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Posts posted by 74Heaven

  1. I tried to do Google search of your textbook and "syllabus". So far, this has been the best breakdown of assignments.


    I am not sure that the professor is using the same edition you are, but I hope that link helps.

    .....Ideally, you need someone to give you two (or three) sets of assignments. The first set would cover what you would need to do to make sure you understand the concepts and can apply them. The second set of problems would give you and idea of what problems to work if you need more practice with a particular part of the concept. The third (optional) set would be suggestions for the best challenge problems from the topic.


    That really is the HW help I need - how to assign a reasonable amount that keeps her focused on the important part of the lesson, enables her to use what she is learning/be challenged without being too overwhelming/time-consuming..


    thanks - hope I get more input

    Lisaj, I'll try the link at the library when I can get there, dial up - grr

  2. Hi, my 10th grade dtr is a very good math student and has completed Videotext Alg. 1 and 2, [all modules] and BJU Geometry.


    I am fairly certain I will be finding a tutor for her for this precalculus. Money is the main roadblock...


    We are having trouble right in [same as Chalkdust; Houghtin Mifflin] Chapter 1 of the Larson textbook. Most chapters have 80-100 problems and I have no idea what to assign. Then when we sit down to correct, I can't help her find her errors and it takes us an hour or even two hours to correct the odds [that is all my solutions key has answers to so those are the ones we do].


    There is no way I can stay with her in precalculus [time and energy-wise; I'm homeschooling 5 kids] and I don't have time to learn precalculus.


    We are trying to do a 1.5 yr pace; but at this pace, we are taking 4 weeks for the prerequisite chapter and now 2 weeks on lesson 1 IN chapter 1 [ch 1 has 5 lessons, then a chapter review], ...


    --So, my biggest question is, how should I assign the homework..

    --how often, in what sized ''chunks'' should we view the videos...

    --How should we/she correct the HW.... [her general thought is to rush right thru it so if she corrects her own, I need some safeguard that she understands before moving on.]

    --How do I test...

    --Minimum and maximum time she should spend....


    Btw, we bought the Houghton Mifflin set because of the huge price difference so I don't have the assignment/teacher help of Chalkdust. I don't even know what homework to assign. With 100 problems to choose from, I don't know how to mix the ''basics'' in with the story problems in a reasonable mix.


    I have a good Study and Solutions Key as well as the videos.


    Any help would be appreciated.


  3. IOW, access increases from maybe 12 hours a day in a single-gender dorm to 24/7 access.


    Now access is not the only factor, but I have read articles that point out that the age and maturity level of students in the ''college age group'' are not always sufficient to enable them to resist temptations and thus reducing the temptation opptys is usually a good step.


    This makes very good sense to me, esp considering the long-range consequences that result from poor choices and immature teen/young adult decisions.



  4. (866) 756-7346


    Be prepared to deal with customer service reps who "might" only be able to answer questions on their "scripts"! But, they certainly can tell you how to get your scores, I would think!


    Good luck!



    P.S. Who knows the pain of slooow dial up from a previous life.


    thanks, I will call them today if --after-- I get offline...



  5. This may sound really lame - but we have dial up and I can't even use their site with my dial up/old computer combination. My dtr took the SAT in June and I know how we can electronically pay and send the scores to a college but I don't know how to get the scores sent to us via an attachment or snail mail or in some '''official'' format that would be considered legitimate and official.


    Thanks for any help - if you don't know - but you do have the SAT phone number handy [once again, dial up - grrrr], please LMK that.


    Congrats to all the high scorers and good luck, Chris - do you know what his essay score will be since he didn't follow their directions.



    thanks - lisaj

  6. We tried several curriculums - Math Relief, Math-U-See [Alg 1 - about 4 weeks], Teaching Textbooks and then we tried Chalkdust Geom [one chapter] before switching to BJU Geom.


    Without a doubt, VT was the most thorough, best teaching that we found. I loved the why and feel both dtrs got great algebra knowledge and retention from VT Algebra. The only reason we went away from VT Geom was because my math-hater said she was sick of VT and BJU Geom videos were ''free'' because we were doing 3 other BJU classes on DVD.


