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Posts posted by GVD22

  1. This is a very strange situation!


    After the first time I faced this problem (of being unable to renew a popular book because it was on hold) I started renewing my books the day I brought them from the library. That way, I know I get to keep them for 6 weeks if I need to.


    BTW you are lucky to have the AG to look at! Our library doesn't stock workbooks or spiral bound texts.



    Our system works the same way, thankfully.

  2. My 7yo ds does this. It drives me bonkers. I think he's reading ahead, and so he forgets what he's saying. I've noticed that he's most likely to stutter on the easy words that precede a difficult word--like he's so busy trying to figure out the difficult word that he stutters on the 2 or 3 words before it. He almost never stutters on the difficult word itself. I've been trying to tell him to slow down and focus on each word as he's reading it, but I might as well be talking to the wind...:tongue_smilie:


    I'm guess I'm talking to the wind right along with you. ;)


    Another suggestion is to alternate sentences to model a slower pace. Then slowly build up so you are alternating paragraphs. The slower pace typically improves stuttering, but it is much better to model a slow speed than to tell them to "slow down."





    Thanks for the tip!

  3. Is it only while she is reading? Or is it in other parts of her speech?


    Our speech therapist told me to reduce stress and reduce the verbal load. If she is struggling with oral reading, try having her narrate instead. If she studders with that you may need to move to guided conversation. Definitely have her read easier books with shorter sentences, over more grade level books. My son even found talking to his half deaf great grandmother an increased verbal load, and stuttered when trying to speak loudly. So give the possible causes some serious thought.


    If you are worried, see a speech therapist.


    Ruth in NZ


    It's only while reading. Thanks for the suggestions.:)

  4. My son is taking introductory spanish with the state virtual school (FLVS). I thought this would be great, as surely it would have a video component and such. Well, not yet it doesn't. And the problem is there is no writing for practice, so he isn't learning the spelling/accent marks. He doesn't have to type them untl the quizzes. It seems a workbook approach would work so much better. But maybe I'm off base? Any thoughts? Also, I'm having to sit with him and help him/teach him so much I feel I might as well be teaching him on my own anyway! If only I could find something age appropriate that was low cost I think I'd jump ship. We have 3 weeks to decide.



    I have an acquaintance who's son took Spanish through FLVS and she said she wouldn't recommend it.

  5. Mr. Ellie, and probably millions of other California students, went to summer school every year for three years (after 9th, 10th, and 11th grades) and took core classes, such that in his senior year he took almost all fun electives.


    I don't know how those looked on his transcript, though; IOW, I don't know if they were listed as summer term or added to the previous school year or what.


    IOW, it doesn't matter when your dc completes those courses. :)


    I took summer classes in PS in order to obtain enough credits to graduate early. My kids have taken summer courses offered by local homeschool co-ops and 2 have entered college just fine. For simplification purposes I apply the summer to the coming year. In other words, a course taken in summer 07 goes on the fall 07 semester on the transcript.


    My oldest son (college) has taken courses at our local college during the summer in order to free up his next semester at college. No problem there, either.


    I don't think there would be any problem listing the summer courses on the transcript as "summer 07" (or whatever year) on the transcript. I just had a hard time finding a spot when making a one page transcript. I cannot think of any reason summer courses would be frowned upon by schools unless the student wasn't taking a fairly normal load in the fall/spring semesters.


    FWIW, my latest graduate had a really unique schedule for senior year. He took compressed courses in the early part of the semester at our local CC then he did a 2 month semester in England for the last half of the semester. No problem with his transcript being accepted.



    Thanks for your responses.

  6. List your courses by subject, not by school year:


    MATH . . . . . . . . CREDIT

    - Algebra 1 . . . . 1.0

    - Geometry . . . . 1.0

    - Algebra 2 . . . . 1.0

    - Pre-Calculus . . 1.0


    SOCIAL STUDIES . . . . . . . . . CREDIT

    - History: Ancient World . . . . 1.0

    - History: 20th Cent. World . . 1.0

    - History: American . . . . . . . 1.0

    - History: Church . . . . . . . . . 1.0

    - American Government . . . . . 0.5

    - Economics . . . . . . . .. . . . . 0.5



    If required (usually it is to show proof that it was a class done in high school, NOT in middle school), just put a month/year date for completion date:


    SOCIAL STUDIES . . . . . . . . . CREDIT . . . . AWARDED

    - History: Ancient World . . . . 1.0 . . . . . . . 04/2008

    - History: 20th Cent. World . . 1.0 . . . . . . . 01/2009



    Or, if required to list by school grade year, then find out how your local public schools count courses done in summer school -- most likely they are listed with courses done during the previous school year. So if course work is done in the summer between 9th and 10th grades, it gets counted under the grade 9 course work listing.


    To help allay fears about high school (lol), if you would like my newly-revised packet on preparing for high school, how to make a high school plan, transcripts, GPA, record-keeping, and a "calendar" of key events throughout high school and when to be planning for them, just email me at: neferlla AT hotmail DOT com Warmest regards, Lori D.


    Thanks, Lori and I already have your packet.:lol:

  7. Considered by WHOM? And who would know?

    The transcript lists the grade - or, if you list by subject, not even that.


    We focus on core subjects during the regular school year and use summer to work more on electives. Some students use summers to work on core requirements. I can't see how it would matter.


    :lol: Colleges. I guess I got the idea from a transcript example I saw where they stated that they "didn't have a traditional school year and so there would be some overlap from school year to school year". I was wondering if that would be the best way to word it or would colleges look down on not having a "normal" course load during the traditional year.. I think all my little worries about starting high school are surfacing.:001_huh:

  8. of with the other classes during the "regular" school year. We're gearing up to start back fulltime tomorrow(we school part time in the summer). DD is starting 9th grade and will be taking two classes through Florida Virtual. They have a few course schedule recommendations for homeschoolers and one of them is to take 4 classes AUG-MAY and 2 electives MAY-AUG (obviously at an accelerated pace). I initially had her schedule worked out to take 7 classes during the school year(1 being an elective) but I'm really considering doing the 4+2 schedule. Any thoughts?

  9. Thanks for all the responses. It's given me food for thought. :) I would say that what I wrote in the OP is a writing assignment too, but they do have it listed as a project.


    I think my real issue is actually being told, this is what you have to do. I have to constantly give myself permission to not go by the book. Recently, we enjoyed watching the larvae in our butterfly garden change into butterflies. That was neat, but having to construct a fake igloo with eskimos(which I had to do in 6th grade) not fun at all.:tongue_smilie:

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