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Everything posted by faiths13

  1. i did think about attitudes possibly getting worse. Im just not sure what the root of the attitude is. sigh...my 11 year old gets much worse around his friends though.
  2. My two oldest (who will be 12 & 14 next month) are pretty much driving me crazy. We are into our third year of hs'ing. They give me attitude constantly. I am at a complete loss as to how to deal with it. I understand that sending them back to ps won't deal with their attitude problem, but it would save my sanity and maybe my relationship with my kids. We are together pretty much 24/7 now and we barely get along. My 11 year old is the worst. He just is very rude to me and treats me like he knows it all and I dont (obviously that isn't uncommon). I am just frustrated and hating school every day right now. I am hs'ing my 5 year old and having a lot more fun though. I dont know Just wanted to vent and hear others opinions.
  3. we read The Story of Ping and Madeline and learned about China and France. We had alot of fun doing it! I was hoping to find a list of other story books that are similar so we can learn about other countries. My ds is 5. thanks!
  4. Thanks, I will look into those. I don't really want to get the workbooks at Walmart because I haven't found any I like. I was hoping there would be something more like a curriculum. LIke I know Singapore has workbooks for K.
  5. can you please tell me about some inexpensive math workbooks for k?
  6. ill take another look at it. if i had to drop that kind of money on it i would take some serious convincing to get dh on board. and i wouldnt be able to buy it til like Feb.
  7. Just went to check out IEW and its pricey! I don't think I want to spend that much.
  8. I'm looking for a writing curriculum for my 11&13 years loss. They both love to write for fun, but otherwise just complain. I think a simple writing program that covers what's important would be good. They haven't done a real writing curriculum before.
  9. Its nice to know its not just us. My boys can do some work independently - like history, science, reading. But when it comes to math and LA if I dont spend a lot of time going over everything with them I just will anyway because once I correct it half the stuff is wrong. I have 4 at home and it is quite a challenge to give all the kids time and its kind of burning me out. It makes sense to go over what they are learning instead of trying to hand them a book that is supposed to teach them math or grammar and hoping they figure it out.
  10. Im wondering if anyone uses this math, and what they think of it?
  11. im just wondering what is the average time that should be spent working with dc's on each subject. i know younger dc's need more time, but what about older dc's? (5th grade and up). It seems like my older dc's need alot of my time to go over things and im just wondering if its "normal" or if it just depends on the child.
  12. thanks i will check it out! do you have a link to the revised grammar? i cant find it free.
  13. thanks! i do have ILL, but there isnt enough grammar. i will check the other links out!
  14. i have been through that thread, but there is just way to much in it, and for all different ages. i would love to hear what others are using for the age i am looking for. : )
  15. what would you recommend for language arts for a 6th grader? i would like to use all vintage books for grammar, spelling, writing, and hopefully dictation and maybe copywork. i would love your suggestions, thanks!
  16. i bought a few of the cle math books to try out for my two oldest sons and they are almost done with the last one we have. i have thought alot about keeping with cle because i dont want to keep changing things up, but they dont seem to be retaining things well. i think they would do better with a more mastery type math. so i asked them some questions and here is what i got: they both like a math where its more teacher taught then taught directly to them they both dont like having lots of topics in the same lesson and want it to stick more to one thing at a time so they can get it (with cle they have to pull out the other workbooks to remember what to do) is there a math like this? i thought about math u see but i know the dvd's play a big roll so im not sure that would be a good idea (with two littles running around it seems kind of time consuming to watch a dvd to teach the lesson. i also dont want to spend a ton. suggestions?
  17. how do you know which your child will do better with? what about spiral programs where you have to "jump in the middle" (not starting from 1st grade i guess?). it seems like then you are missing some concepts already covered? what are your opinions on spiral vs mastery programs?
  18. my ds just started K this year, but I was thinking I should start looking around (since it will prob take awhile to research) to decide what we will do for 1st. then i realized i really don't know what we should do! lol. I haven't hs'ed for that grade yet. for K we are just keeping it simple - reading classic stories and poems, handwriting without tears, get ready for the code, cle math workbook (practicing counting up to ten and writing numbers) and mep R (which i prob wont use again next year). I would love to hear what great programs our out there for first. im thinking i would like to find something we love so we can stick with it over the years and something not expensive. thanks!
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