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Gingerbread Mama

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Posts posted by Gingerbread Mama

  1. It kind of sounds like a silly exercise to me. The poor guy who is the slowest will always have to do push-ups, and the fastest never will.




    This sounds like many sports drills I've seen/heard off that don't really better anyone but just make the less adept feel picked on. :confused: not excusing the kids behavior, I hope the coach dealt with him for jumping on someone. That is not safe.

  2. My daughter had this cast when she broke her wrist. It really saved her summer. It's lightweight, waterproof, and removable, but it's still a hard cast.




    Hey that is what we ended up with. We saw an orrthopedic surgeon yesterday and he said he was pushing for these for everyone. He said to let her swim, shower, whatever in it and then just remove it to dry and put back on. It's really cool, he said he didn't do the traditional swim cast because of skin deterioration.

  3. It's like any concept in education... Some teachers will take it and do wonders with it. Other teachers will have it foisted on them, not know what to do with it, and completely screw it up. I've really come to the conclusion that there's not one magic bullet to save classrooms and the more we look for it, the more mess we make.


    :iagree:This. Also, it needs to be understood that it will work WELL for some students and not at all for others. My concerns are:


    If it's a 5-7 min podcast, will they go over everything in class the next day before starting the worksheets or whatever? I mean, it's silly to do 7 min or less of instruction and then spend an hour long class filling out a worksheet. I'd hope the podcast is viewed as enrichment, not in place of...


    I know some students who could soak it all up from a podcast, I'm thinking of one or two in particular. The problem would be that then they'd be bored the next day. One student, the girl, would handle that by trying to help teach the class (which has annoyed a few teachers, but hasn't annoyed students...yet), the boy would become a holy terror - if he isn't busy, he's causing trouble. Both are super smart kids. So how will they challenge kids who need work to stay on task? I'm not saying it CAN'T be done, but, at our old school, they didn't really want to give "extra" work to a smart kid who finished early but then complained if they were disruptive...


    Lastly, how vital is the podcast to the lesson? Some kids aren't going to do it. Period. Some parents won't make sure they do. Period. How is that handled?


    What worries me is that school systems seem to think if it works at the upper levels, it'll work dandy at the lower levels. I've seen a big move towards "putting it on the student" at our old elementary school. It is WAY too much for a younger kid, they need the guidance and attention (most of them.) I just forsee some dingbat in administration wanting to institute this for first graders...

  4. I agree that a lot of suggestions seem to be for a girl reading on grade level. If they aren't, they might be a bit hard. Dd9 loves, loves Ivy + Bean. They are a bit below her level, but she enjoys them. Magic Treehouse? There is a series called Animal Ark, we haven't read them yet but I got a bunch on clearance. It's about a girl who take scare of animals apparently. DS13 doesn't like books on his level because the length of the books overwhelm him. He is enjoying Animorphs (pure twaddle, but has gotten him interested in some animals...) if they like supernatural, DD also likes Poison Apple books. They also make Candy Apple books that aren't supernatural. Both are silly, twaddle-ish, but fun. We read heavier stuff for school, but I'll let them read light kiddie stuff for fun of it means more reading!


    I'm glad Goddess Girls were enjoyed by someone, I just got some for DD.

  5. Those are good ideas. The GS one shows some pins up near the top that were similar to what I was thinking. I don't know what they are called, but you take smaller safety pins and put seed beads on them, then hang the smaller ones from a larger safety pin (through the round loop on the end) and make a hanging design....If I had a term I could google it. Lots of people used to do them with American flags...you could do Girl Guide colors (if they have 'em?)

  6. I have to admit, when I first read the girl's explanation, I thought "Uh...no." I mean, anything CAN happen, but that combined with the fact that they didn't get her medical attention seems a little "off". Did you mean an actual BEDsheet was wrapped on her leg? I agree with Ruby Sue, I'd have been hard pressed not to list all the dire things that can happen when you don't treat a wound and it gets infected.