    I ended up ''doing'' a lot of the VT with my math-hater and I feel qualified to teach Alg. 1 and 2 now if called upon [with VT review and help].


    One thing we did do was take the VT module-end tests and cumulative review tests [the practice, or Test A test] mid-module and even 2/3rd way thru again to add review to the program.


    My second dtr loves math usually - and she did VT much faster and more independently than the math-hater - still took 2 years for the 6 mods. Also the math hater switched out of VT after Mod D - if I could do it all over again - I would have made her staye with VT thru the end because I found everything about it superior to the other algebras we used.


    When the math-hater took the CC math placement test and failed [when she hadn't seen algebra 2 for a year, just took the CC test after finishing geometry], we pulled out the VT and started reviewing and she passed the test with flying colors 2-3 weeks later.


    just my recommendation... and btw, I have VT on my shelf for sale, 2 mods are VHS and 4 mods are DVDs - Lmk if anyone wants to buy it. I don't want to sell it - and I will almost def. rebuy it but I need the money and won't use it for 2-3 years probably for the next child.


    Lisaj, mom to 5


  7. I'll take a stab at a typical day...


    6a I wake up, aware that 17yo adn 15yo dtrs are noisily waking and showering and getting ready for the day. If I hear arguing or worse - don't hear anything - I hop out of bed and referee, wake them up or help them get moving. If all seems well, I will doze until about 645a at which time I get up, wake 12yo dtr and start my own devotions, breakfast making [poss more refereeing], starting laundry, managing chaos, shower if I have time, getting the girls to start some laundry, do 5min room pick ups. I am totally swamped keeping everyone moving and getting all three to eat a reasonable protein/fruit breakfast combination. Wake up two younger boys, get in quick baths, dressed, make beds, start breakfast.,... IN theory, the older 2 girls will have Bible quiet times and made their beds, etc.


    Yikes, hop in the car to either meet the carpool or ''be'' the carpool to get to the local cc with my oldest/a friend's dtr. 15yo starts BJU Geometry video. 12yo cleans kitchen and manages brothers til I return. Oldest and I try to read a chapter of Proverbs and/or pray briefly in the car - OR I tend to lecture her on time management and study skills instead during this one-on-one time lol.


    9 or 930a - I'm home again. I'll find the boys half - dressed, beds unmade and prob in the middle of eating. Soon, I will have hopefully herded the 2 younger boys thru breakfast, clean up and teeth brushing. Much order-barking and did-you-wash your face/comb your hair, find your shoes, etc questions from me. Start some more laundry. Glance at dinner menu plans to see if something needs to come from freezer. Devotions should happen now - don't always...working on this... 12yo and 3/4th do indiv. spelling for 20 min. Youngest plays. I finish my personal devotions, check email, pay bills, start laundry etc.


    10a Now begin the next 2.5 crazy hours. I try to spend 15-20 min on 2-3 subjects with each of the four at home - I do Shurley [levels 4,7] and Abeka math 1-on-1 lessons with the middles, read aloud Apologia A and P with 15yo; try some phonics and cusinaire rods with already reading 6yo. He also does independent A beka spelling book and reads alone.... Many interruptions - I am adjacent to school room in an office my dh made me - but I can --SEE-- the 6yo 12yo and 3/4th grader at their desks. There will be talking, goofing off, he-stole-my-eraser claims, and children disappearing to the bathroom with a book issues. When I start workng 1-on-1, someone will interrupt us with a not-really-an-emergency or I'll notice a child who is not working independently. The 15yo ins in her room and doing well there. 15yo works on Biology til about 11a. Usually gets most of the work done by then for Biology - she'll have math HW tho. 15yo is finishing BJU Geom by Nov 4th when the dvds are due - so she'll do a second geometry lesson from 11-12n. Then we call it mid-day chores from 12-1230 - we do some room clean up, some vacuuming, dusting, laundry, etc. Thinking abour lunch prep. Dtr may call from college, giving me update or letting me know some need/change, etc.... Praying for her, worrying about her...


    11a - we take a 10min snack /run around break.... IT will stretch into 20 for the youngers.


