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Everything posted by faiths13

  1. Im thinking of moving from CLE math to R&S math because its a mastery based program and that seems like it would be better for my sons. I was going through the S&S to see what is in each year and it seems easier than CLE (maybe thats just me?) I gave my sons placement tests for CLE and decided to go with 5th for both because they were behind and hadnt learned a bunch of concepts (esp my oldest). So far they havent gone over to much in CLE that they had already mastered so its fine. With R&S math I have no idea where to put them - it seems like their 5th & 6th grade maths arent going over the same things as CLE. It seems like CLE 5th is closer to R&S 7th...
  2. Ok, that makes sense :) thanks! i will take another look at the lower levels and see if that would work better for us!
  3. i noticed the text books have exercises in them - do you need the worksheets too? also do you recommend getting the tests books as well?
  4. oh another question - do you need both the text books and the worksheets? i noticed that the text books have exercise sets as well.
  5. We are using CLE math and LA and like it ok. I have heard R&S is great too. I am wondering what the main differences are between the two. Ive heard CLE is spiral based - what about R&S? My sons have been going through CLE math and LA and not seeming to retain it very well...
  6. is there a math program that has really detailed instructions on how to do each type of math? we have been using CLE, which I like, but I get hung up on some things and I find it doesn't always explain it very well. I dont really have time to go online to learn what it is )at least not in the moment when they need help). So I was thinking maybe there is a better math curric that really helps the teacher teach the subject?
  7. Thanks :)I I actually found those last night, but unfortunately we are on book 3 :(
  8. We are on Level 1, Grade 6, Lessons 6 & 7. I can't link to the exact lessons as I only have the printable Word documents. http://home.pct.edu/~evavra/kiss/wb/LPlans/G06_WB_Start.htm#L1
  9. Yes we are going with the SOTW plan, but I want to add another history book because my kids are older and I want them to have more meat.
  10. Yes we have the activity guide, but Im looking for other whole history books, like Story of Man or Human Odyssey, etc where they can read one chapter from SOTW and one from another history book in the same week. Im trying to bulk up the history that way. I did find a schedule someone made for History Odyssey (which I dont like much) and it also adds the Story of Man, so I am going to try that.
  11. I started using KISS level one this week with my two oldest who have always struggled with grammar. i like it but im having some problems with it. i am not great at grammar either. there isnt alot of explanation on how to do things and what things are in every lesson. for example, one lesson started introducing a type of helping verbs then in the exercise said to find all the finite verbs. but in the explanation of the lesson it said nothing about finite verbs. its confusing. then in lessons after that in the teachers guide for the answers it started giving 3 subjects and verb/verb phrases for each sentence. that is also confusing to both me and the kids, as they've never had grammar like that. also some of the subjects made sense as they were the same thing (walter, he) and some where totally different (i, that or some,boy). Also very confusing. I really like the idea of the grammar, but Im not sure if Im approaching it wrong or I just dont know enough about grammar? help?
  12. Im using SOTW 3 for my older kids (11&13) and I would like another history book to match up with it so they can read both at the same time. I did find a schedule to match of TSOM with SOTW last night, which would prob be fine. I just need to add more meat to SOTW because Im using book 3 with my older dc's and I would like them to have more reading on history. I know SOTW has suggested reading in their guide (which we do) but Im looking for another whole history book as well.
  13. does anyone use living books for geography? does anyone have any book lists for this? thanks!
  14. Im only doing about 1.5 to 2 hours a day for my kinder guy. How much does everyone else do? Is that really enough? I am trying to focus on the 3 r's and then throw in science and history when I can. ETA: Another question for ya - if you only do a small amount for K, how many hours do you do for 1st?
  15. i was just reading something about that earlier and I was trying to compare year 4 and year 7. it seems like all the years do cover the same basics, but in different ways. if year 7 is a condensed version, then that makes sense. i have had to put my sons back in math because they really hadnt mastered much that we have done the past two years (or anything before in ps either) so that is why i was going to try year 4. i am just afraid if i start on year 7 they will miss going over some of the things that they might cover in years 4-6. but then i did read year 7 is for older students new to MEP. but that just makes me wonder do you still do years 7-9 if you have completed years 1-6? or just skip it?
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