  7. Turns out DD's wrist is fractured. We watched her over the weekend, kept it iced and elevated whenever we were home (which was most of the time, we went to a Nature Preserve yesterday afternoon and a Memorial Day service today) and she continued to cry with it. DH and I had agreed that if it was still bothering her by the end of the weekend we'd have it looked at further. Yesterday she seemed some better, she was moving it more and said it didn't hurt as much. Today she was running around at the park, after the ceremony, and bumped it. She said it really hurt again.


    DH took her to the clinic while I kept the boys home. He said they asked him twice if she'd had a period, this, of course, made him want to slide under the table. This isn't the first time I've heard a girls period tied in with a broken bone... a woman I worked with said that she is a twin and when she broke her wrist as a pre-teen they told her that it would probably cause her to start her period later than her sister (and she said that held true.) They didn't say anything like that to DD, just asked and then re-asked (I'm wondering if they maybe thought a dad might not know for sure so they asked twice?) I was just wondering the reason? Would it affect how she healed? Would your bone growth slow down once you began having your period? I broke my ankle in 7th grade and I don't remember anyone asking me that. It just struck me as odd, when DH told me, because I recalled my co-worker's story and it was also her wrist...


    Anyway, I just thought I'd ask... and DH says he wants me to take her to the dr from now on :tongue_smilie:


    Oh, and anyone who wants to send prayers/positive thoughts our way...we'd appreciate it! They are thinking it will be six weeks in a cast (in summer, and this is my least medically compliant child!) They couldn't cast it today and they told us the guy they are sending us to would do a swim cast if we wanted - any experience. I think we'd have to go that route, given that it's so long over the summer, but do they not stink worse? :001_huh:

  8. This morning I put the milk away in the cereal cupboard instead of the refrigerator. I think if there had been a big enough space for it I might not have even noticed. Thankfully it didn't fit so I had to stop and figure out why there wasn't enough room in there. lol


    Also, when I'm tired I tend to get the words my sentences out of order. It sounds right to me in my head but then my husband or son will laugh and I'll know I must have said something crazy.


    Me, too. I just fixed dd a sandwich and tea. Almost put the tea jug away in the cabinet where I got the glass. The only thing that kept me from putting it in there was the shelf was too short, I just :blink: until I realized what I was doing. YDS woke us up at 5:30 this morning, HE went right back to sleep.... Me, not so much. Yawn.

  9. I was 19, DH was 21. I was totally ready to settle down and be an old married woman...DH was not ready to settle down at all. He loved/s me and I think he thought he could have his cake and eat it, too. We had a rough start up, I would say our last 5 years have been our "best". Thankfully, each year gets a bit better, so it was worth the wait.


    I don't regret marrying young, I wish I'd considered other aspects of marrying DH (crazy @$$ family LOL)... Oh, we've been married 14 years :)

  10. When I read, I see it like a movie playing in my head. Also, I can look at two dimensional house plans and "walk" through a 3-D house in my head.


    I can also envision how something will look when it's changed. Like, I can "see" how a room will look when it's finished before I even start remodeling it.


    :iagree: with both of the above. I can also "age" or "regress" some people in my mind fairly accurately. Not everyone, though, sadly. That might be a lucrative career if it worked 100% of the time.


    I have great spatial sense in my head-3D and all. I can close my eyes and rotate an image and take something apart. IRL, though, I run into walls and drop my cups in my lap. :lol:


    Yup, me, too.

  11. Kilt.


    I'll confront someone/thing that needs confronting, but I don't seek out confrontation.




    This is how I feel. I'm not LOOKING for something to attack, but I'll darn sure take care of a problem if I see one. I'm a "black and white" person. It's right or wrong, now it may be that I see it as minor/inconsequential so I don't debate it's wrongness... but I don't think very many things are grey, so to speak. Now, what irks me, is people who say "yeah, it's wrong. it should be changed..." but they don't DO anything to see it changed. In that case...