    1230p-130p lunch. Usually hasty, sandwiches, fruit, or leftovers - this is a really boring meal. Still the kids linger over it, missing ''recess'' by just sitting around chatting. They love running around outside so they will be bummed with recess is short. My goal is to start school at 130p - often we don't make it back til 2p. I check email, websites, these boards, make a few calls and do everything but eat lunch - unless we have chips and salsa in which case, recess is extended while I enjoy my treat... Kitchen is cleaned by 9yo, 12yo or 15yo - others load woodbox if necessary - usually I do some dinner prep. My mind stays on dtr at cc, praying, wondering about her progress for the day as well as her work ethic vs. her current interest in developing her social skills [smile] Did I mention that one of the children or I start some more laundry.

    We have a rotating sked of one child a day assigned to laundry, kitchen or dining room. The 15yo and I do the bulk of the laundry...


    130p - piano for 9yo; LfC Lev C for 7th grader and I usually do math with 6yo; 2p - 9yo does LfC Lev B [we're in lesson 1] and 7th grader does piano. 15yo does Spanish HW for co op class. 6yo either colors, plays wtih pattern blocks, reads or plays in room. HE is done unless I get time to do WWE and read aloud time. I'm really dragging here - also now I am starting to feel time pressure as I need to carpool or meet carpool for 17yo around 230-4p.


    230-330p Read aloud time - we're reading both Little House in the Big Woods and Paddle to the Sea. Both books are loved. The 15yo has moved on to her Lit homework for co op and the youngest 3 draw while I read aloud about 20-30 minutes. This time is also where I work in Writing With Ease for the 2 younger boys and the 7th grader write from copywork books We love WWE for the 1st and 4th grade boys. I also might work in some ''thinking skills'' oral or page for hte middles 4/5th and 7th grader. 3p is piano for 15yo. Checking on that laundry.


    break time around 3p - just 10-15min snack and run around


    330-4p My energy is gone and I am starting to think about the evening's activities. Soon, I am going to meet the carpool - if everyone is pretty much done then they can play in their rooms or go with me to get older sis/carpool. If they are not done, I just take the youngest and hope/pray the 4th/5th and 7th grader finish strong [or finish at all] for the day. Everyone should be done if there wasn't too much time-wasting, misbehavior. More laundry... Evenings are equally busy...


    Dinner time and dad arrives home about the time I finish the carpool or meet the carpool about 10min away.


    lisaj, mom to 5

  8. but we did use the BJU DVDs for chemistry last year for two dtrs who really struggled with chemistry. THE younger dtr is science-minded but prob. a bit young [she was 14yo] for the more intangibles within the subject of chemistry.


    Anyway, one dtr typed her vocab [the younger] and one dtr made flashcards. I made them recite the vocab to me [5 at a time] about every other day during the roughly 2 weeks per chapter. Then I gave 1/2 pt or 1/4 pt per vocab word that they could define [nearly word perfect] on the tests. They usually average from 4-6 points of extra credit this way. If I didn't have them say them to me, the lazier dtr wouldn't do the memorizing of the vocab. Plus memorizing comes easily to both girls and I felt the emphasis on the vocab would help them retain the material, cross-reference it to other subjects and basically [because they are strong language arts students].


    We did all the DVD assignments [which were most of the chapter review questions in the BJU 2nd edition book] as well as all the labs.]


    We spent an average of 1.5 hours a day on chemistry, prob more like 2 hours a day the second half of the year. We really struggled with a few of the chapters, doing 2 or 3 chapters completely over because we got C- or Dplus on the tests. Plus, both dtrs didn't like chemistry and needed lots of prodding and pushing by me to do the work...


    As I said, we really struggled and because of this, the workload [and oversight from me] had to increase as the year went on because the girls were not really applying themselves fully. So about halfway thru [should have been sooner] I added a requirement that the girls note-take from the video and that helped a ton...


    So the daily sked for us was - watch video while taking notes, write/make vocab flashcards, say vocab if necess, do homework 3-4 days a week - chap review questions,[have mom correct questions and redo any that were missed] and do lab and write up lab report one day per every 2 weeks.


