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Posts posted by Slipper

  1. We live on about ten acres give or take about 1/2 an acre. The 20 acres next door to us are owned by my mother. The 40 acres in the opposite direction are owned by my aunt and uncle (who do not live here).


    My best advice would be to invest in sunscreen and bugspray. The first year is culture shock. The best tip is that if you let the grass grow up too much, you will get yellow jackets. :(


    We're in a rural area and it's 15 miles to the nearest wal-mart (which is frequently out of items). After tornadoes came through last year, I was in shock when I went to town for minimal items and realized that due to power outage and delivery trucks not able to get to our area, there was literally little to no food.


    We're planning on bringing in chickens at some point this year. I currently buy eggs from a neighbor for $1 a dozen. Raising chickens is more for 'fun' rather than economics. We are thinking about goats. I couldn't slaughter anything so cows and hogs are out.


    The best part is the absolute stillness and quiet. I love it.

  2. The author had too many axes to grind--are we talking about homeschooling neglect? warped Christianity? reduced roles for women? It's all jumbled together, and that, plus the fact that the author relied so heavily on anecdotes from the lives of friends, made it hard to take seriously.


    I think it's appropriate for the government to take an interest in the education of its citizens, but with government schools being such a mess, it's just really hard to imagine how government oversight would improve the situation for "neglected homeschoolers."


    The woman quoted at the end of the articles, whom the author admired for her practical solutions, said, "When kids are far below grade level, it should raise red flags, and someone should be looking into it.†. . . and all I can think is, um, how many thousands of public-schooled kids are falling far below grade level and the government can't seem to do a darn thing about it!


    I agree. Everytime I thought the article was about to end, the author would talk about how a friend had to milk cows rather than learn to read or how girls were not allowed to get GED's since they wouldn't go to college in another family. It was a jumble.


    I was pleased that the author mentioned that it's possible for homeschooling to be done correctly. But it was almost condescending about the child with special needs going to school because the parent understood she wasn't capable of teaching her child. I'm not sure why, but that part annoyed me.

  3. I would get the test sooner rather then later.


    If the antibiotics are penicillin based she could end up with hives. Something about mono and penicillan creates an allergy.


    This personal experience so please someone correct me if I am wrong!


    A friend of mine told me that a certain type of antibiotic makes the symptoms of mono worse. Her daughter was diagnosed with a sinus infection and two days later was worse. When they went back, the doctor told them that the specific type of antibiotic worsens symptoms.


    (I wanted to say that earlier but I felt silly since I wasn't sure if it was true!)

  4. Since you just went to the doctor today, I might wait just to see what happens over the week-end. However, I would call the doctor's office and tell them that you just found out that one of her friends currently has mono and ask them if you should come back for a test today or tomorrow. They may want you to come back in.

  5. It's hard to tell because he goes into the woods to do his "business". His backside looks wet which makes me think it is diarrhea. I think I see some bright red on some of his white fur, but it's hard to tell. (He's a wiggly kind of dog).


    He is still drinking water and we're replacing it with fresh water frequently. (He's an outdoor dog). He's looking a little puny but still moving around a good bit.


    Thank you!

  6. Our vet is closed for the rest of the day and the other vet in town has also closed for the day.


    We have a border collie, about two years old. He was a stray so we're not definite on the age. He's very 'energetic'. He also eats anything he encounters and since we live in the country, that means dead animals (we aren't sure how to break that habit). He is free roaming as we don't have fences (and the ones we do have, he can jump). Since we know our neighbors and they are several acres away, he has lots of area to roam.


    Last night, I fixed a special plate of food for him since we had leftover roast, mixing in some beef with his typical food (he doesn't get table scraps often and is usually really excited when he does). He sniffed it and then walked away and sat down. After an hour, I threw it out and gave him his regular food. He also refused that, but did drink water. I checked around midnight and he had eaten about half (he usually inhales food).


    This morning, he didn't eat, but he is still drinking some water. He's still active and moving around, chasing things and jumping. I noticed that his 'backside' was wet and it looks like he may have diarrhea.


    Is there anything I can give him other than just plenty of water and access to food until we see the vet tomorrow? He doesn't act sick, but I can tell he's not his typical self. My husband suspects that he ate a dead possum we saw in the road (which is possible).

  7. When my daughter is deeply distressed, she self-injures. It can become so bad that if she's restrained at all (usually I am holding her arms), she'll suck her cheeks in so she can bite them or will bite her lips.


    Usually we see this when she is in pain.


    I'll be honest (and hope I'm not flamed, but we have had bad times with her and we love her so much). When we cannot stop the self-injury, we have medication that we use to calm her down and sometimes completely put her to sleep. We don't need it often, but when we need it, we need it.


    I'm glad you're looking for patterns. I'm not sure if you've looked into migraines, but for a while, we suspected my daughter would have them during times of stress (usually in the spring for a few weeks). Considering the vision problems, maybe it's headaches?

  8. I wish the OP would youtube her child reading. I'm finding it hard to visualize a child that age reading proficiently and comprehending.


