you're talking about though, neither one of are following WTM very closely.


    Thanks for posting your blog. I was wondering about Science Scope. :)

  3. I have a 6th grader, 3rd grader and kindergartener. I'm not really concerned about kindgergarten right now. Other than SOTW and Mystery of History, what have you used with success to teach your kids at one time who are not in the same grade? I think my concern is that if I make it palatable for my 3rd grader it won't be challenging enough for my 6th grader.


    I'm looking for Geography/Social Studies, History and Science recs only. Your help is greatly appreciated.:)

  4. "They're" saying that Bristol is 5 months pregnant, is that right?


    And "they've" suggested that perhaps Bristol was actually the mother of Trig, who was born . . . 5 months ago, yes?




    So, if Bristol is 5 months pregnant *now*, it would be impossible for her to be Trig's mother, correct? So, if SUDDENLY the Palin family announces that Bristol is 5 months pregnant, then that conveniently puts to rest the rumor that Bristol is Trig's mother.


    It's all very, very convenient, and something doesn't add up. The only thing more convenient than the timing of Bristol's pregnancy would be for the pregnancy not to reach full-term, which is what I predict will be the next announcement (that Bristol has miscarried).


    For the record, I have no horse in this race. I have no candidate, and I have no feelings toward the Palin family other than to wish them the very, very best in this difficult time.



  5. This is where a lot of us will part ways, I suppose. I would expect that of Bud. And of myself. Once we get these kids launched, then we don't have to consider the impact of our career choices upon them. But until then, I feel pretty strongly that we might have to make some sacrifices to get them where they need to be - particularly if we end up having one who makes significantly poor choices in his or her life. One or both of us might have to backburner some personal desires/ ambitions to parent our children as they figure out the whole becoming-an-adult thing. It would be a small sacrifice to see them over a bump in the road and into a successful life.



    I wholeheartedly agree!:)

  6. Why?


    I don't feel comfortable at all with her being 2nd in command because of her experience and her judgement leaves much to be desired, IMO. She appears to be dishonest as well. Why lie and say that she never approved of the Bridge to Nowhere? What else has she lied about?:confused: This latest issue is just one more "thing" and the announcement was just made Friday. Geez.

  7. Okay, here's what gets me. Two things, I guess...


    First, I think the McCain people *have* to be lying when they say they knew before announcing Palin as the VP choice. I mean, I just can't *imagine* they would take her own -- controversial choice as she is -- knowing her teenage daughter was pregnant and what a distraction that could be.


    Second, I'm sort of horrified that Palin would be willing to throw her daughter in the spotlight more than she already was (by accepting the VP nomination) while she's going through something so private, at such a young age. It *seems* terribly callous to me.


    I really don't know what to make of this yet. It will take time, and I'm sure that a lot more information will come out... But right now... I'm just a little concerned about the adults' choices in all of this.


    I agree, especially with the bolded.

  8. I cut my food budget by learning how to use coupons correctly. I went from spending $600-$700 month to feed my family of 5 to spending $250 a month. It would be less but I buy alot of fresh fruits and veggies. Even storebrand/generics are expensive to me now. I shudder to think what my bill would be like now if I hadn't changed my ways.

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