    I am always surprised when someone does science in an hour a day - that is about half the time we need, esp as the 3-4 days before the test approaches...

    - Lisaj, HTH

  9. I have a 17yod who can't have the computer there. In fact, the temptation is just too much for her. I don't understand why she can't watch algebra DVDs/CDRoms at another computer or have a laptop that is taken into her room only at that algebra / music time.


    Btw if my dtr was online during school, that power cord for the computer would be well-hidden or in my possession until algebra or music time.


    Esp if you suspect attention issues, remove the distractions you can.


    Also, is she reading/studying in bed or on her bed. If so, she needs a desk/table and chair instead. I would make the bed off limits if she is ever studying there.


    There is a ''mother's saying'' that ''you get what you INSPECT''. That applies here, regular checking over her work and probably a carrot and a stick will probably give your dtr the accountability she needs.


    I give you my sympathy because the last 2 years of school, my then 15yo and then 16yo got moved out of her room into the school room because she just couldn't be trusted to get things done in her room. Now I have her younger sister doing very well in her room; getting things done, staying on task, etc.


    Could she start earlier.. It would seem more doable if school was over at 130p when she left for band...


    lisaj, mom to 5

  10. I have a 17yo dtr who has always struggled with lying.


    It has gotten worse and worse and it involves everything - everything from cell phone lying [no I didn't text at all last week, erases all call histories - has over 100 texts that week on the phone bill when it comes - yes we know how to check it online sooner]... yes I cleaned my room, '' no I didn't eat Dad's diet ice cream sandwiches, I don't know why it was in the garbage in my room'', no I wasn't checking my email last night at 11pm [computer history says she was], ''no that was a regular shift at work, I wasn't a volunteer sub shift - it has been on the calendar for a week'' [no it wasn't, it is in a new pen color just added yesterday], yes I did the dishes, no I didn't wear your new blue shirt you just got 2 days ago [''I don't know how it got stuffed under my winter boots in the corner of my closet''].. No I didn't create a facebook page w/o your permission [but there is such a page that is obviously hers...]


    etc etc etc


    The good thing is... most of the crimes are minor and we feel confident we know where she is, who she is with, what she is doing [in general] virtually 24/7. IOW, she is not out doing really bad or worrisome things.....


    The second good thing is... she is a horrible liar - not skilled at covering her trail - really hardly even trying to cover her trail.


    The question - what do we do. Now I have no doubt that we have a certain failure as parents - in that we have prob. put too severe consequences on her actions in the past and not enough positive reinforcement for truth. We are pretty strict but not overly so..


    The problem is worsening by the moment.


    Also, we feel we can't trust her, so we've taken away texting by blocking it, refused to let her take her computer to school because she was spending time on facebook at school instead of studying or doing research ''as she told us she was doing'', refused to let her drive the car - because we feel we can't trust her - and we ''have to'' limit her freedoms since we can't trust her.


    The biggest problem is that nothing she says is trustworthy. So I end up frustrated because I go to get a shirt, or a book or a tool, or even a snack - and end up finding it missing and in her room - and she denies it.


    I know teens tend to lie and that it is a maturity process as well as a sin but this problem is increasing and seems hopeless...



  11. And for the children to get to go ''deep'' in Latin in junior high and high school. Starting in 2nd or 3rd grade is great because it coincides with their grammar studies and really cements grammar concepts such as parts of speech, sentences patterns. Latin gives children a headstart in truly ''understanding'' English grammar.


    I think Latin teaches great logic skills as children advance in Latin and particularly as they translate sentences.


    Another great reason that we like to start Latin in the early elementary grades is that we think it is a vocabulary enhancer. Especially for kids who read far ahead of standard grade levels, Latin gives them one more tool, in addition to context to figure out what unfamiliar words mean. Along the same lines, there are many Latin phrases and quotes in books that children encounter - or in their study of U.S. history. When they learn these in Latin, they have a better grasp and memory when they see them again in books and history studies.


    I started Latin about 5-6 years ago because of WTM and my research into homeschooling convincing me it was the ''right thing to do'' - I did it dragging my feet and complaining. But it has turned out to be a great benefit to their education for my dtrs.




