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Posts posted by astrid

  1. Geez, I can't see anything that jumps out at me, other than she looks pretty bomb-proof. Maybe it's a height thing, or a mare thing. I've had a lot of mares, and though we're horse-less at this stage in our lives, I've sworn off mares and when we're ready to look again, it'll most likely be a gelding. I've had some GREAT mares, don't get me wrong, but as you said, some folks have a "mare thing."


    Really, she looks lovely, and super-safe and sensible. What more can you ask for? Keep her! :) I know; easy for me to say, right?

  2. One child here, by choice. NEVER felt that urge to have more. EVER.


    We started homeschooling Molly halfway through second grade. She's in fifth grade now. Not only do I homeschool an only, we have NO friends who homeschool. I don't even really know anyone else, IRL, who homeschools. So we're really in the minority. And yes, I do feel weird sometimes.


    But you know what makes me even angrier? The comments from those who seem to think that having an only child somehow makes you less of a mother. Even my own sister in law has said to me, "Oh, having one doesn't even COUNT! Talk to me when you've got two screaming kids!" And one person said to me once "Oh, having one isn't like being a mother! It's more like long-term babysitting!" I know I should let those two comments go, but seriously......they were very hurtful.


    And they're not the only ones. So many people feel the need to dismiss parents of only children, at least I"ve run up against it. I always feel like parents of larger families think parents of onlies have no right to feel overwhelmed or overworked. It's a big myth-- as a parent of an only, you're IT! You and the dog. You can't say, "Go play with your brothers and sisters." You're the entertainment. Especially when they're little, it's tough.


    But homeschooling one is a great experience! We can write in the workbooks! We color and write on the SOTW test and maps! We throw caution to the wind and write in the Singapore textbooks! No one to pass them down to later!


    Interesting thread.

  3. for the candidate whom I feel has the best chance at reaching across party lines and bringing Washington DC back together and focused on the ideals of the Constitution. And that person, in my mind, is Obama. IMHO, 1988-2008 is a long time to have two families running the country, though I like Hillary.


    Don't forget, just because a candidate runs on a platform of promises (such as Hillary's "Child Rights Act") doesn't mean that the legislation stands a snowball's chance of being enacted as scripted by the candidate. In addition, whether you are for a candidate or not, it is always wise to seek out the facts of their campaign, rather than to rely on the reporting of the other side, which is more often than not pretty darn skewed, no matter which side you're on.



    In any case, I am sick and tired of the fearmongering and deceit. I want peace and honesty.

  4. These are nirvana on a plate.


    SERIOUS chocolate fix. These little numbers have it ALL.







    HEAVENLY. I doubled the recipe and made it in a cookie sheet. I did cut them before they cooled as the directions say, but I used a pizza cutter. I"m glad I didn't skip that step; I think they'd be hard to cut if you don't do it when all is still warm.


    Or, you could just bury your face in the pan. The thought crossed my mind. :rolleyes:

  5. I still don't get the hang of the "quick reply" vs. the "post a reply" myself!


    No, didn't think you were jumping on me; I thought I might have missed something that was attached (and since I am still lost here, I figured you knew how to do something way-cool with your post!) Sorry if you got that impression. If you haven't noticed, I've not posted much here. Not because I don't like the format, but more because though I'm adjunct faculty at a local college and teach English and computer classes, including one online course, for the life of me I do not find this format as easy to follow as the old one. I like it, it just seems more time consuming to follow the conversations.


    So back to the discussion at hand. I'm very curious as to why the "no politics" rule doesn't apply, suddenly. To me, at least in the last eight years, politics and religion have been so entangled nationally that it's hard to see how one topic can exist without the other. It's one of my big gripes with politics today. Nothing offends me more quickly than politicians justifying their abominable actions in the name of their faith, and publicly condemning those who believe differently. Lately, it seems to me that the tone has been, "If you're not a Republican, you must be an evil doer."


    Okay, so this post is rambling and disjointed and most definitely ill-advised. :o I'll take my lumps, but will remain a loyal Democrat.

  6. We can trash husbands, mud-wrestle over candidates and hot-button issues, post Christian/Hebrew/Muslim/Buddhist/Wiccan to our hearts' content?


    We just can't post anon-- right? Unless we make up a new name.


    Silly me. I jumped in late, after things were all set up here, and I guess I just assumed that the same rules applied.


    Wow. This IS a brave new world.


    P.S. Not sure what your "attached" referred to, Pam. Did I miss something, or post in error?

  7. The BEST Brussel Sprout recipe ever:





    Can ya tell I think they are nasty.. ewww yuck and icky... :)


    Seriously Toni; I wouldn't come within forty miles of a brussel sprout. I would have rather starved than put one past my lips. Honestly.

    But then about three years ago, my mom made them for Thanksgiving dinner. She only made a few because she thought she and one other family member would be the only ones who would eat them. They were so yummy, my poor mom only got about four sprouts to herself!


    Trim ends and tough outer leaves, cut them in half, toss with olive oil, a bit of melted butter, salt and pepper and roast under high heat for about 10 minutes, mixing them up to make sure they're coated and caramelizing evenly. Seriously......give them another chance. They don't taste like you expect the to (or remember them from childhood!) at all! NO "cabbage taste;" they taste kind of nutty.


    Really.....the mere thought of eating one used to make me gag. But you've gotta try this.

  8. My ds will be in 9th next year and we have started looking into a couple of homeschool high schools in the area



    What is a "homeschool high school?" It seems like a contradiction in terms to me. Is it a high school? Or is it a homeschool? Or is it a high school only for students who were formerly homeschooled?


    I'm not being argumentative; I really want to know!

  9. Yes, we have an answer. The MRI came back with a "flattened" area on the edge of her cartilage. Dr. thinks that when she fell on her knee, her patella smashed into the edge of the cartilage, spreading apart the fibers, bruising and swelling the structure and roughing up the backside of the patella. So when she moved it just so, the bruised areas would get caught in the spread fibers, causing her the sudden bursts of pain. Since her cartilage is young and flexible, it just smooshed and spread. Dr. said cartilage that's older would have been more brittle and torn, so it's really a good outcome.


    Rest, ice and anti-inflammatories for now. Dr. hates to operate on kids' knees if at all avoidable.


    So that's where we are......obviously it didin't stop her from taking the plunge today!

  10. Well, today was the big day....dd(10) and her friend Sarah (also ten, and also homeschooled!) donned their bathing suits and a bow tie, walked out onto the 10" thick ice here on our local Connecticut lake, jumped in :eek: and swam ashore to raise money for the Special Olympics! Molly and Sarah were the youngest Penguin Plungers, and were so brave! They raised over $500.00 for the cause and made memories they won't soon forget (nor will we!)


    In the pictures, Molly is the little icepop second from the right, with the light blue bathing suit and the braids. Her friend Sarah is on the far right, in the blue suit. We have no idea who the other two girls are; I think they just stuck them with Molly and Sarah at the last moment to give the little ones some moral support.


    We're very proud of her.....that took lots of courage, and though they felt like chickening out, they knew they had a responsibility to their donors to follow through on their end of the bargain.


    She's going to sleep well tonight!







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