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Posts posted by curlylocks

  1. www.virtualhomeschoolgroup.com is free and is accepting new students for module 9 which starts in Oct. Biology modules can be done in any order except for modules 5-8.




    :iagree: -- We *love* VHSG...


    We used the schedule from Core Foundations (http://corefoundations.wordpress.com/scheds-math-science/) for Biology and many other sciences. I know I found it on this forum, so whoever posted originally, THANK YOU.


    :iagree: -- we used the schedule from Core Foundations before we found VHSG.

  2. High horse? That's really funny. Nope, I'm just an average person who can understand that a PROVIDER OF SERVICE may choose to have a policy to not PROVIDE SERVICE to someone who will owe them money for 2+ years, even if that person expects the provider to be happy to continue working for them essentially for free.


    And no, this is not an emergency. OP is free to seek out another provider who will take Medicaid and to whom she is not already in debt.



    What I don't understand is all these posts that are vilifying the doctor who has these policies in place. It's a free country. OP is free to take 2 years to pay off her bill. The doctor is free to say, "Nope, I'm not going to spend my time treating people who owe me money."



    How is it that the doctor is in the wrong?????


    The doctor isn't working for FREE!!!

  3. If I'm understanding correctly, you have agreed to pay $50 a month til the $1300 balance is paid off. This means it will be 26 months before your doctor will be fully paid for the work that she and her staff have provided you.


    Would you expect to go to a restaurant or clothing store, rack up a bill, convince them to wait over 2 years to be fully paid, and then be welcomed back to the establishment? Why do you all expect this of your doctors? Obgyns have some of the highest malpractice premiums to pay in the industry. They have nurses, staff, and overhead to pay. Just because they're doctors doesn't mean their work should go without rightful compensation.



    I seriously don't understand some of these responses.



    The OP didn't ask for a "free ride"...she is paying the bill. It's called a payment plan...some of us aren't on the "high horse" you're riding around on. :glare:


    Seriously...I don't understand some of the snooty/I'm better than you are attitudes...

  4. Okay.....first of all (I was going to wait a bit, but it's kind of important to the story):






    That being said....I have a major dilemma.


    I'm sure you all remember my surgery back in March to remove an ovarian cyst. I ended up with a $1200 or $1300 doctor bill. The doctor's office called me on July 23rd demanding a payment and stating that if I didn't pay it in full, I would no longer be a patient there.

    On Monday of this week, I called to make my first OB appointment. After pulling up my account, I was told I could not be seen until my bill was paid in full.


    I'm just devastated. This seems so stupid. Sigh.


    Is that even legal?? :confused:


    It *is* stupid...


    I'm sorry she treated you this way!! :grouphug:

  5. I have heard that many classes for gifted children focus on solving problems in a group, without any instruction to begin with, so they just sort of whack at it until they figure it out. :glare:


    Yep...smile and wave boys, smile and wave...


    This is EXACTLY how my aunt handles her gifted classes.

  6. Except that at least in high school, games are rarely more than an hour away (at least in suburban areas) and never interfere with classes.


    Not where we live... :glare:


    My nephew will be a Freshman this year. His golf team has a match at a school about 1 1/2 hours away (one way) the night before school starts.


    So...that's 3 hours on the road and whatever time it takes to play a match plus time to change up and get everyone back on the bus...oh, and don't forget the stop at McDonald's on the way home.


    They'll be lucky to be home before 11 PM...

  7. Hi Amy,


    Thanks for responding with your story! I have a question about the mesh. It seems to me that if they don't sew the sides together but merely patch the "hole", then the belly will not go back the way it was pre-hernia. Did that happen? It seems that if you just cover a hole, instead of bring the muscles back into alignment, it will stay larger?


    Hmmm....my surgeon knew my belly would continue to grow (and have added stress on the muscles) as I was only 20 weeks pregnant. So, he made the patch larger than the actual hole -- he went to the left and right and up and down.


    My belly is bigger and not the same shape as it was pre-pregnancy, but it is hard to tell how much of that is because I've had 3 babies, 4 miscarriages and I'm overweight. :tongue_smilie:

  8. I now know a lot about this subject, having done a bunch of research, but I'd like to hear personal stories. Apparently, hernias are common after abdominal surgeries of any kind, like appendectomies. There are various repair methods. A few places sew them up, but some patch them with mesh and staples. The latter method sounds a little less safe to me. Any stories out there?


    I had a hernia repair done about 13 years ago...I was 20 weeks pregnant with my third child. (I had never had any abdominal surgery previous to the repair...)


    I have mesh and staples...I have had no complications. I was on "light duty" for about 4 weeks. I could lift nothing heavier than a gallon of milk. I couldn't sweep, vacuum, lift the toddler, etc.


    I recently heard that many of the mesh repair failures are due to surgeons using the wrong type of mesh.

  9. I have started several timelines over the years with my children. We seem to do well for a few weeks and then it gets "put on the back burner".


    I wanted to like the HTTA figures, but it just seemed like a big pain in the butt to find the various pictures that dovetailed with the TOG timeline entries, cut them out, paste them on, deal with the leftover pieces/pictures for another week or two, etc.


    I'm seriously considering this for my children:




    ETA: You might also look in the Yahoo Group for the TOG year plan you're studying. I think they all have some form of a pdf for timelines. ;)

  10. Both of my youngest are very hard on shoes. (sneakers especially)


    For the past several years, we have purchased New Balance. We shop their Factory Outlets or Tent Sales. Do you have something like that in your area?


    I rarely pay over $15/pair for their sneakers. I buy 2 pair/year -- the size they are wearing at the time and then 1 size larger.

  11. My DH is in IT...this is a SCAM. Check out the security bulletins/articles he received regarding this very thing:


    1) http://www.microsoft.com/security/online-privacy/avoid-phone-scams.aspx



    CyberheistNews Vol 2, 35

    Editor's Corner

    STUSJOUWERMAN.pngScam Of The Week: Tech Support?!

    Telemarketing scams come in waves. In the past it was time-share condos, but now we hear horror stories about boiler rooms pushing tech support. People get harassed with phone calls at the most inconvenient hours, posing as Microsoft employees and trying to scam you into some kind of PC security service, because your machine is infected with malware.


    So, please let your friends know that phone scammers with foreign accents try to social engineer people to pay with credit cards and paypal for services that they don't need!


    Forward this to employees, as their home systems might get compromised this way as well, which opens the door to security breaches in your office. When Microsoft publishes a page called 'Avoid tech support phone scams', urges you to not trust unsolicited calls, and do not provide any personal information, you know that there is a fire somewhere:


  12. I used to make a meal plan and then buy for that, but I found it is *much* cheaper to stock a pantry with what is on sale or in season, and then plan meals from that.




    :iagree: -- I started shopping at a liquidation center and then shopping sales. I also cut WAY back on paper products such as towels, napkins and plates.


    I also stopped buying sandwich bags and we now use reusable sandwich and snack containers in DH's lunchbox.

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