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Gingerbread Mama

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Posts posted by Gingerbread Mama

  1. I've had it happen before. We're all human!


    Oh yes, I know. I'm not upset with the seller at this point, I'm assuming it's a mistake. My only questions were - How would be the fairest way to handle this? As in, is it fair to expect the seller to cover shipping these books to wherever they want me to send them? And, how long do I wait on a response. I got burned on a set of Hooked On Phonics books in January and it took a Royal Battle (with a capital R and B LOL) to get my money back. I think I waited too long, under the assumption that this person would be honest and fix a mistake because that is what I'd do.

  2. My stance is that we should help the poor in our own backyards first. Yes it's nice and heartwarming to support a needy child in Africa - but the homeless man who sleeps in your local park is no less deserving KWIM :001_smile:




    :iagree:I do things like buy school supplies for kids who don't have them, provide clothing for local children going without, we have twice purchased an entire Christmas,stockings and all, for three children who we knew wouldn't have one otherwise. When we asked for help from our church in the Christmas efforts, we were told that they already support causes overseas :confused: I don't understand why churches now think missions must be done off local soil. Help those in your community, no other country is going to come do it for you.


    That said, we take our kids places, buy good clothes, we took the kids to Disney and want to take them back. I wouldn't do it IN PLACE of helping others less fortunate, but I don't think you have to impoverish your family or deny your kids fun/nice stuff to do for others, either. We work hard to provide for our kids, that is one of the things we provide. I don't justify it at all.

  3. I ordered a lot of 30 Animorphs books for my reluctant reader son. He was sooo excited, he has checked the mail every day since I ordered them LOL The package came today.... it is a set of 13 Reader's Digest animal books for kids :confused: I am seriously hoping this was an honest mistake, and the seller had two packages ready to go and just put the wrong labels on. One hitch in this, the tracking # eBay provided me with is nowhere to be found on this box. It has another tracking number, but is still an eBay label.... and with my information on it!


    I did the contact seller thing, and asked what happened and what we coud do about it. That is what I do first, right? What can I really expect to be done? I told them if I couldn't have the books I ordered, I would want a refund. However, what do I do with these books (that may be what someone else ordered?) They are heavy, if I have to ship them back, can I expect the seller to pay for it? I don't think it's fair to ask me to cover the (rather high, I expect) shipping out of the refunded money. How long do I wait for a response from them? And if I don't get one or they tell me tough tiddlywinks? Then what?


    Argh. DS is so upset, and I'm really hacked with the whole ordeal. I understand selling can be confusing, I've been there :tongue_smilie: I'm just disgusted that he's finally found books he will choose to read over TV time and I thought I had a whole bunch of them and now I don't. Argh.

  4. I ordered a lot of 30 Animorphs books for my reluctant reader son. He was sooo excited, he has checked the mail every day since I ordered them LOL The package came today.... it is a set of 13 Reader's Digest animal books for kids :confused: I am seriously hoping this was an honest mistake, and the seller had two packages ready to go and just put the wrong labels on. One hitch in this, the tracking # eBay provided me with is nowhere to be found on this box. It has another tracking number, but is still an eBay label.... and with my information on it!


    I did the contact seller thing, and asked what happened and what we coud do about it. That is what I do first, right? What can I really expect to be done? I told them if I couldn't have the books I ordered, I would want a refund. However, what do I do with these books (that may be what someone else ordered?) They are heavy, if I have to ship them back, can I expect the seller to pay for it? I don't think it's fair to ask me to cover the (rather high, I expect) shipping out of the refunded money.


    Argh. DS is so upset, and I'm really hacked with the whole ordeal. I understand selling can be confusing, I've been there :tongue_smilie: I'm just disgusted that he's finally found books he will choose to read over TV time and I thought I had a whole bunch of them and now I don't. Argh.

  5. Well, FWIW, I had premarital sex starting at 16. I'm now 34 and I'd say it's only in the last few years that I realized what a negative impact it had on my life. I didn't get pregnant, thank goodness, but it led me to making choices that I wish I could take back as some of them now make me quite miserable. :glare:


    Looking back, as a much older person, I can say "Oh, I chose that to stay near the boyfriend when he dumped me." I did that because I loved him, I believed that having sex MEANT something, and I didn't want to lose that. I met my husband because of that (he was one of the boyfriend's good friends) and, at first, I was friends with him to stay "in" the boyfriend's life ... DH knew this at the time ... and, while I love my DH, his family makes me :scared: Had I not slept with that boyfriend, I think I could've said "What a jerk." and moved on much more easily. I wouldn't have felt so bonded to him. I might have left town, met someone whose family I DID like, etc..


