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Everything posted by rachelpants

  1. You are officially now, my hero. Thank you so much for this link!
  2. Amazon has a bunch of these in Mp3 format for $8.99 :)
  3. Yes...I'm worried that we missed something in our "playing" so I probably will do just this :) Was there a reason you plan on switching to Singapore and Miquon and then go back to MEP? Just trying to wrap my head around all the math options out there :)
  4. Thanks! I just printed the first set of lessons from the Reception...I'll do the same with the 1A and compare :) I am so very interested in Miquon! (but also so very confused...lol). Do you know if there are sample lessons online somewhere? I really want to look into it but I don't want to buy it if I don't think that I will be able to teach it. I love the reviews I have read. But I have to admit that I am somewhat intimidated by math :o
  5. I have a bunch of Alphabet games and activities pinned (we have done quite a few of them)...fun! http://pinterest.com/rachelants/alphabet/
  6. Genius!!! LOL...So embarrasing that I didn't think of that.:tongue_smilie:
  7. So very helpful!! Thank you all! I think we will do Reception and move on from there :) Now I just have to buy a new color ink cartridge ;)
  8. Anyone know? I'm not sure where to start my DS (he turns 6 in September). We haven't done any "formal" math to this point...but we do play games and "set the table" lol etc. I'm not sure where to start. Thanks!
  9. Thanks for all the great advice here! Great thread.
  10. Thank you! I will check it out!! I think I remember reading a review about it at one time...thanks for the reminder! :) Such good ideas here! Thank you! When I mentioned "no extra activities" with the FIAR books I was thinking about all those worksheets and lapbooks etc. that you can find all over the internet. My DS is sooooo not into worksheets, LOL. But we will certainly be making an apple pie when we read "How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World". Although he is almost 6 he still loves sensory play bins, etc.. LOL...the Bear Cave he built after "Going on a Bear Hunt" was too funny. He incorporates stories into his pretend play quite often all on his own...and then drags me into the cave ;)...lol. I remember seeing a darling Dover fairy tale paper doll book on Amazon once, I didn't realize that they have other activity sets, and books...I will check them out! Thank you!!!! I'm halfway through The Read Aloud Handbook...I'll check out CK too. :) Wow! Thank you! Your blog is so inspiring! I read a few posts today!
  11. My nearly 6-year-old DS will be starting public kindergarten this fall. We did some preschool at home (BFIAR) mostly. I loved reading quality literature with him and talking about the books, although admittedly discussing the books doesn’t come naturally to me. I love what he gained from the books (reading comprehension) from our discussions. I liked the format of BFIAR where discussion questions were at my fingertips with really no planning involved. I do plan to continue on with FIAR after school (mostly just reading on the couch with my son and talking about the books). I don’t really plan on expanding the FIAR curriculum much with tons of extra activities, etc. In addition to the FIAR Volume 1 & 2 books I’d like to read some of the titles from the Good Books Literature Reading List (Angelicum Nursery through-Kindergarten) as well as some from Ambleside and Easy Classical (just the literature books). I’d like some sort of set of discussion questions for some of the books, perhaps some vocabulary. Sometimes I’m dense and it doesn’t come readily to my mind that my DS might not know what “brass buttons” or “parsley” or “currants” are when we are reading Peter Rabbit. Having a list to remind me might be helpful. Do I need a full-blown literature guide? Where do I look? I really have no idea what I’m doing; LOL…DS is my first child…I really need some guidance. I realize that Angelicum has study guides, but I'm unsure about their content. It also didn't seem as if guides were available for the Preschool books list or the Kindergarten list.:confused: Any ideas???
  12. I don't know if this is helpful to anyone (I'm not even quite sure how I got onto this thread, LOL)...it's late, and I'm tired. But I do have this webpage bookmarked for myself: http://www.aesoptooz.com/classic-literature-reading-list/ the list is organized by literary period.
  13. Loving this thread!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Thank you for the Shiller & Brilliant Mind suggestions!! I need some guidance. DS is our first child so I really have no idea what I am doing, LOL. I'm hoping that teaching some Montessori math at home will not confuse him if/when he goes to public kindy....as I assume the teaching methods will be quite different. I hadn't thought of that until I read this review of Shiller on Cathy Duffy and she said this: It made me second-guess myself and wanting to do some learning at home...I feel so inadequate! Secondly, Does anyone have any experience with this ebook? http://www.montessoriathomebook.com/Home.html/ Thank you all for your helpful ideas!
  15. Any suggestions???? I would like a complete curriculum that I can use for pre-k and perhaps one to grow into...for use for afterschooling as my ds will likely be attending public kindy. Any input will be so appreciated! It is so difficult to wade through eleventy billion google search results lol.
  16. Thank you for the very helpful recommendations. I just ordered a couple of these...I love the Usborne one! :)
  17. I'd like to buy a world atlas with amazing pictures that includes landmarks, people, as well as animals. I live in the sticks, LOL...so it will be best for me to buy online. However, I'm a little worried about buying one sight unseen. Any recommendations? Thanks! :)
  18. I have been wanting to buy this book: http://www.amazon.com/Count-Math-Activities-Small-Lively/dp/0876591888/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1315346625&sr=1-4 It is for ages 3 to 7! You buy it and let me know if it is any good, LOL :)
  19. Thanks! I like this: http://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/projects/mepres/primary/Tx1a.pdf from the MEP site.
  20. Thank you again, Bill...and thanks Denise for the book recommendation :) "cottonmama"...I bookmarked these two links...they both had some ideas. The first is a Right Start Math sampler, and the second is a printable book with ideas for C-Rod play...they might be helpful :) http://www.alabacus.com/Downloads/RightStart%20Level%20A%20Sampler.pdf http://www.nurturedbylove.ca/resources/cuisenairebook.pdf
  21. bump...still wondering...they have some things that I can't seem to find anywhere else (for the price). thanks!
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