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Posts posted by jessicamcc

  1. I really like Coldwater Creeks knit jeans, I think the natural cut. They are so much softer than regular jeans!

    I'm also a curvy girl and I do buy a size smaller than normal. I am 5'4 1/2" and my length is all in my legs. I still

    have to get them hemmed.

  2. It's possible to increase the Miralax dose but he's so little. We were also given the option to add a tablespoon of milk of magnesia as a very occasional add on to the Miralax, but you might want to try a teaspoon. The glycerin suppository might be the safest bet, though.


    I'll definitely be making a run to Rite Aid in the morning if he's not feeling better. I saw you had posted something about your daughter earlier. I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. I started a new job today. But, I hope she is okay. I'll check your post out tonight.

  3. I might be interested in something like this. But I'd need to know more details regarding what's available and the prices. I didn't see those specifics on the website.

    Sorry, I forgot to explain that! :blush: On that front page, there is a box on the right that has a space to fill out your info to start a group. Don't worry, this does not commit you at all! It just enables you to log in to look around the site. There is never a fee to join or look around.

  4. I've been running a food co-op from my house for the past 13 months. Wholeshare is the name of the company that I am using. We have a lot of sellers- New York farmers, Regional Access, Hudson Valley Harvest, and Four Seasons (a huge organic produce wholesale company). My friends and I started out buying together, but our small group has grown to 61 members! It's great, because I don't have to handle any money. The website does it all. I've been our group's drop off point (our coordinator). The company just hired me to find new groups and help them get started. It's a very part time job, but I am so glad to do it. I have LOVED having access to all of this great food at really good price! So, if any of you are curious here's the link- www.wholeshare.com . Currently, the delivery trucks cover most of New York, the very eastern part of PA, a little bit of Conneticut, and part of Massa-


    I know this is a bold topic to post, but I had to work so hard to find a food option like this. I just thought maybe some of you might be searching also.

    Let me know what you think,


  5. Just a quick update. The doctor that we have been waiting to see (we have a Mach 6th app. but were also on a waiting list) just got us in for MONDAY!!!!

    WOOHOO!!!! They are known for their testing and really thinking outside the box to really HELP! This is great, because L hasn't had a bm in a couple of days,

    even with the Miralax.

    Thank you all for all of your help and concern! It has felt so good to be able to vent on hear and not feel so alone in this!!!!!

  6. We have a very similar experience, and I totally understand your frustration. My DS is also 5 1/2 and had problems from infancy. Lots of throwing up, small size, food allergy testing, backtracking to first baby foods looking for sensitivities, eczema (lots of clues we missed in retrospect). We found out he was constipated when I finally got fed up with daytime accidents and bedwetting and had him x-rayed. Despite 2 BM's a day, he was totally backed up, and he was falling from the 50th to the 10th percentile in height and weight. The pediatrician put him on a small daily dose of Miralax. I decided to just take him to the GI after doing more research, and she jumped on his x-ray right away and planned a full cleanout plus daily miralax for maintenance. She explained that you really do need a full cleanout, and that the daily miralax the pediatrician had prescribed would just mask the problem. It took 4 days on a liquid diet with massive miralax plus other laxatives, and we're still not positive he was cleaned out. Had him x-rayed again a week after that, and he was all backed up again despite huge soft BM's 3+ times a day. Took him off of dairy, and we saw some improvement and he started to grow again. Back to the GI again last month (who is at a celiac center by the way), and she says he's still backed up. He also sees an allergist, had the full celiac panel twice a couple of years apart, was scoped 2 years ago, and has had many other tests. When I asked in desperation, the GI said yes, it could still be gluten despite all of the negative celiac testing, and suggested doing a month off of gluten plus weekly mini-cleanouts and monthly full cleanouts (ugh!). We're in week 2 of gluten-free now and really struggling with feeding him, getting all of the laxatives into him, and getting him to the bathroom after every meal, but we do think GF might be making a difference. We've been chasing this with him for years now, and It is exhausting. Now we're thinking he may be non-celiac gluten intolerant and dairy intolerant. But soy is also a big constipation offender, so that might be next on our list if GF doesn't do it...


    If the x-ray showed constipation, make sure you get him totally cleaned out, and then make sure he tries to go after every meal (that's when the natural urge is strongest). Keep up the miralax and titrate the dosage until you hit a pudding consistency, or else you'll be back where you started quickly. Try keeping a food journal and see if you can find any connections.


    :grouphug: I hope your journey to an answer is a short one!


    Keep me informed on your progress with your son! How wild that they are both 5 1/2 and have had such a similar journey! Let's pray for an end to this and a beginning of healing!

  7. Supertechmom- What a journey! I feel like I have so much to learn. Even though we haven't been given a diagnosis yet, my husband and I can cleary see what a difference gluten makes for him. I am going to have to be super careful for him with everything. We found soy in his probiotics and flaxseed oil! (These were recommended to him by a nutritionalist.) We found some to replace them with that are safe.

    FYI- His GI did call today to check on him. I do appreciate that. And he did ackowledge that he understands that I want to find out why this is happening; he just wants to focus on cleaning him out first. I agree with cleaning him out first. I just think we could multitask and try to find the cause at the same time! ;)

  8. I find aromatherapy to Be very effective here. I'm working on a line of aromatherapy laundry soap. My daughter thinks it is pointless because the scent doesn't really stick in the clothes, but boy does it ever make me feel more relaxed about having to do laundry.

    Now I want some! :laugh: What a great idea!


    Lactose intolerant individuals may be able to tolerate small amounts of dairy in baked goods and processed foods, while casein intolerant individuals can't have any dairy whatsoever. My mom has lactose intolerance and she doesn't have to scrutinize labels the way I do with my youngest DD.

    How did you find out which part she is intolerant to?


    The problem with dairy may actually be the casein protein rather than the lactose sugar. Casein has a very similar chemical structure to gluten, so many people react badly to both. Soy protein is another one with a similar chemical structure.

    Very interesting. He has a problem with dairy and gluten and is allergic to soy!

  11. Update- L is doing good. He didn't start going to the bathroom from the Miralax until this morning. I don't think that is normal at all. He must be really blocked up! Otherwise, he is happy and playing- with an occasional run to the bathroom. ;) We hope to find out more this week from his doctor about what to do next.

    Ellie- He definitely seems to have a problem with dairy and as a result we very rarely let him have a little bit. Thank you!

  12. Quote-

    How much melatonin do you give your kids? She still wakes up with 3mg, but it does help her get to sleep sooner.

    My doctor recommended for me (take this with a grain of salt since he was prescibing it to an adult) To take one at 6pm to get me to sleep at bedtime and then another right before bed to help me stay asleep.
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