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Everything posted by jkl

  1. We are finishing up LLATL red. We will not be using the series again next year, but I do like how they teach grammar in the context of a story we've jut read. Is there a grammar-only curriculum that teaches like this? I'd love to cover grammar (and copywork, narration and dictation---using WWE text) in the context of the literature we're reading. Maybe I should just get a grammar reference for myself???? If so, which one?
  2. Thanks so much! Looking up those books rt now.....
  3. Help! I have 4 kids under 9 (8, 5, 3, 8 weeks). We have a clutter problem, and I have no idea where to start! dh and I both grew up in homes full of clutter, so I think it's just our natural tendency. But, oh, the piles of stuff everywhere! Anyone have suggestions on methods, books, etc? We are going to start the adoption process at the end of the year, and I want the house in order by then. Help! :)
  4. Oh! That's too bad! Thanks for replying. :)
  5. Hi! I have tons of shortcuts saved from posts made a few years ago, and they no longer work. Would that be due to the forum change a year or so ago? Anyone know of anything I can do about this??? Thanks!
  6. Thanks, everyone! I think I'm going to try to give him more outside/free time by streamlining some of our LA... Still worried a bit about time with other kids. I'll have to work on that :)
  7. This thread is very reassuring! I thought we were doing way too little writing! My second grader does copywork daily (1-2 sentences), journals once a week (2-3 sentences), and some kind of other writing weekly (short letters to family members or friends, etc. Last week he did a letter of thanks to our local fire dept). He does oral narrations at least once every day. He also makes little books in his free time--usually related to Star Wars :)
  8. Thanks everyone! This is helpful! Anyone else want to share?
  9. For us, we do playdates Wed morning, then Wednesdays after lunch we do a family clean. I'm thinking about making from 3-5 on Wednesdays our project time as well. I've been re-reading Lori Pickert's book and am feeling inspired :)
  10. Our daily routine is due for an overhaul after the new baby comes. I'm trying to list my daily/weekly priorities for my ds8 now so that, when I'm playing around with our routine in a state of extreme sleep deprivation, this part will already be done for me :) So, I'd love to hear about your 8 year old son's week. How much time outside daily? (This is a big one for me because my son has tons of energy. Right now, he's outside for a total of 2 hours daily--more on the weekends--year round, but it doesn't seem like enough for him. He does soccer for half the year, and I wish we had the time to do another sport, but with a new one coming, we're going to be stretched thin.) How much time per week playing with non-siblings? (No neighborhood kids around his age, sadly, so we have to set up specific playdates). How much free time daily? Does he do a quiet time? About how much time on each subject per day? Reading what other people do almost always sparks my creative juices, so anything anyone wants to share would be terrific. Thanks!!!
  11. Thanks for your opinions, everyone. You all are split, just like I am in my own mind! From reading the info on the CDC's website, it seems like there is some uncertainty about if immunity actually passes through to the baby. There is also a question of, if some immunity does pass through, does that somehow interfere when the baby gets his actual vaccination at 2 months. (at least that how I'm reading it.. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd-vac/pertussis/tdap-pregnancy-hcp.htm ) Still torn.....
  12. I am almost 35 weeks pregnant, and my ob is advising me to get this now. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I am torn...I did get a flu shot this year, even though I felt nervous about it. But this..... Dh had a booster not long ago, and our other kids are on fully caught up on their vaccines. Hmmm...... ETA: I did a search on this topic and didn't find anything recent, but in case there was a recent similar thread I missed, please let me know ;)
  13. We read aloud a ton, because they love to listen to stories and I love to read aloud :) So, we do... A read-aloud or 2 at breakfast--goes along with something we'll be doing during Morning Meeting Morning Meeting Outside for an hour Snack and either a history or science read-aloud 20 minutes of readalouds for everyone Older kids go back outside, and I spend time with my almost 3 year old (usually read another book) Everyone in for lunch. I read a few nature stories while they eat Work with my 2nd grader while younger 2 do tot trays 20 minutes of read-alouds with my 2nd grader while the girls play Quiet time. The idea is for the girls to have 30 minutes of quiet time, and then 20 minutes where I read to them, and then 10 minutes where we do a music activity. (Right now, I'm working on getting my 2 year old to cooperate with the quiet time part) My 2nd grader has 30 minutes of assigned reading, then 30 minutes where he works on 1 of his many projects that he is constantly coming up with. Snack, and then a history or science activity. I work with my 5 year old while my oldest entertains the youngest. We do math when dh is home to entertain the girls. ddd5 gets a picture book before bed. I read to ds from 1 of the chapter books (currently Stuart Little), and then he reads aloud to me. DH reads aloud to ds right before bed--a father-son chapter book. So, we read aloud all day in little chunks. Works for me, especially now since I am 8 months pregnant and want to sit down :) ETA: We do this 3 days a week. Wednesdays and Fridays we read a little less and go out a little more....
