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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I am currently listening to Glass Houses which is the current Chief Inspector Gamache book. It was worth the wait :) and I am glad I decided to wait for the audiobook. The timing could have been a bit better because I was already part way through Runemarks by Joanne Harris for the Bingo challenge in the category of author who lives near you. Runemarks has been a pleasant surprise and I will finish it after I am done with Glass Houses. ;) On my Kindle I am reading Hot Pursuit by Julie Ann Walker https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31676242-hot-pursuit?from_search=true which seems to be taking place in Cornwall as opposed to Chicago. This is a series many BaWer's were reading when I first joined the group but this particular book is being read for the P. Not bad and it does contain adult content. I have also started Rosemary and Rue by one of my favorite authors Seaman McGuire https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6294549-rosemary-and-rue?ac=1&from_search=true. I tried this book at least once in the past and am a bit mystified why I abandoned it at 10% read (per my kindle) because it was developing nicely at that point!
  2. Many Uni's actually employ Americans to work with potential American students so I wouldn't worry too much about not being understood. ;). We found the UCAS application was amazingly straightforward with confirmation being requested by the individual programs if they require it. They don't want the ACT scores etc upfront like in the US you just plug them in to the main application. Some schools are also able to accept things like Pell Grants. Fyi, Several of the Dc's friends are foreign language majors. I believe Sheffield has a French Literature major so you might want to look at that degree. Most double with another language. I know their German Literature one is popular because most of the friends have a double with that and another language.
  3. In general I would not expect credit for DE. I would just consider it an extra that makes them more attractive and able to handle University level work. Maybe if the class is an obvious duplicate down to the textbook.
  4. I read the first two in this series several years ago also and enjoyed them.
  5. My kids have typical US homeschooled qualifications but are British and residing in the UK which might make a difference. Neither had any problem with acceptance via UCAS for the programs they applied for. Fwiw all Russell Group. No interview requested. Their scores were above the levels being asked for by international students but consisted of ACT, SAT Subjects,and a couple of AP's each. We mixed AP and SAT without issue. They also had what would be considered to be an extensive DE transcript with associates completed at a US University which I do think someone asked to see.
  6. I diligently went hunting and found the romances that I even added to my wish list with hedgehogs, puffins, and mongoose sidekicks. I will report back! ;) Now shifters need to be romantic and hedgehogs are adorable and cute. Perhaps even cuddly. But a shifter who curls up in a ball if they get scared (like from a light shined on it.... It just doesn't take much to upset a hedgehog, trust me ;) ) is just not going to be very hot shifter romantic. But the thought is hilarious! :lol:
  7. I am just starting to become more interested in fantasy. I found a couple of these to add to my wish lists. Thank you! This is more my normal, at least the time travel part is. ;) I found it in overdrive so will hopefully be able to try it soon!
  8. I now know who Tyler Henry is. :lol: No, I don't believe in clairvoyant's. The whole thing just creeps me out and makes me wonder how they got the information about their customers. Yes, beyond skeptical here. ;) Now the question of do I believe that sometimes something good happens for an unexplained reason that is beyond coincidence? Yes, I do believe there is something greater. Probably the most miraculous was that on the morning of my father's funeral I received a phone call that I was pregnant. When you take into account that my miracle occurred after almost ten years of infertility treatments and blood draws that always came back negative it was pretty amazing. I have always felt that was my Dad looking out for me. Oddly the book I am reading has a Cassandra character who is a prophet.
  9. I have watched most of the first season of Outlander but am not a fan and tried the books many years ago. I need to try them again but keep putting it off. Apparently my sil is a huge fan and if nothing else it would supply conversation! ;) I started reading what I think will be a great book today, Hellenic Immortal by Doucette https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31817216-hellenic-immortal?ac=1&from_search=true is the second in his immortal series. The main character has been around basically forever and seems to be in the process with telling his life story interspersed with current day issues like keeping too much cash and being under FBI surveillance. There is some reminiscent of the Iron Driud series with these but it appears this series was first by a few months. I have been trying to quilt on a machine today but things did not go well and I have spent hours tearing things apart. I've gotten really quick with a seam ripper! Tomorrow is a new day and I will be pretty much starting over unless I decide to hide with a book!
