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Posts posted by genny

  1. My dd got frustrated because she couldn't type fast enough to get the airplane (perfect score).  I used it with her and typed for her...did not like that she couldn't do it independently.  I bought the books instead and she ended up enjoying them more than the online version.

  2. I know she is no where near writing paragraphs and would not expect that of her.  I would like to start her in the process of learning how to put her thoughts on paper.  Something fun and simple.  I think I'll reread jot it down (read it a long while back) and see if I can implement some of it.  I really don't like writing and so I think I might sputter out if I don't have something that isn't all scheduled out and open and go.  I think I bought wwe awhile back and was disappointed with it and fll.  Felt really redundant with no fun to it...I'll look at it again and see if I've changed my mind.


    I just picked up apologia astronomy to do with her and my son.  Perhaps I can have her start a little science journal about what she learns??  


    I just want to get her writing each day even if it's only a sentence.



  3. Copywork is appropriate for a 7-year-old. If she and you are ready for a more structured approach, you could take a look at Writing With Ease samples and see what you think. Personally, I would keep going with copywork, and maybe try to work in Jot It Down as it fits your energy level and readiness.


    ETA: I just saw your second post. Is writing instruction included in MCT?


    Not the one's I have ...I think I have grammar island and the next one...can't remember the name off hand.  I haven't looked thoroughly through them but they look like they just teach grammar...noun, pronoun etc...

  4. I know at the end of the day it isn't a big deal if she's behind public school kids in writing but I like her to at least be on par with them in case homeschooling for some crazy reason is no longer feasible for us.  She also has an interest in writing and keeps asking me to teach how to make a poem...


    I dunno...it seems most people on this board having 7 year old kids who write...makes me feel like I'm slacking.

  5. She would be in second grade where I live.  She's almost 7 1/2.  She flies through chapter books ... boxcar children level is too easy for her.  She reads books like the  Borrowers for a bit of challenge.  She loves reading so I've got that covered.  I've been using LOE for spelling and basic grammar.  LOE for cusive along with pentime for practice.  I also have MCT that I plan to start soon.


    Other than the couple of sentences of copywork...that's all she does writing wise...



  6. We're at the beginning of 2B right now and it takes anywhere from 20-45 minutes (instruction + worksheets).  I'm currently using the HIG, textbook, workbook, and extra practice book.  IMHO I find the textbook a little unnecessary except for the practice pages for my dd.  I really love the HIG!  I also own the intensive practice books.  Haven't used 2a or 2b yet (we've done 1a/b)...I like the fact that it challenges her to think a bit more (the worksheets are really easy for her...except for word problems).

  7. We are just about finished with 2a and I was wondering if I should continue on into 2b or work on dd memorizing the tables that have been introduced.  She has a bit of trouble with her 3 x's table.  Is it necessary to have them memorized?


    Also, should I let her check a chart for the answer or we that hinder her learning the facts?



  8. I have those science curriculums. But frankly I like BFSU best. I pull each topic, borrow books and DVDs on that topic from the library. Watch YouTube clips and just have lots of on the go discussion. We don't really do experiments much. But my son loves to make little videos of himself explaining topics like the one below. It is a lot more involved than it looks. He had to script it, make an demonstration and then present it. Have you tried Pinterest to find activities that your children might like? Some kids like lapbooks a lot. I think essentially it depends on the interest of your children.




    Just wanted to say...your son is sooo cute! :001_smile:


    I haven't looked at pinterest...good idea.  I haven't done lapbooking before. Where would I go to look into science one's?

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