    I don't sit around wishing I could replace DH, but I do wish I could get away from the people he is blood related to. Well, I am going to get away from them, I just wish I wasn't in a position to feel like I have to.:tongue_smilie:


    I voted I did/would be disappointed for drinking and sex. Like, laughing lioness, though, I *could* handle it, and would. I just would hope we can avoid those things, as I see how bad the choices were *now*. I never did drugs, but I'd still be disappointed. I'd handle it, but it would be extremely hard. By handling it, I was assuming the poll meant "not be bothered by it" vs "take care of the issue". I'm using handle it in the sense of the latter.

  6. A different take on it. What if you got rid of your home, where you live now, and moved in with your mom 2-3 days a week, she can keep your kids while you work. Then, the other 5-7 days a week, you go to where DH is. Would you all have enough money to have a very small apartment?


    That is sort of where we are now. DH works 9 hours away. Him coming "home" is not an option for many reasons (his side of the family is too present/overbearing when he is home, no jobs there, I hate the area and plan on moving ASAP...) so we are now changing things up. I quit my full time job to HS 3 kids, it is scary, and it IS a financial adjustment. But we are now looking at selling either our house or my mom's house and she, the kids and I living together while we are "home". Then, we come stay with DH for 1-3 months at a time (depending on how much time we have off from outside commitments, the weather here where he is, etc...) It isn't IDEAL, and I'm still working towards the goal of us being together elsewhere, but it's a START.


    Just something else to think about :)


    ETA: Not being ideal has nothing to do with my mom :) She will likely come with us when we manage to get out of the rural USA as she is now retired and has the freedom to move (and wishes to do so.) I only meant not ideal in the sense that what I REALLY want is to all be in a larger area permanently. Right now, though, I'm taking what I can get - which is this. And that's better than what we had before - kids in PS and beaten down by it, me working full time and too worn out to afterschool, all our time tied up and not able to spend large amounts of time with DH.


    Ah, shoot, ETA (again): I'd only recommend this if you work consectuive days (Mon/Tues or Wed/Thurs/Fri for example.) Going back and forth multiple times a week would stink.

  7. General AdmissionIncludes access to the Caribbean Reef, Waters of the World and Amazon Rising exhibits.

    Does not include: Wild Reef, Abbott Oceanarium, Polar Play Zone, Jellies special exhibit, aquatic show tickets or 4-D Experience tickets. Jellies and the aquatic show cannot be added to the General Admission ticket.




    spacer.gifAdults $8 spacer.gif


    tickets_150dashedline.gifChildren $6

    ----------------- Purchase at Shedd box office, not available online.




    Ah, well, somehow I missed this on their site when I last looked. Hmmm, I particularly dislike not being able to add Jellies or the Aquatic show unless I want to buy the next level pass, at about $20 more pp. What if all I really wanted to see was Jellies? :001_rolleyes: It isn't, BTW, I'm just in *that* mood. ;) Hmm, I'll have to show this to DD. Aside from Jellies, I didn't see much that we'd "just die" without doing. The Polar Play area appears to be for toddlers/PreK, judging from the pics, and YDS and I can't do 4D (or even 3D) well without getting a headache LOL Wild Reef and the Oceanarium might be interesting....I don't know. We'll see. I probably WON'T bother with the free day. I'd pay $32 for us to see the basic stuff, I'd have to see how badly everyone wanted to see the others to pay $97.80.


    I get the whole upkeep thing, but I've known other aquariums that were a bit less expensive and still very nice.

  8. My dear grandmother's been gone now for over twenty years and I still know her phone number.


    Me, too. In fact, I used it as the PIN number on my cell phone. I used to call my grandmother quite a bit, and give her number out as she kept me after school. I also remember my friends old numbers (they still work, their parents still have landlines, but the friends have moved out so I no longer call.) my mom still has her landline.

  9. I understand. Mine are 13, 9, and 8...they talk to me all. the. time. I feel like I am being bombarded sometimes. I do my best to come up with something quiet when I am feeling overwhelmed, but I have had some not so fine moments where I yelled "Enough! Just be quiet already!" :leaving:I do later apologize for the outburst and expain (again :glare:) that I really DON'T like to talk constantly, and that, as there are three of them and one of me, a steady stream of conversation from each child is....unnerving. I'm sure it'll sink in, one of these days :D


    Beyond that, I agree that either staying up later or getting up earlier than said children helps. I used to stay up later, but now that we HS, they don't really have a bedtime and we find ourselves watching family shows or playing games later at night. So now I try to get up earlier. I also find getting away to shop, even window shop, is good. I spent over an hour skimming shelves in a bookstore last Saturday, just because I was alone and I COULD!



    I also take one evening a week where I leave the house completely and park the vehicle somewhere quiet and read a book for awhile. I leave my hubby to feed the kids supper and tuck them into bed.


    WHAAAAT?! Why haven't I come up with that :confused: One junk food dinner a week won't kill them, right? I may institute this!