  14. We spend about an hour and a half doing group time (3 mornings a week). We do calender, vocab word of the week, memory, and then journal or morning message or Miquon/cuis rod play. We do an activity with our fairy tale or nursery rhyme of the week. If time allows, we do a phonics game (for my 5 year old) and a math activity for each of my older kids. Before we start Morning Meeting, while they are eating breakfast, I read that week's fairy tale or nursery rhyme and a book that relates to their journal work that day. The kids love it!
  15. Well, at least I'm not alone! I just had my iron level checked, but it was that quick finger-stick one they read right away at the office. Maybe I'll ask and see if I should have a more in-depth test done. Thanks, everyone, for sharing your experiences!
  16. Hey! I was interested to see if anyone else has experienced this. I am 32 weeks, and have never had this happen with any of my other pregnancies (although I've never been almost 40 and pregnant before either). This usually happens when I'm standing still. I get breathless and my heart rate goes up to over 100--it feels sort of like if you've been running and suddenly stop (heart rate still up, still breathing fast, but you are not moving). It goes away when I sit down. I have had heart palpitations during all my pregnancies, and still have them, but this is different. (Just had an echo a few months ago, and it was normal). Anyone else?
  17. My oldest is in second grade and I have 2 (soon to be 3) smaller ones. We do all of ds' skill work after lunch (except math--we do that in the evenings when dh gets home). In the mornings we do chores, then breakfast. After breakfast, everyone participates in Morning Meeting (calender, memory, journal, fairy tale or nursery rhyme activity, morning message, fun math or literacy game. Not all every day!). Then ds reads aloud to me, and we all go outside for an hour. Back inside, they have a snack while I do some history or science reading. My older 2 draw a picture and narrate. Then we all read aloud on the couch for an hour. My older 2 then go outside for another hour while I spend time with my 2 year old, prepare lunch, etc. Then we join the older ones outside. After we come in and eat lunch, I work with my second grader for an hour or so. Works well for us! My five year old has a slot with me at about 4/4:30. That seems to work fine too.
  18. Thanks, guys. I thought about using TV, but I try and save that for when I need some peaceful moments with ds to get schoolwork done. This really struck a cord with me. Quiet time training it is!!
  19. Super ideas, everyone! Thanks so much!!! I am so excited about this!
  20. Hi! We've decided as a family that it's time to stop just giving lip-service to the idea of getting our children involved in giving back to our community and start actually doing it this coming year. We'd always said when the kids get older, we'll all do Habitat for Humanity, volunteer in a soup kitchen, etc. However, now that we have yet another baby coming in a few months (and we plan to adopt in a few years) the kids won't all be "older" for a long time. So, the time is now! I'd like for us to do something each month of 2014, and I'm trying to make a list of things we can do. My kids are almost 8, 5, 2 1/2, and (soon) a newborn. I'm thinking a canned food drive for our local shelter one month, cleaning up at the beach for another, maybe making cards for a nursing home down the street (though I'm not sure if we could deliver them because of the germ factor). We have a newly widowed older woman next door, and we make things for her and visit often. Anyone have other ideas?
  21. Good idea! I'll give it a try! Hmm, never thought about breaking it up throughout the day, but I really like that idea! I used to teach in a classroom for kids with special needs too, but I think childbirth has wiped away all of my classroom management knowledge! :)
  22. Well, if you can manage RightStart and AAS with all those other kids around, I should be able to do this! Thanks!
  23. Thanks! I'll check out those resources for some new ideas. Congrats on your pregnancy!
  24. My 2 1/2 year old hasn't napped in a year (she was always a horrible napper). We are really struggling with quiet time, and I am pregnant and tired and really need it. My 5 and 7 year olds happily read/look at books on their beds. I made special boxes for my 2 year old with toys she only gets during quiet time, but she lasts about 5 minutes and then the screaming starts. It's been easier to just keep her out with me, but then I don't get a break! Help!
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