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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. Can someone explain to me what this is exactly. I thought it was just for memorization. When talking with a mom today, she said it was a 1 day class that covers everything and then she started telling me the curriculum they use. She also mentioned that for 7th grade it would run me about $1000+ dollars and that is just for 1 child! If I was going to use this for memorization only. What do I purchase? Do I have to purchase the curriculum that they use? When I went to the site I only see one thing that I would be using which is Apologia and maybe IEW. I just don't understand this.
  2. moved about 3 yrs ago to Barrow County, which is about 20 miles north of the Mall of Ga. About an hour from Marietta..in good traffic:D When we lived out there, I couldn't find anything, now everything is out that way!:confused:
  3. If my ds had an accident, he would be paying me back if he didn't have the funds to pay for it himself. Once ds gets a car, all cost are on him...insurance, gas, repairs, etc..
  4. How long does it take your student to do this? I used TOG 1 a couple of years ago and it took my kids forever to do the work and I had a difficult time getting the book in from the library, purchasing all the books needed for 3 kids/3 different levels was out. I might try it again next year or even when ds(right now 6th grade) starts highschool. I figure then ds and dd can use the same books..maybe(dd is 2yrs behind ds) I know not do everything and won't even try. Right now it takes my kids FOREVER to do their work and adding in all the reading that is required is going to make the day even longer.
  5. I was just thinking about the highschool years for my two younger kids. Ds won't be in highschool for another 2yrs, which won't be long! I know they will need Government/Economics one of those years. What have you used and really liked?
  6. The Lyrical Science---The Human Body What about Almost 12? That is the only book that I don't have that is listed in the IG I have Food and Nutrition for Every Kid Usborne Guide to Rocks and Fossils The Human Body Blood & Guts: A Working Guide to Your Own Insides Usborne Internet-Linked Complete Book of the Human Body Improve Your Survival Skills Dry Bones and Other Fossils The History of Medicine Computers for beginner(I guess I don't have the newer IG, since there is a different book online) Anything else?
  7. different time than the others! I had no idea, it was this weekend. OH WELL, I am sure it will hit us tomorrow.
  8. About 2 yrs ago for 4 days. Family of 5 and we spent about $5500 and that included the flight(we got first class on the way back..they messed up on our tickets so all 5 of us got special treatment!!:D), the resort(all inclusive), a visit to XCaret where we went snorkeling, Chichen Itza..the trip included the bus ride, drinks, snacks, lunch, and a stop at--what they call-- a beautiful sink hole called "Ik-Kil", also we went horseback riding on the beach. We were also able to go snorkeling at the resort, which was RIGHT on the beach. We had so much fun and our money over there(at that time) was 10x more. Which made it very easy to calculate the cost of items. We would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to go back.
  9. since we have never eaten it. I will ask at the market, but I don't know how well they can speak English.
  10. We went to a Asian Market today. I came close to getting a Durian and Mangosteen for ds, but didn't. I am planning to take ds tomorrow or sometime next week. I know he would love to try these, but wanted to find out about them first. SIL said that she read somewhere that the Durian has toxic seeds..where are the seeds? How do I make sure they are out?? Mangosteen..do you peel these? Question about both...Do you cook these before eating? Both were frozen and suggested to keep frozen. .
  11. That's not what I was saying. On the way home I noticed how I looked and thought YUCK. I really don't care what people think about me. I think it's more for me.. that I know I look nice for dh when he gets home, or if I had to go out at the last minute or if we had unexpected company I just don't have the motivation to do these things...I use to when we first got married and would never step foot out the door with out make-up, hair fixed and nice clothes.
  12. Dress-up..I mean fix hair, put make-up on(if you wear it), put on nice clothes? Normally, I don't unless I know we are going somewhere. I feel that it is pointless to waist hair products, make-up and possibly messing up my "going out" clothes. Today, we had an emergency with ds and I had to go out in my around the house clothes(T-shirt and sweats), no make-up and my hair basically just air dried. I know I looked horrible! What is your motivation to dress up daily?
  13. since she had opened it, didn't used it and they were going to charge me for it, she might as well give it to me just in case I might need it. Nice to have on hand IMO, oldest ds(18) is always doing something, ending up with a cut or a burn...he carves wood, works on the kids bike and other things, builds and now cooks
  14. Ds(11) and Dd wanted to play with a box that we got last night from an office chair. While playing with it, he got the idea to cut the flaps off. I was sitting at the table and saw him get a knife, which I thought was a butter knife...they know better(so I thought!) than getting a sharp knife. Well, he got a pairing knife, that we don't use very much! I saw when the knife slipped. He looks at me and says, "Mom, I cut my hand." I told him to put it under the water to rinse the blood, then I saw the amount of blood and grabbed a rag. The cut what about the size of a lima bean, we could see the fatty tissue. I rushed him to the UC. At first the Dr. said it was superficial and that they would glue it together, which I didn't think was right because it was swollen and I noticed at home that he didn't have the flap of skin to pull it together, but I kept my mouth shut. When she got the light on it, she noticed that he had cut off the skin,so she decided to do stitches, while doing that she gave him a very good science lesson . He ended up with 2 stitches. She also gave me the glue for future cuts..:D Funny thing is...Dh took him to some sort of hunting benefit on Tuesday and they gave out knives as gifts. Ds came home asking me if he could keep his, that Dad told him that it was ok. I told him absolutely NOT! He did not like my answer and asked a couple of more times why he couldn't have one...Well, today he tells me, "Mom,I don't think I need a knife, until I am 21!":D:D:D
  15. She just turned 10. She is in her own little world and what really matters to her, comes first. Her chores and lessons take her FOREVER! Chores, she will go off doing something that is not listed on the chore card! I have not figured this one out yet, then she gets upset when I say something to her. I do take things away..computer, outside time, and TV. She is heartbroken and cries about it, but then she is ok. It doesn't help her speed up any! I agree at this age I think they should be a little more independent. I sit with the kids during their lesson(seems like ALL day!). I do not do much around the house, like I think I should be able to..at least 15 to 20mins at a time. I tell her, next year and every year after that will get a bit harder and her daydreaming is going to make it worse! Sometimes I wonder how she would handle PS...There is absolutely no way she could handle it...thank goodness she is homeschooled!
  16. I am looking for 5th and 7th grade. I would like something that I can use with both of them.
  17. OH, how I wish I had a friend to borrow these from. It sure would be helpful!
  18. She doesn't want them this long...they look like what the little girl wore in the movie Bridge to Terabithia. We want to sew these, not knit. http://cgi.ebay.com/Arm-warmers-hot-new-look-2-pr-Blue-New-Made-in-USA_W0QQitemZ350031266656QQihZ022QQcategoryZ11523QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting
  19. Dd has picked out a pattern that has those gloves that cover part of the hand and go over the thumb and up the arm..sorry I don't know what to call them. The pattern uses fleece, but she wants to wear them for the spring and summer. What material would we need to use?
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