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Everything posted by Handmaiden

  1. My 6th grader is halfway through pre-algebra. Our plan is to do algebra in 7th, geometry in 8th, algebra II in 9th, trig/pre-calculus in 10th, calculus in 11th, and some advanced math in 12th, if all goes well. We may insert an AoPS class somewhere in between, we'll see. Like Paula above, my son is an older 6th grader (12), so that helps. If he struggles along the way, we will definitely slow down. But if he's handling it well, we will just keep moving forward. He is planning on pursuing a STEM career, and many students on the same track follow the same advanced math progression.
  2. Hmmm....thanks for the food for thought!
  3. Here is the TOG Year 2 yahoo group for additional support!
  4. Michele, I think it might have been one of your previous posts that pointed me this way. Thanks for the feedback! Thanks, Cindy. This helps!
  5. We just started Grammar Island yesterday, and am wondering when to start the poetry book. I read the recommended progression on the MCT site, and it says that the poetry book can be "woven in the matrix" flexibly. I think I read on one of the threads that someone said they were ahead in one book and wished they had paced the reading differently. Can't remember if this was for poetry or not. When have you all introduced poetry? Also, when I start the Town level with my 12yo does he read it independently? Or is it better if I sit down with him and read Grammar Town with him?
  6. Yes, now I remember reading this...thanks for the reminder. I may have tried to cover too much today. We were having so much fun they just wanted to keep going! I'll slow it down a bit from now on... ;)
  7. Just got our MCT box this afternoon! I immediately called the kids to the sofa and began reading from Grammar Island. We all enjoyed it! We got to approx. page 42 or so, and took turns doing the four sentences on a white board. Then I sensed it was time to stop. This is the first time my 8yo & 10yo are getting any sort of formal grammar, and they were still a little confused. My 12yo was sitting in and had fun with us, but he's had grammar before so this was mainly review. Just wondering...How long did it take all of you to finish Grammar Island? Did your kids retain it?
  8. Kristine, thanks for the link. Which planner did you purchase for him? Was it the student planner?
  9. My 12yo is the proverbial absent-minded professor. He loses things, forgets deadlines, etc. He does not know how to take notes or outlines (has handwriting issues). I'd like to teach him study skills and how to be organized before he hits high school. I've read that some of you have your kids keep organizers. What kind and where do you buy them? Can you share your best tips on what has helped your kids become more organized? TIA!
  10. I can't wait till my MCT arrives....where is that mail carrier?
  11. Thanks, everyone! I am encouraged by your responses. This is good to know. Thanks, Tracy! Tina, are you saying that the second map is done with a dry erase marker on a page protector? And they have to do it from memory? Sorry, I'm a bit confused... I haven't had enough caffeine this morning. :lol:
  12. We're starting TOG Y2 next week for the first time. My 6th grader knows just the basics of geography (continents, oceans, some countries), and I'd like him to get a thorough grounding during middle school. I'm doing a combo of UG/D levels with him. I can't seem to figure out how Map Aids and the geography assignments work. Where do you find the "answers" to the mapping questions? Do you have other resources--atlases, globes, etc.--available? I am not sure ds can handle that much geography yet and am thinking of scaling back and doing LG level work with him for geography. Is Map Aids/TOG geography teacher-intensive? Is it easy to figure out? If so, how do you use it with your kids? Or is there a different geography supplement I can use alongside TOG? TIA!
  13. Thank you, Heiress, for the feedback and links! Much appreciated! Tina, did you have your 12yo do the dialectic accountability and thinking questions to go along with Story of Europe?
  14. Still working on my TOG Y2 plan...and I'm looking for feedback on The Story of Europe by Marshall. Thumbs up or down for 12 yo boy? He is a strong reader but more math/science inclined, so a history core has to be engaging. If I choose to go down to the UG level book instead (Story of the Middle Ages by Harding) can I still do some of the accountability/thinking questions with him? Or are the questions specific to the book? TIA!!!
  15. Thanks, Paula and Pam. The sample at the link helped a lot!
  16. Here are Shakespeare sonnets and their side-by-side translations at No Fear Shakespeare. HTH!
  17. Planning out my TOG Y2 and would like opinions on the core book for UG: The Story of Middle Ages by Harding. Is it engaging enough to hold a 12yo boy's interest? Thumbs up or down?
  18. Thanks, everyone, these are GREAT ideas! :hurray:
  19. One of my goals is to teach my oldest these very organizational and study skills. What tips can you share on how to teach this? How much do you assign to your D level child each week? Does he/she have a day planner of some sort?
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