  12. You can download the first six weeks of Book 3 at the bottom of the page here......

    It would likely give you a clearer picture of whether that would be a good choice.


    Alternately, just do the lessons that are spelled out in the WWE textbook. You don't have to make up your own lessons in between, just keep going. Start at the beginning of 3rd, and keep working right on through the lessons that are spelled out for level 4. You should get almost a semester's worth of material out of just the lessons in those two levels. And if you find he needs to slow down at some point, of course you can do that.


    Thanks, I can start these first 6 lessons and see if I have a good fit.... but I guess I am confused now. I don't understand what you mean about the ''lessons spelled out for level 4''. I admit I don't know a ton about WWE but how can I work at Lev 4 w/o a workbook.... you mean from the Instructor's Main Text...



  13. I didn't do the assessment because I thought my son's results would 'split'. i.e. he would be able to read and write and be assessed ''borderline'' between books 3 and 4. But since I thought Book 4 wasn't available for quite awhile, I was wondering if book 3 would be too easy or I should go ahead and get it. THE bookstore just had books 1 and 2 so I couldn't look at Book 3.



    That's what I was going to suggest.
  14. How are the proofs in BJU? If I think that proofs are important' date=' we will still be okay with BJU?[/quote']


    But it seemed the course introduced proofs, worked on them for a few months but the instructor didn't usually assign the tougher proofs - we did a few extra that the DVD did not assign - overall, [tho I am not extremely knowledgeable about geometry scope and sequence] I thought the proofs were adequately taught. I was a bit annoyed that the instructor seemed to skimp a little bit on constructions.


    Both were covered very adequately in the textbook tho - so we just added a little more homework then the DVD did and covered both as much as we thought.


    One small complaint from me is that I thought the Geometry homework load was a little light. We've always had daily math homework and this class only gave homework prob. 70 percent of the time. Once again, we added in memorizing postulates, theorems and vocabulary and the girls were busy enough.



    Lisaj, mom to 5

  15. i picked up the WWE book 1 at our local homeschool bookstore. It is perfect for my 1st grader who has done very little writing but did do a whole year of manuscript printing last year -and- reads at a very advanced level...


    His 4th gr brother is doing Shurley Eng after 3 years of A beka [grade level] language arts. This boy is an extremely advanced reader but has little desire to write. We are following my ''normal'' 3 yrs Abeka, 3 yrs Shurley elem language arts sked.


    If WWE could work for him, I'd be thrilled. His oral narrations are almost perfect as far as comprehension. I want his penmanship to improve and I want him to start writing more - and yet also focus on good grammar/spelling/puntuation in his writing.


    We have dabbled in IEW but I think I have too much going this year to really stay with IEW. WWE looks scripted, easy to pick up and use. Anyone have thoughts about a 4th grade reluctant writer using WWE Level 3.


    I don't want this to be TMI but this boy is extremely gifted in everything except possibly the actual act of writing and punctuating paragraph/sentences. He speaks well and grammatically correct. He routinely whips out near-perfect scores on grammar/spelling/punctuation tests but then he writes something and it looks like a first grader, such as - [sample sentence from this boy]


    the Boy galloping on the horse wnt To fas crasht two fence [no period]


    kwim - Can you help.

    btw, I do know how to spell and punctuate but my shift key just broke again

    lisaj, mom to 5

  16. My science-oriented dtr did the fllg science sequence and I fully credit Rainbow Sci for igniting her love of science.

    5th/6th grades Rainbow Sci [1 sem ea of physical sci, chem, bio, applications]

    7th Apologia physical sci

    8th Apologia biology

    9th BJU Chem [i wanted to do Rainbow's Spectrum Chem but wanted dvds]

    10th Apologia Anat and Physiology

    11th poss Physics


    Rainbow Sci is easy to use, expensive and well worth every penny. most people do it 3x a week with the third day of ea week is for an experiment.


    Btw, I didn't know at the time that this dtr was science-oriented as we had done very little science. but I was partnering her with her older sister so she ''tagged along'' at a higher level than I would have planned to allow me to teach one science to both girls. Also, she turned 10yo on the day we started 5th grade so she was young 5th grader and still did well in Rainbow.