  10. Nan, Good to see you! I am assuming it's very unlikely that I would be going on this adventure without DH. But if I am dh should go on the list in place of the knitting. ;) So for my three items I would want a time consuming knitting project with super fine yarn, a deck of cards, and the ability to keep a journal\notes.
  11. Soulless isn't that bad as in you could handle it. The second book is the problem and she would want to read it! ;) But you are right she could handle the Invisible Library. I really liked the Invisible Library series.
  12. Definitely not for your dd. She would blush for a month! The second book is particularly blush worthy for me and that is saying something! I just told my dd she could read them last summer (she is 19, guys) and was pretty relieved she read Soulless and hasn't had time to finish the rest! I did just finish the third book in The Great Library series which starts with Ink and Bone I think. Feeling lazy at the moment. I think she would enjoy those and just a couple of mild romances. I was planning to recommend it for her. Huge cliffhangers, as in promising myself I won't do this to myself again, but I do. :Lol: Love the GH fact checking! :lol: All I can say is I now have Laura Kinsale's Midsummer Moon on hold. A hedgehog is a character in the book. A hedgehog!!! Obviously I enjoyed the article. So my favorite literary creature is a really hard one because I love animals. I'm going with Piglet. This reminds me for those looking for a great read aloud try 101 Dalmatians. Way better than the movie and quite different.
  13. A Whole Life sounds wonderful. I loved the review so thank you for the link. I have put it on my list of books to request in the new year. Since The Hate U Give is available on my overdrive I added myself to the wait list. It's a long list! ;)
  14. Yes,the counterpart again. The painting in the first one actually makes me want to read the book! I will think about your mystery book but I can't remember any where the miserable boy at boarding school was able to go home! In my books the son generally becomes distant from his parents and makes two friends who become closer than brothers! ;) :lol: Eta. I just started looking around in Good reads and naturally started with Kate Morton, I have read two, The Lake House and The Forgotten Garden, the only one marked as Want to Read is The Distant Hours with the same cover as in your comparison. The painted one.....told you it made me want to read the book. :lol: Chocolate!!!! Your kids are persistent, I never got a note under the door! I will admit that a couple of weeks ago, I thought I was by myself in the house and didn't bother shut the door all the way, saving electricity. When dd tracked me down she actually closed the door for me before grilling me. Unfortunately she didn't turn the light on but one can't have everything!
  15. You never told me you had bought one! As you know I love mine. I think I have had most of the Instant Pot Cookbooks out of the library but still just google. I think I have a better idea how to make things work thanks to the cookbooks but really haven't found the perfect cookbook yet. Part of the problem is I rarely buy specific ingredients for any meal so items not in my normal pantry are a pain. I think the one I thought was the most helpful was The Essential Instant Pot Cookbook by Coco Morante. I believe it was the one with useful charts for the basic's like meat, potatoes, beans, rice. Well she is said to be a model. She definitely was a model with plenty of cash so..... yes dear that's my take on it. ;) Definitely the middle one if I have to physically be seen with the book! Life improved greatly with my Kindle because the only people who ever see my covers are my family and I know longer share a Kindle account with them. Those three cover's illustrate perfectly my problems with physical books and impulse buying\ checking out. There is no way other than knowing titles you ever would guess they are the same! Yes, Kareni, I have read The Proposal also. DE Stevenson's books are so very good. Recently I learned that she received a Blue Plaque. Really happy she was recognized. http://www.dalyght.ca/DEStevenson/index.html. Also this is interesting, I found it hunting for my other link. Apparently two of her books have been sitting in an attic unpublished. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-13280234
  16. I love your title! Boring is such a wonderful comfortable thing and definitely worth striving for. I am very fond of comfortable! I just finished my latest installment of The Cat Who series.......in this case The Cat Who Lived High https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/149319.The_Cat_Who_Lived_High?ac=1&from_search=true. It was excellent, Qwill returns to his life down below in Junktown. I love the fact that he is such a kind person who is able to take an interest in all those around him. Quietly, with true concern. Also the cats frequently made me laugh! Gentle cozies.... These books are a reread for me and I actually remember this book's release. :lol: Yes, I was very happy to get my copy. I actually had a signed copy but didn't attend the signing. I now really wish I had. Local author at the time with signed editions at a local bookstore.
