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Posts posted by runninmommy

  1. I have imposed an Iron Chef Challenge on myself and thought it would be fun if others joined me.


    We all have items in our freezer, fridge and pantry that need to get used up so why not do it together and have a few prizes thrown in the mix?


    If you'd like to participate with me, go to http://www.herdingducks.blogspot.com and click on "Cooking" for more details.


    What a great way to add new recipes to our arsenal and have some fun!

  2. Thank you for that info! I'm on Runner's World all the time and never saw the "smart coach" training plan thing. I've got a 16-week plan to get from my 5k distance to 10k that looks very doable. :)


    Can you recommend a good book on marathon training? My plan is:

    *10k by May 2010 (Cleveland 10k is in May)

    *a half marathon by the end of the year in 2010 or early 2011

    *marathon by October 2011--my 40th birthday gift to myself!


    Does this look modest enough for someone who is still losing about 30 pounds? (I've already lost 53) I predict that I'll be at my goal weight BY the 10k in May.


    My favorite book for marathon training is Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham (He is a runners world contributor) and Jenny Hadfield.


    Your plan looks well thought out and very doable. Just try to build up your strength and stay injury free by running smart. (Not over-doing it)

    :001_smile: What an awsome goal. Great job loosing the weight and continuing on. You rock!

  3. You *could* but be careful.


    You should build up your mileage by 10% each week. Work in cross-training that will help strengthen your core (swimming, biking or cardio) and at least one rest day. That is so important to recover, build muscle, and run stronger.


    If you do it carefully without overdoing it, you should be able to finish strong.


    Pay close attention to aches/pains. That is what usually gets me. I have prepared for two marathons and then am unable to run them because I ignored something and made it worse by pushing through. The last time It took me a year to recover and that really bit the big one.


    So, be careful and have fun. I'm proud of you!

  4. This company has some fun stuff under gifts



    For people who like to cook, I buy from here. You could put in a subscription to

    Cook's Illustrated.




    If she's into beauty products this company is awesome,

    they even have sample bottles of the oils you can buy. Onyx is great!





    Cold weather is coming, maybe a cozy theme is good. It would be so much fun to open a big box to find a luxurious blanket, a great movie, a better book, some tea, a candle....


    What a treasure trove of links. Thank you. I love all those sites.

  5. Ok, if I wanted something that would totally cheer me up, I'd LOVE anything from Philosophy's Amazing Grace line of "stink purty" stuff. It's not cheap, but it's wonderful. I treated myself to a LOT of it last year when I was down about being divorced, etc. It sure made ME feel better!





    That looks nice. What does that fragrance smell like? Someone needs to invent smell-o-vision.

  6. I sent my MIL some Mighty Leaf Tea recently and she really enjoyed it. I love MLT and like to share it with everyone I know :0) I also sent her a generously sized porcelain tea cup to go with it. I got the tea mug at TJ Maxx (I have seen some pretty ones in nice boxes at HomeGoods recently too). It had a nice saucer (that could hold a biscuit or two also, and some pretty napkins to go with it.



    How Sweet and what a nice idea.

  7. She has had such a difficult year and I would really love to send her something unique, special, and sweet. She is in Washington and I am in the south, so I can't just go over and give her a hug.


    What is your best kept secret online? That special site that you go to just to spoil someone?


    I like Anthropologie but I bought her something from there for her birthday. I would like something along those lines..I just don't know what.



  8. The blanket-statement you made was saying that you were too busy spending time with your children to read 15 pages of posts, thus implying that people who have read the post are not spending time with their children. Nice.


    If you truly wanted an answer, you would read the post instead of expecting people to restate their reasons for your benefit, further wasting their time and keeping them away from their children. :glare:


    That is an off base conclusion. My statement was referring to the fact that I was about to put my children to bed and did not have time to read 15+ pages of posts. I was not sitting here judging those that did have time to post. It truly was not a dig.




    I never expected everyone to restate their views purely for my benefit. I was only stating that I was giving a quick response and that I had not read all the replies. Something that is often done on here.


    If I wanted to insult anyone, I would do it directly and clearly so there would be no mistake what I meant. I am not afraid to say what I mean. Your assumptions of what I meant are wrong.

  9. :iagree: You are just 1,000 times more eloquent than me.



    Maybe I've missed something, but where has someone's intelligence been linked to whether they show cleavage? Or that they're a whore? Granted, I've skimmed here and there, but I just didn't see it.


    I think cleavage-showing is immodest. I don't think immodesty has squat to do with anyone's intelligence. I don't think it's a cultural thing and I certainly don't make the leap that NOT showing cleavage is equal to wearing a burqa. Personally, I prefer to not give my Christian brothers a stumbling block. That's just me. *shrug*

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