    I wish my overly-doting MIL had taught my husband- we had to go to marriage counseling for him to understand that I'm not broken because I need alone-time every day. :D


    Don't be too hard on your MIL. My MIL/FIL were not at all doting, and DH still can't fathom my introvert ways. He has actually looked at me sadly, when I was telling him that I just did NOT enjoy hanging for indefinite amounts of time with large groups of people, and said "I know, but I wish it wasn't that way for you." I just had to roll my eyes and give up. If I were to say the same thing to him when he says how he just loooves a big group of random people, doing nothing in particular, for hours on end, he would be quick to point out that nothing is wrong with him. Ask me how I know :lol:

  10. Oh, huh, see you learn something new all the time. How does the Shedd free day only save $8....because it is waaay over $8 general admission :tongue_smilie: WAY!


    I have to agree with prairiebird, to take a family is UNreal. DD really wants to go, which is why I considered the free day. I love aquariums, and I'll happily pay a reasonable price to see one, but something about Shedd ticks me off a bit. Perhaps it's that they "don't reciprocate with anyone" and charge such a chunk to get in, shouldn't these places be trying to be accessible? It almost feels like they don't want you to come.

  11. Sorry, my mom told the girlfriend that she (my mom) and I would plan a baby shower together. My mom did not ask me first. She just offered that I would do it.


    First, I'd stick with I love you, but hate the addiction or something to that effect....if I responded. Honestly, if you really don't want to deal with this, just don't respond. I can't see this going away just because you responded to his text, often that just opens the door to debate or negotiating.


    As for the quote above, just say NO. If you really, truly don't feel like this is what you should do, don't. If your mother feels led to do this, let her. I've planned a baby shower by myself before, it isn't impossible.


    ETA: Or perhaps don't even mention the addiction or that part of his message. Just send back, congratulations on your little boy and let it go.

  12. I didn't comment on the other thread, but I thought it put the people who don't like tattoos in a bad spot. I mean, it asked WHY they didn't like tattoos...then, when they gave an honest answer, it became "not okay" to feel that way.


    I see a huge difference between them giving their honest feelings when asked WHY they didn't like tattoos and them telling someone, unsolicited, IRL "Hey, that tattoo makes you look trashy and low class."

  13. We bought a Pink Palace (which we never visit, I have horrid nightmare-ish memories from a trip as a child. Perhaps this pass will encourage me to get over the phobia :tongue_smilie:) membership for the reciprocal benefits out here in Chicago. I was surprised how many places reciprocated here. Someone also gave me a list with dates for "free general admission" dates. Many of the places are on our reciprocal list, but a few weren't. The two that I was interested in/had time to squeeze in were Shedd Aquarium and The Chicago Art Institute.


    On the list, some places were listed as "free to Illinois residents", these were not. They just said "free entrance". Obviously, I don't have an Il DL and won't be getting one. I know we qualify for many "resident" things, like discounted pool membership and a library card, because we have an apartment lease. I don't want to try to get one over on anybody, I'm darn sure not dragging out my lease, though LOL I'd rather know beforehand whether we will be able to get in those days, though, so I can either clear the day or schedule something else. I'd be happy enough to pay to see the art museum, but Shedd is ridiculously expensive and I'm sure I can come up with something else to do on that day.

  14. This caught my eye, as I'm leaning toward getting Beast Academy for my dd who is finishing 3rd grade to use for her Summer math. She is struggling with multiplication both conceptually and learning the facts. Would going straight into BA 3B likely work for a child at the end of 3rd grade (she's almost done with MM3B)? This is a 2e kiddo who is highly gifted, but is dyslexic and dysgraphic among other things and math is really difficult for her right now despite her supposedly strong math reasoning skills. I'm feeling a bit stumped about how to move her forward now that multiplication and division are confounding her.


    Well...bearing in mind that I am totally unqualified to discuss 2E kids... I think 3b would be fine if that was the wall she hit (multiplication.) My daughter had started multiplication the second half of third grade, then drilled the entire half of fourth. You would've thought she had them cold when we began Hsing for the second half of fourth. But, no. Nothing was getting them to stick, either. BA has seemed to get them into her head and they are now automatic. So, for us BA was a lifesaver. For the cost I think it's worth a try. They would certainly resell if you ended up NOT liking them.

  15. I thought the price was pretty reasonable for what you are getting. I will say it is the ONLY thing that has brought DD's math confidence back (and helped her nail down multiplication skills.) I'm glad that I bought it. I will likely use it for YDS, even if only to let him read the comics when he gets to the level where we will do that kind of math. I will for sure be buying C when it comes out, DD begged to do "just one more page" yesterday...we NEVER have that happen. The worksheets are more like games, which is very attractive to her.

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