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Everything posted by Silver_Kitten

  1. I like the structure of History Odyssey for activities, not doing all the writing. I would use K12 HO as the spine, instead of Kingfisher. I would use the OUP WIAT as extra reading. CHOLL, reading the site, has changed the format to not include so much writing. I figured that it would be good for literature and discussion questions, so my daughter could have a choice from books in HO and CHOLL.
  2. If I use History Odyssey, but I add K12 Human Odyssey, Oxford University Press, and CHOLL, adding WWS and KISS Grammar, would I have covered everything for language arts and history?
  3. I'm interested in this too. I was thinking about History Odyssey and now I'm thinking of putting together my own.
  4. I've looked at Shurley's English, but the samples looked very confusing to my dd and trying to explained it, I think I confused her more.
  5. I like the program, but did not like what little it had for the books that go with the program. The spelling did not work, but I like how they do it. The biggest problem is that my dd is ahead in some areas and behind in others so an all in one just will not work.
  6. I can not find book studies I like. I wont have my dd write all the writing, but I might have her do a few, depending on how the other writings work. Suggestions to use other than LL7, that doesn't have all the writing and uses whole books? I just looked at the math and it isn't what we are looking for. Thinking of using Teaching Textbooks along with LOF, but not sure. DD really loves LoF, so what ever we use will have to compliment it.
  7. I think I'm going to go with both WWS and WWW. WWS will be slow, since it is new for my DD. WWW should help fill in gaps she has. I think we are going to combine KISS Grammar and GWG. KISS would again be slowly, since it will be new to my DD as well. GWG is what she is used to. I love the look of CW, I just don't know how I would work with my DD with it.
  8. I was going to leave out the writing in LL7 or just do CHOLL. Once I look more at the book listing. I was going to tweak HO A2 to include a little less writing, until she gets better at it. I would like her to be able to write across the curriculum better. Also putting her thoughts on paper, more logically. She hasn't had to do any reports and her father would like her to start doing them, and getting used to the formats, so she can go to high school, be it public, private, charter, still at home, whatever we decide when that time comes.
  9. With IEW and CW, I have no idea what I would actually have yo buy. IEW gets expensive quickly. CW has the text and also student workbook and teacher guide. My dd has very low writing self-esteam, but she seems to be a profectionist and if things go wrong she shuts down. I guess I need something that is gentle, but meaty.
  10. I have yet to find another math program my daughter enjoys. That's not to say I'm not looking. I've looked at Teaching Textbooks, Math U See, Math Mammoth and Singapore Math. I just can not figure out which one might help my daughter the most and need to do more research. Since she is very good and someone advanced with math.
  11. I've been thinking about adding Writing with Skill to what ever we choose, since it is a different philosophy from what we have used in the past and I think it would add something. If I did that we would take our time with both writing programs and by pass things that she gets easily and work longer on things she needs more work on.
  12. I have looked at both of these together, but my daughter didn't really seem interested in Writing Strands. Not that she is more interested in other programs, but I want her to want to do it. So I've been showing her different programs and the ones I listed are ones she shown more interest in.
  13. Not used it, but it looks like something my dd would enjoy reading, just for fun. Thank you for asking about it, I would have never known.
  14. I'm working on my dd's school curriculum for 6th grade. This is what I have so far and I'm still at a loss for writing and grammar. I've been looking at winning with writing, growing with grammar, IEW, easy grammar, classical writing, and Harvey grammar. My dd hasn't have very formal writing but has had formal grammar until this year. She is great at retelling stories orally, but can not seem to write with any logic. So if anyone could help? Thank you in advance. 6th grade Logic - Building Logic Book 1 - TTH Math - Life of Fred - Pre-Algebra Biology/Economics - MWF/TTH Spelling - All About Spelling - TTH/MWF Science - ClassiQuest-Biology - TTH/MWF History - History Odyssey-Ancients 2 - TTH/MWF - All American History Part 2 - MTWTHF Writing - Typing - Typing Instruction - MWF Grammar - Literature - Lightning Literature 7 - Classical House of Learning Literature Foreign Language - Rosetta Stone level 1 - MWF - Irasshia Japanese - TTH Art - Artistic Pursuits - MWF Music - Meet the Great Masters - TTH Physical Education - MTWTHF
  15. Thank you, you have helped me in the right direction. :001_smile:
  16. Having looked at History Odyssey Ancients Level 2 for next year and reading up on these forums quiet a bit. I came across a post that talked about using K12 Human Odyssey as a spine or Oxford Times (?) along with the program. I cannot find the thread that talked about either of them. I tried searching and tag searching, but I think I'm missing something when I do them. Anyone know which threads these may be?
  17. Would LL7 and 8 be good stepping stones for Excellence in Literature for 8th up?
  18. Looking through threads about literature and the suggestion given on a previous thread of mine. What would be good for literary analysis in the sixth grade. My daughter has had little structure but really enjoys reading. Classical house of learning literature, moving beyond the page, or lighting literature? Or something I haven't looked in to yet?
  19. Looking in to it again, I have found that TOTALe can be used by more than one person! This is good news to me, since last time I had looked in the FAQ and it specifically said it could not. TOTALe FAQ Homeschool edition Version 3 Parent controls here. Homeschool FAQ here.
  20. I have read about version 4 and it says you can not use it for more than one student. That is why I've been looking at the homeschool edition.
  21. Homeschool version 3 or their new eTotal version 4?
  22. I'm curious about this too. My daughter wants to learn Japanese.
  23. I'm using LLATL purple with my dd this year. It looks good and has good material to work with, but with the way it is set up, it is very light. It only has four books to read during the year, the discussion questions are not very indepth, and there is not much to the vocabulary. It has spelling and grammar rule snippets, nothing really explains the why it does this or that, not that everyone wants it. I wanted to like the program, my dd does, but she is behind in writing, so have to add to that. I'm sure that with me learning new things from this forum, we will be outlining readings and/or summaries. That will at more to what I think of the program.
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