    All of my kids were late readers (though not for lack of trying!). My middle and youngest are very strong readers. My oldest (with autism) is considered a wonderful reader simply because others consider it a miracle she learned to read at all. She reads at a 1st or 2nd grade level.


    My personal belief is that children learn to read when they are ready. For mine (dd 10 and 7) it was like a switch flipped. They burned through early readers for a month, then moved to simple chapter books. Now they read (and comprehend) harder books. I don't think they have suffered because they were late readers.


    To the OP, schools will not adjust when smarter kids come in. Instead, they will make class sizes larger since they now have 'smart' kids who can help others. After my daughter learned to read simple chapter books (prior to my pulling her out of PS), she was allowed on the computer during reading lessons since she knew how to read. She was also allowed on the computer during math since she knew how to add/subtract. Then of course, allowed on the computer as a privilege since she was well behaved. If she wasn't on the computer, she was reading to other students.

  9. One step at a time. Let them know that cleaning their plates off before putting them in the sink is a new rule. Stop and correct them everytime you see it going wrong. If you find a plate in the sink with trash on it, someone will rat out the offender. ;)


    Make a list of what you want them to do and go one item at a time.

  10. I am absolutely jealous! I can't wait to see the movie although the girls probably won't see it (they haven't read the book either).


    Interestingly, I had a friend who was shocked that I planned to let my 10 yr old read the book. I think her concern was that it's a book about kids killing kids, but to me it seemed more than that. I didn't like Lord of the Flies (which is also about kids killing kids), but I loved The Hunger Games. I've read all three (though I didn't care much for the third book).


    I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

  11. Alabama allows corporal punishment in school. I think it's horrific. In our district, if you do NOT want your child spanked, you have to fill out forms specifically requesting no corporal punishment. I fill them out every year for the kids that I have in public school. However, my kids know that if the school ever has to call me due to their behavior, they may prefer the spanking from school. ;)

  12. I wouldn't co-sign, simply because it would affect your credit and might interfere with your home loan.


    I also wouldn't loan, but I would gift the money. If you feel you can't gift a lot, perhaps you can send him something like food (pre-cooked meals for two weeks) that would help on his groceries (and therefore free up some money).


    I would also make the offer that he is free to move back home if he'd like.

  13. I don't understand it either. Granted, I'm told that I'm over-protective, but I believe that most parents check on all their kids before themselves going to bed. For me, it's almost a ritual, I take a bath and then go check on each child, make sure the doors are locked and off to bed I go.


    If a child is going with a friend, I double-check, "You're taking so and so, right?" and with the child, "Don't forget, you're going with so and so. If something goes wrong, you go up to that desk and ask them to call me. You remember our number, right?"


    And with cell phones, there's almost no excuse. I've also been known to call people and double-check that they have my child in their car if things are hectic.

  14. MIL and I get along fairly well. She's a bit scatter-brained which is frustrating at times, but she's sweet and means well.


    She called me tonight to chat about coming by to visit everyone next week-end. She made the comment that I was quite the Mother Hen (or Duck, I forget which one she said).


    She said that I was such a great mother. Then she paused a moment and told me that she had often thought about how wonderful life would've been if she'd grown up with a mother as wonderful as I was. She said she wished I was her mother.


    I admit I was a little teary because it was such a sweet thing to say. Interestingly, MIL has never had to work in her life because her mother was quite wealthy. She gave MIL everything.


    Anyway, just a sweet moment and wanted to share a happy In Law story. :)

  15. Yes, things lie this do happen. My folks sold part of their land that had the house, but it didn't include the garage which was connected to their business (greenhouses) BUT the mortgage papers to the house included the garage even though it was clear in the papers for the business & garage that it wasn't included in that deal. It took a bit but it did get ironed out.


    Ask for the paperwork your Aunt & Uncle have from the original deal back when they bought the land & built a house from your folks. That paperwork should clear things up.


    :grouphug: This too shall pass.


    Thanks. I hope this is all just a simple mistake. I do have the paperwork from when they originally bought the land from my mom/stepdad. They gave it to me when i moved in. I'm not sure why they thought I would need it, but they gave it to me.

  16. I think you need to do a title search now. What was your aunt and uncle paying on and to whom did they pay it? And did they get a free and clear title so that they could sell it? Those are the questions, that need to be answered, I think.


    I'm definitely having a title search done before we make the final payment. My aunt/uncle paid my mom/step-dad the money for the land. It was basically a gift to my aunt/uncle and they bought it for "$10 and other considerations". They gave me a copy of the deeds when we moved in.


    I feel like my aunt/uncle felt they genuinely had the right to sell it. I think that my step-dad (and probably mother knew about it) were trying to up the value of their property for their mortgage. But, wouldn't Wells-Fargo have done a title search prior to giving them the money?


    What's even more odd is that other than my step-dad, nobody else has called. I would have thought that my mother, aunt/step-uncle, etc would have called. Honestly, if I were about to receive a fairly nice sum of money to pay off a house, I would be almost hysterical to find out that it was being held up. I would want to reassure the person that I hadn't lied.

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