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Everything posted by southernm

  1. Wow I thought this one was buried lol! I started AAS with her today and she did fine. I only have her two days a week (she goes to k three days) so we will be moving slow. I just didn't want to miss out on some wonderful advantage that AAS had over aar! Aar pre 1 is ok but she knows her letters and sounds and the worksheets are getting old. She does like the language activities though!
  2. Wow that is not ok. First, it's not safe. Is the instructor an adult? Unfortunately, there are way more bad gyms than good ones. I would ask for a refund, citing safety concerns. When there is a child on the rope, especially a new one, the coach should have been in arms length. I don't feel like you are complaining, btw. Gymnastics is a complicated sport, it's hard to be new. I would lurk on the chalk bucket forums just to get some more perspective on how to find a good gym.
  3. Rope climb is a HUGE part of gymnastics, as are bridges. When you watch class, there will be many times that you think something is "pointless". When in reality, they are learning a skill or conditioning. My dd hardly tumbles at all. They pretty much work strength and conditioning for an hour and a half twice a week, which includes holding what I call "over bridges" (bridge with straight legs, hands place on floor in shape of a triangle) and climbing the rope or doing pike holds on it. ETA I still think you should try other gyms. I'm not saying the above because I don't believe your dd is capable. It's just that I hear a lot of parents complain that they aren't doing anything in class, when they really are!
  4. Dd5 goes to k three days a week at a Christian school. They have no Halloween anything, no Santa at Christmas, and even the poor Easter Bunny is a no-no. I thought they were middle of the road, but now I'm wondering....
  5. Find another gym. At ours, the kids are given quarterly report cards listing what skills they have and need. They move up either by age, skill, or mental maturity. Coaches are very accessible, and the front office team is organized and knowledgeable. Dd5 is preteam, invite only. When we came to the gym (moved from Canada) I told them over the phone what type of class she had been in, skills she had and they agreed to let her try the younger invite class which she was allowed to stay in. I've seen many parents asking about move ups, and the coaches always tell them they can schedule a try out at the desk. Some kids have moved up, some not. I will say that having a skill isn't everything. They need to have a ton of mental maturity and be able to take and apply corrections. They need to have a certain level of strength and flexibility as well. Looking back, I always thought dd was "looking great" only to realize months later that what I thought was great was "a work in progress"!
  6. Google: well trained mind forum (insert search terms here)
  7. DD 5 is almost finished with AAR pre 1. I already have AAS 1 that I used with older DS. Should I just use AAS with her next or is it better to buy AAR 1? She is ready and eager to read!
  8. Thanks Susan. I was beginning to feel like everyone was jumping on the tv thing when that's just not it. I didn't play with toys much. I do remember playing "school" when I was older but that's it. He does some HS classes and loves to participate but even that ends up being exhausting. He learns through questioning/talking and has little patience for other's ideas when he perceives them to be "wrong". ETA He also has severe dysgraphia which is so much more than bad handwriting.
  9. We bought a razor scooter for him last April. It sat in the garage all summer. He got on it yesterday and tried again. The look on his face brought tears to my eyes when he rode on it. He only glided about a foot but he was so proud of his accomplishment!
  10. Hmm he doesn't seek out the swings on the playground. I've never considered he may be avoiding them. We were going to send him to a private school but decided it would be much less stressful on him to hs. When the lady gave him their entrance test, she let him take the entire thing standing on a balance board lol. I really need one for home!
  11. Thank you Jackie! That was very helpful. The only sensory seeking he does is the hard touch, bear hugs, asks to be tickled. The poor guy is trying so hard to ride a bike right now which is not going well at all :(
  12. I was thinking about getting "chaos" for ds 7 http://www.chaostoy.com/
  13. I was really hoping it was normal. He gets angry with himself in other ways too. He usually says he's "stupid" or an "idiot" if he does anything he perceives as wrong. Sigh.
  14. I was really hoping he'd get over it. Sometimes early on I would get so frusturated. How scary is it to walk into a room and grab a pair of socks that we were just in? I thought maybe he was being lazy. Nope not a chance. If I try to force him or even encourage him he literally doubles over crying, yelling at himself. He has had a few accidents where he didn't "make it in time" because there was no one to turn a light on or accompany him to a bathroom on the main level of the house (which has a very open floor plan) :(
  15. Ds 7 is textbook gifted, dyslexic , and dysgraphic. We had him assessed last May and we were so relived to find out the "why" for many of his quirks. The most prevalent issue with him right now is fear. He's been through phases like fear of parking lots, cutting nails. Usually those last a month and fade. He seems to now have developed a fear of being "alone" (his words). Most of the time cannot be alone in a room. Lights/no lights day/night doesn't matter. He makes his 5 yo sister go everywhere with him. At times it's so dibilitating that he will refuse to enter the guest bathroom (10 feet away from me) without someone standing by the door. He sleeps on the couch in our bedroom. It's frustrating when I need him to run up to his room to grab a pair of socks. He just can't go in. We've had to move toothbrushes to the downstairs bath. We just moved to this house in Feb but we've moved a lot and this is the first house we've had this issue! Does this sound like your dc or is this somethig more that we need to return to the physiatrist for?
  16. Scratch that. Two gas trucks out front. Oh goodness. ETA update in first post, I'm not crazy lol!
  17. Well it's been an hour and I haven't heard a thing. I would walk around outside again but it's dark, dh is out of town, and I'm a big chicken lol!
  18. Thank you! That makes me feel better. Even the kids were walking in the yard and could smell pockets of it.
  19. I don't know why I feel weird about calling. It was SO strong I have to think I'm not the only one. We do live near a landfill and they could have been burning stuff but I've never smelt anything as strong as this.
  20. UPDATE: I'm not crazy! The company was working on a substation and put in too much of the stuff that makes it smell in the system. Apparently they've worked on it all afternoon and there are tons of trucks in the area. Best part? The technician was the nicest LADY ever! We chatted for a bit and she checked my meter just in case! Pulling into our neighborhood tonight, the car was overwhelmed with the smell of gas. I rolled down the windows and it was definetly outside. As I got closer to my house, it disapaited some but there were still "pockets" of it if I walked around the house. I called and reported it but feel silly. What if it wasn't gas but something else? They said I'd hear something within an hour and its been 30 min. I'm just wondering if it could be something else.
  21. Ds 7 is definetly the one to sweet talk to her. She was returned to the breeder because the couple that had her "didn't have time for her" and crated her all day. That's why I think she panics when we leave and I totally understand. Today, I had her on the couch next to me, petting etc. and she was whining and panting to get upstairs. I would let her roam free but he gets so absorbed he forgets to watch her. She's destroyed over 200 dollars in shoes (completely our fault). She is such a sweet girl, I just hope o e day she settles in to our family and begins to relax! Oh, she has a bag full of rawhide that was spread out all over the house, she's got options!
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