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Everything posted by Peri

  1. Remember that Coin wanted to off her ... as in get rid of her ... that's why she sent Peeta who was mentally programed to kill Katniss to her squad. Had Katniss disagreed to the final hunger games she might not have let her execute Snow in turn not allowing her to execute Coin. So she did it to throw Coin off to think that they were on the same side.
  2. I agree. I think these books are amazing and they make such important points. A lot of people complain about the violence but it's like trying to talk about the civil war and leaving out the war part. I also didn't see Katniss using her sexuality to survive.
  3. AFRICOM isn't a good organization either. They have been accused of trying to slowly establish permanent control over the region and doing so only for monetary reasons and not humanitarian ones. So much is needed to be done yet the people that are already involved are such obstacles. It's so frustrating.
  4. Didn't mention TV but obviously he has internet because of all the videos he is making about living that way. He doesn't buy any groceries. He grows all his own food.
  5. OMG! I would love to have a house like that! It probably won't require any air conditioning because the living roof will keep it cool throughout summer! That house just rocks! No I have not seen Food Inc. I am too afraid of what I will see there lol. But I guess I should.
  6. I was at my religious class Saturday morning and the leader was talking about how there are some people out there that have built their own homes. They weren't big and extravagant homes but enough to meet needs. They installed solar panels and rely on either wells or rain barrels. They also grow their own food. This one guy utilizes 1 acre of land and built his own home for about $5000. His annual utility bill is $200. Yes I said annual and it is only because he has to buy propane. I was just wondering if anyone here has done anything like this or knows anyone like this or is interested like I am lol.
  7. I looked at your program and I am kind of doing that. I have a set of alphabet flash cards and I will put down the letter A and ask him what sound that makes. Then I will put down the letter M and ask him what sound that makes. Then i will ask him what it sounds like if he were to put them together. Then I put a series of letters in front of them, like B, and ask him what would happen if I put B in front of AM? Then i will pull out a book that uses that blend. I had to do the whole process twice today. I also had to underline the AM to get him to read it and stop guessing.
  8. So after two grueling afternoons of practicing reading with the bob books, he finally is sounding out and not just guessing at the words anymore. It has been exhausting to try to get him to stop guessing and sound out using phonics.
  9. :iagree:I feel like I'm doing most of the work. I have to make sure his handwriting is good. I have to make sure he knows his sight words. I have to make sure he knows how to sound it out. When I was in elementary school, we didn't have parental involvement at all. I'm not saying that that is the best set up but to me parental involvement meant knowing what your kids are doing in school and helping them to some extent. I feel like most of the learning is taking place at home and not in the schools. I might as well just pull him out and home school.
  10. If you look at the reboot program that that movie encourages, you don't have to purely juice. You can just rely on fruits and veggies. I'll be honest with ya here: We bought a juicer. Although I love the taste of fresh juice ... nothing like that bottled crap ... I hate cleaning that thing. It is such a nuance. Plus you do miss out on all that good fiber that I really hate wasting.
  11. I actually love the school my kids attend and I have no problem with the teacher until I discovered this. I do get a newsletter with a list of sight words that they are going over this week and their other activities. I was surprised to see how quickly they jumped into sight words but I didn't say anything about it and maybe I should have. I just think that phonics should be more stressed on than the 20+ words they have to memorize and I think this is a disservice to our kids.
  12. Don't care! Not gonna do it! I am sure the girls would rather deal with my type ups than have to spend money on a book when they can spend money on an activity.
  13. I personally don't require any of my girls to buy the book. If they need info from the book, I either photo copy or or type them a list of requirements. I use a spreadsheet to keep track of their badge work. I just feel so bad asking them to keep paying for stuff. They have to pay for the registration $12, their sashes $6-$8, their initial badges about $10, and their monthly dues $5. Plus they have to pay their share for any activities we choose to do. If I can get by without them having the book then I will do it. I gave them, instead, a cheap folder to keep all their info in.
  14. Well then it's no wonder that DS8 is still reading at a KG level. I had no idea what was going on. I have just figured this out.
  15. :iagree:I HATE the new books too. I can't make heads or tails of what it is that they want the girls to do with it. I have a senior troop and I am just searching for ways to keep them motivated and interested. I liked it so much more before. Although my rant may not count so much cause I used to do Brownies and I now do Seniors.
  16. OK so I have been sending my kids to PS and that is why I haven't been on here in a while. I just felt bad coming on here because I missed HSing so much. Something has been bothering me about my sons and school. I feel like they are focusing more on sight words than they are on reading. When I was researching home school methods, it was my understanding that you go in the following order when it comes to teaching them to read: 1. Memorize the alphabet 2. Know what each letter looks like 3. Know what each letter sounds like 4. Know sound blends ... in other words phonics 5. Know sight words I know that you have to overlap all of these but they should be introduced in this way or at least I think so. It just seems to me that 4 was skipped and they went straight to 5. They sent a small little reader home with my youngest who is in KG yesterday and I watched him read. It was introducing the sight words We and Have. He would read the sight words but instead of trying to sound out the other word he would look at the picture and say it. This isn't reading. I had to cover up the picture and make him sound out the word and it looked to me like he had no idea how to sound it out. I had to guide him through it. Seven hours in school! What the hell are they doing there?
  17. I have found that if I mince some garlic and rub it int the fish, the fishy taste is gone and you can enjoy the very delicte and tender meat.
  18. I was under the impression that we shouldn't eat organ meats because they were so high in cholesterol.
  19. Satanism? There were no religious aspects in the movie. It was just about a ballerina that basically goes insane from all the pressure of having to preform well.
  20. There were other parts of the movie that were way more gross to me than that scene. Lets just say its a moive I wouldn't want to see again.
  21. This is the only I hate about Kirby.
  22. Hey now! I've had a Kirby for years and they are worth their money. They outlast most vacums and the suction is always better on a kirby than any other vacum.
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