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Posts posted by curlylocks

  1. You're welcome!! :)


    I have to admit that I was a little bit nervous about putting myself and ds "out there" for everyone to see. If I helped even one person then it was all worth it.


    I came back to update the Hive... :)


    We went with R & S Grade 5 and what a difference it has made. I can't wait to share his latest writing assignment with you. I am one happy Momma... :D

  2. Yes. Those are actual pages from WRTR 5th edition. If possible you will want to get ahold of the 6th edition instructions. They are better. The hand LOOKS the same, but the 6th edition instructions are entirely explicit, instead of expecting you to infer some things from the explicit manuscript lessons.


    GREAT!! Thank you, Hunter!! :)

  3. I never went to college. Is this really a typical college-prep course? Is everybody else analyzing literature at this level in high school?


    I can't quite figure out how to cut it down. I want him to have exposure to the literature selections and one or two layers of analysis, but I don't want to make him do the whole shebang every week. I don't think he should have to understand every shade and nuance of artistry at fifteen years old when he doesn't care.



    I took Honors courses in high school...this level of analysis is way above anything I did. (It is more typical of college level IMO.)


    I agree with the PP who suggested looking at the trimming charts and making TOG your own.


    We're studying Year 3 and I have come up with a mixture of R and D Lit selections... :)

  4. This sort of advice works when there's 'just' a personality conflict. From things said here, it truly sounds as if there's a personality disorder involved, and when it comes to NPD, all bets are off.


    Advising to be the 'better person', when dealing w/NPD, results in, "swallow whatever carp they dish out, don't ever demand/expect change, and keep kissing their heinie" b/c anything LESS than that, when dealing w/NPD causes HUGE backlash and blow up.


    Boundaries are seen as an attack by someone w/NPD. There's no 'just set boundaries' w/them. Boundaries are seen as an insult, a challenge, and provoke HUGE behaviour from them.


    Just b/c she's the MIL does not mean that anyone 'needs' to keep a relationship w/her. Toxic is toxic, and walking away is a viable, and healthy option.


    :iagree: - BTDT w/ MIL...

  5. I like Saxon Algebra 1. Have you tried giving him the Saxon placement test to see whether he is solid on pre-algebra? I would at least try that.


    The other great thing about Saxon is the DIVE CD's. They don't just regurgitate the lesson; instead, they teach the same concept a different way with different examples--so someone who also studies the lesson has two runs at the same material. And Saxon constantly spirals through old material, keeping it fresh.


    :iagree: -- Saxon has been a huge blessing this year...except we use the Art Reed DVDS instead of DIVE.

  6. ToG is not for the faint of heart. I would like to offer one more comment on ToG, whether you use it or not, but before I do...no matter which curriculum a family chooses for homeschooling it is about loving to learn for life and loving life and not about the curriculum!


    Our family deals with too much info on a weekly basis due to ToG, but if the kids get through even 2 of the 20 books recommended, we have an impressive history/lit/art/gov/philosophy discussion during our family time. We also use this curriculum in a co-op setting and after 2 years together (starting our third), everyone has finally come to a happy balance. The authors of ToG never intended that it be used in its entirety or that every book without exception should be read and discussed. I love the saying, "take in knowledge like drinking out of a fire hose." That is what Tapestry presents!


    I have used Sonlight, thoroughly explored MFW, used Veritas Press elementary & Omnibus and I have finally landed on ToG. I don't recommend ToG, though until the oldest child in the family is at least a fifth grader! I also believe that the value of ToG comes from the student's choice of what books and topics to study for any given week as long as all the student's are studying the same week...this makes the richest conversation. My husband (a brainy, philosophical, engineer who teaches advanced courses at our local Community College) is staggered by the things his kids discuss at the dinner table!


    To be successful with ToG, one must not see the curriculum as the teacher, but rather as a loose guide & wise suggestion. If you tried to do all of the books-you would go loony in three weeks!!


    I respect each family's choice of curriculum. I just wanted folks to know it is possible to be successful with ToG if you can be its master and not let it master you!


    ~Curriculum Junkie & Homeschool Mom of 3 Independent High Schoolers


    :iagree: - - there is great wisdom in this post!

  7. Yes. My sister had it done and it was negative. Which is great news.


    Get this.....She is stage one, it is not in the lymph nodes, she is premenapausal, and it is estrogen positive (all 'good' things)...BUT the lump was 1.3 cm and so therefore they wanted her to do chemo, radiation, and an estrogen blocker for 5 years. She said no to the chemo. They argued with her. 'what concerns you about chemo?' Ummmm.....the fact that it is poison! Anyway, once she refused the chemo they said, 'oh there is this test we can do that will assess your specific risk of your specific cancer returning. 0-18 is low risk, 19-32 is medium and over 32 is high risk of returning. Guess what she found out hers was?




    A number she would have never known if she had not refused chemo.


    That is great news about the genetic testing!!


    I'm so happy that she stood her ground regarding the treatment...not many people know they can refuse anything.

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