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Everything posted by faiths13

  1. Im thinking about trying an "all in one" or boxed curric next year for my 1st grader or maybe my 7th grader. I was wondering what some of the good ones are, that are fairly inexpensive? Thanks
  2. Thanks! I was looking for something like that : )
  3. Yes we are going to (most likely) homeschool next year. I have been pursuing 1st grade currics and some seem like a bit of a jump from what we are doing. I just want to make sure that 1st grade work wont be too hard for him because we havent done enough.
  4. I was wondering what the age or grade levels for the different currics are? Im not sure where I would start my kids on this, or for a younger child, what age. Thanks!
  5. I have a son doing K this year. I have been focusing on the basics - math, phonics, handwriting - but now Im starting to worry its not enough to get him ready for 1st grade. Im having a panic moment as I have one going into 1st and one going into high school, lol. What we are doing is Phonics: Reading Eggs, Get Ready, Get Set & Go For The Code Math: we did CLE K math, Kumon numbers to 30 and now we just started on Saxon Early Bird 1A. My ds has gone from barely counting to 5 to counting to 20 since Sept. Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears and some misc worksheets, workbooks. Is this really enough to get 1st grade ready??
  6. We used the K math book from CLE, the Kumon workbook for numbers to 30, and now were on Saxon 1A. The CLE and Kumon helped him a lot. So far the Saxon is too easy.
  7. We are on our third year of hs and my oldest son will be entering 9th grade this fall. Im not really sure how to prepare? Im not sure what we should be doing differently? Any advice or resources to recommend?
  8. Trail codes. It says only 2 per year.
  9. They won't let me use anymore codes :(
  10. My ds5 has been doing a free trial of Reading Eggs for two months. I love it! We can't use anymore codes though and I'm not sure if I should subscribe ($50 for 6 months). Is there anything else like it that's free/cheaper?
  11. I am happy with what we have going for math, reading/phonics, handwriting (Kumon, Saxon math,reading eggs, ETC, HWT) and now I'm ready to add in social studies and science. I'm not really sure what to use though. I want something inexpensive and workbooks are fine. I'd love suggestions please :)
  12. I'm just wondering if we need to get out more. We only get out for play dates s few times a month.
  13. We are home a lot (I guess that's kind of a given) and it seems like most of the time we get together with friends or go to the park or library story time my ds gets sick. Does this mean he needs to get out more and be exposed more to build up his immune system? He is 5. Usually he gets sick, then my 3 yr old gets sick.
  14. I use them with my K'er. He would not have been ready to do this last year. I think it partly depends on where your child is at.
  15. \ that was what i was thinking. both of them are (or already have) turning into toddlers, lol. My 11 yr old was always a very good student in ps, and all his teachers always loved him and said they wanted a class full of him. every time he goes to a friends house im told how polite and well behaved he is. it is seriously only at home. which i suspect isnt uncommon either. his bf is the same way - good kid, well behaved. when they get together they get more attitudey though. my oldest has always been a difficult person and a loner to boot. he never did well at school and had lots of problems. he would be started high school in august though. part of me thinks it could be a good experience but then i feel like it would sacrifice his education. i am not opting out of parenting. at this point my relationship with my two oldest sons is hanging by a thread. we fight all day and night. i am unhappy and stressed out. i want to give my two younger kids what they need but alot of days feel like i am sacrificing their needs to hs my oldest two. almost every day without fail on of the two oldest interrupts me when i am teaching my 5 yr old - and i dont even get that much time with him. and i just wonder what good hs is even doing them when they want to expend so much energy arguing with me, complaining about what they are supposed to do, etc, etc. my 13 yr old has recently started throwing huge fits! And its not that I want them to "get away with it". I just dont know what to do anymore. i am busy all day long with the 4 of them, and doing some chores and taking (kind of) care of myself and am exhausted. i feel burnt out alot of days. some days arent as bad. i really want to make hs work - i have been going like this for 2 years now and havent given up yet. i just dont know what to do.
  16. Their dad has never really been around and is now deceased. My dh and I have been together for about 8 years. They call him dad. I wouldn't say their close, but he is a great dad, not at all disrespectful. He does not like their rudeness and talks to them about it often.
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