    I see "avoiding confrontation" as being a wuss.






    I voted negative. I think you need to assert yourself if something is bothering you. I get sick of people saying things are "wrong" or "bad", but when you suggest that they DO something about it, they say "Oh, no, I don't want to get involved." That screams wuss to me.

  12. We save money using Costco.


    Here's some things we find are cheaper there (I comparison shop):


    Meat (the quality is better)





    toothbrush heads (Philips sonic care)

    Generic zyrtec

    Mac n cheese



    hot chocolate



    rotissiere chicken

    take and back pizzas for parties





    We live in an area that sales at grocery stores aren't great. They do not double coupons, etc. Produce is high because we are in the desert (as is dairy). So, the membership pays for itself in savings within 2 months.


    Oh, see, you probably just sold him. We are staying with him in his work apartment right now, so fresh produce and whole grain have taken over. When we aren't here, though, he actually lives on hotdogs, so far as I can tell. If I tell him he can save money on them there, I'll probably be in Costco before the week is out :lol:


    I had heard about the rotisserie chickens, but forgot about them. Are they a pretty good deal? We love rotisserie chicken (used to do Boston Market once a week LOL) but haven't gotten one in years. I'd loooove to have an easy supper night!!

  13. Wow, reading that made my heart hurt for you. Like you don't have enough on your plate, they have to add more? One thing that sticks out to me is that your sister joined in with your mother in running you down...then she got MAD that you weren't able to come to her son's birthday party? Seriously? And then she went and told your DD to think about spending SIX WEEKS with her, before she even broached the topic with you? That is just wrong, so so wrong.


    My BIL is like that. He oversteps boundaries. He was always calling ODS's cell phone and saying "Hey, wanna come over this weekend?" He knew that I wouldn't approve of some other people he had at his house, he knew that I didn't approve of him, and so he didn't ask ME. He actually had the nerve to tell me it was my son's choice. It sure is...when he's living on his own and responsible for himself, right now it's MY choice. :glare: He knows NOTHING about parenting, has no kids, was neglected as a child, himself. Why he thinks he can offer me parenting "advice" is beyond me. All I can offer is :grouphug:, I actually drove my kids 9 hours to where DH was working so I could get us away from BIL for a while. I know he'll be back at it when I have to go back...I'm sure I'll end up with all of the inlaws mad at me, but he's about to "get told".


    Good for you for standing up for yourself and taking care of your kids. Shame on your mother for being so petty about a forgotten gift, shame on her for acting like you aren't teaching your kids (I see all your posts about all the things you take your kids to - I'm jealous, we have nothing like that, and it seems to me you are VERY busy giving them learning opportunities.) Shame on your sister for joining in and kicking you while you are down. Keep your head up, you are seeing some results from all your hard work. Didn't I see a post by you that your DS13 was making new friends? That didn't happen by itself, sister. ;)

  14. DH and I are debating a Costco membership. Is it anything like Sam's Club - where we could go in ANY Costco and shop with a membership card? Also, if you find that you save money by shopping there - what do you find saves you money? I'm seeing it more as a way to buy bigger lots of stuff (say paper towels, toilet paper, etc...) and not necessarily as a mega savings thing. If it helps, we don't eat much in the way of pre-packaged/processed foods. Mostly fresh produce, boneless skinless chicken breasts, occasional pasta.. I find that those things just kind "are whatever price they are".

  15. I voted no, that they shouldn't be trying to get someone to the door and asking if kids who are inside can come out to play.


    Now, that said, my own kids didn't come inside until almost 9 tonight... I don't have a problem with kids playing outside after 8, we are night people anyway and are usually up until at least 11, so the time itself (in relation to playing) doesn't phase me. I just hope I've taught my own kids not to be imposing themselves on the neighbors at that point!

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