  17. I've been thinking about this and suspect that the title would need to be something along the lines of Rabbit Trails or Just a Minute! I am very easily distracted! I do get my goals done just not always as originally planned......case in point I could put out bunny on the cover. Robin wants titles and I am worrying about cover art! Lol I finished listening to Elly Griffith's The Zig Zag Girl. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23719322-the-zig-zag-girl. Loved it! It centered on a fictional "elite" group of British operatives during WWII called the Magic Men because many were magicians. Several years later people connected with that group are being murdered. Two more in this series have been published. Yeah!!!
  18. Since I know the movie is going to be a must watch in this house I probably should read or listen to the book first. I just went and reserved two.....one is the BBC 4 production. Any idea which one is better?
  19. Harriet the Spy is fun but I loved The Strawberry Girl. Dd loved it too but D's doesn't even remember it. We recently found our copy. The Host looks really familiar. It appears to have come out in 2008 so I must of read it before I started recording my books. Glad you enjoyed it. That book has been on my list every since it first came out. It's been in the stack a coup!e of times too, but it just hasn't made it to the top. I thought I would like it because I have been to Chicago many times so maybe I still will try to read it at some point.
  20. ErinE, I am still waiting for A Conjuring of Light. Glad to know it is as good as the rest of the series! You just solved one of my present needs! The dog book looks incredible for a dog lover. I have looked at Saints for All Occasions a couple of times. Now that I have read your review I will put it only list. ;) I keep trying to remember what we did for read alouds at your dc's ages. Many were Sci fi but we did read Swallows and Amazons at about that point. It's a children's classic that we had missed but definitely still enjoyed. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/125190.Swallows_and_Amazons?ac=1&from_search=true
  21. Very similar memory here when I saw the intro! I miss poetry and swings but do appreciate being allowed to close the bathroom door! :lol: The first book in the October Days series is sitting in my pile. I am so looking forward to it after read both your and Erin's reviews. I used to love the Eve Duncan series. Is this a reread or the first time through for you?
  22. I have a huge stack of books in progress also. Probably the most relevant one of the moment s The Zig Zag Girl by Elly Griffiths https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22838934-the-zig-zag-girl?ac=1&from_search=true. It's the first in a new to me series by one of my favorite authors and seems to be hitting the spot although I have avoided it since it was published. This is one of those times when I am very grateful for Robin's challenges because if I didn't need a Z rather desperately for topaz I would not be listening to this book. It's set in England post WWII and at this point at least is solving a murder involving members of a special MI team that speciality was diverting this enemy using principles derived from magic tricks. Both the suspects and the lead detective were members of the MI team. I also finished listening to a rather dated cozy by Elizabeth Peters that was first published in 1969. The Camelot Caper is a prequel to her Vicki Bliss series. All I can say is it was charming and funny if you are like me and have a tendency to travel with a guide book after having memorised two others. The heroine was definitely someone I could be friends with! In terms of Brit Tripping this book has four counties mentioned so a gold mine.... Wiltshire, Devonshire, Cornwall, and Somerset. I wish I had waited! But I have decided to start keeping notes now for Amy and Loesje. ;)
  23. Noseinabook, Just know that you have been missed. I suspect that you will relate to this particular Aurora Teagarden a bit more than usual and she just has one! ;)
  24. :lol: I can still remember how shocked I was to discover that I could see the leaves on trees, really glad I didn't look up and see spiders on those leaves!
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