    Personally having done several sciences now [Abeka w/ some of mine in gr 3-4 and cConsidering God's Creation], I think Rainbow is the easiest and least time consuming if you buy the all-in-one lab supplies.


    lisaj, mom to 5

  17. I remember being quite fearful starting to homeschool high school and so I thought I'd start a thread of ''help'' for the moms just starting high school this year.

    Here are some of my ''tips''. I got so much help from the hive....


    ---If you have a weak subject [mine is science], get every help available for the teacher and the student [i.e. for Apologia, get the companion CD, donnayoung.org or Sonlight schedules, Audio CD of the book, consider DIVE CDs, library videos, Teaching Company videos, picture books, etc.

    ---if you plan to do microscope labs in more then 1 subjects [i.e. 2 yrs or more] and don't have access to a nearby m/scope, by all means consider getting a good microscope - I didn't - and ended up driving 40miles RT for labs and paying a tow truck one muddy spring day [i.e. 100 bucks] and gas for 10trips, etc. [it would have been -cheaper- in time, money and stress - to buy a microscope]

    ---Find time to read and discuss as much literature as you can [if that is only 3 good classics a year, that's better than 0.... We read a lot but didn't discuss enough - the car can be a good place for discussion]

    ---Budget generous time for the hard subjects

    ---Go deeper rather than faster in your top priority subjects [how I wish I'd heeded this advice]

    ---Make organization -part- of each subject; iow have some requirements for neatness, presentation, organization of materials and work schedule [remember this may be zero in gr 9 and fully independent in gr 12 - so don't expect miracles here for many students]


    I have hsed a now 12th grader and a 10th grader since birth. The older is a fair student who is not self-motivated; the 10th grader is the opposite [minus puberty, lol]. I am STILL learning myself.


    Let's hear from other veterans...


    lisaj, hsing 5

  18. Both :)


    If you want the slowest (and lightest) precalc in town, then BJU is for you. I mean painfully slow to the point where there is panic! Good moments of precalc were the trig, calculator instruction, slower pace when it was too hard to get. Bad moments were the live class thing, the chit chat, dumb questions, mistakes on their materials (you would think if the class was done several years back, that it would be corrected....)


    Wow, these were some of the things I did not like about BJU - really, why do the teacher handouts disagree with the teacher's on-video instructions - when they had 5 years to correct the errors.... And the live class chit-chat [ours was videotaped 2003 LINC classes.

    BUT we did like the instruction [Dr Conn].


    OK, we were planning to move into BJU precalc DVDs very soon but.... now I am wondering. What else is out there on DVD for pre-calc...


    Susan, if you say the BJU is the slowest and lightest, why do you say that. Is the BJU precalc missing important topics - does it skim where it should go deeper... Are there not enough assignments. [That would be one of my BJU geometry complaints.] I could live with ''slowness' of pace'' if it covers everything..


    thanks, lisaj

  19. Anyone have trouble using the Multi media companion cd for Apologia Biology?

    We inserted it in the computer and can't get it to work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We do have Mac OSX, but it says on the back that is compatible.


    We have that problem with so many DVDs AND CDRoms and it is extremely annoying. If you don't have another computer, even run over and ask a neighbor if you can stick it in theirs and see if that works.


    i don't know if we had that exact problem with the Apologia CDRoms.


    Sorry, good luck.

  20. iT seemed to have more information and support than Chalkdust geometry. The main thing I got on the boards was that Chalkdust Alg was fabuloso but there wasn't near as much adulation [tho there also were not any complaints really] about the geometry.


    The BJU DVD instruction was great, CHalkdust Geom DVD lessons just seemed a bit short. BJU DVDs are about 45 min and I believe most of the CD lessons are just 15-20min [they vary in length] - I'm not sure about the length of CD video lessons, my memory may be wrong.


    This was for a math-hater [who didn't hate BJU] and so I used it for a math-lover as well.


    The math-hater is done with math, the math lover will soon start BJU Pre-Calculus DVDs. Both are spendy....


    lisaj, mom to 5

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