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Posts posted by unfrumpable.

  1. I have FB and a smart phone and love them both.


    However, I don't have any notifications set up on my phone and I don't go on a mad dash if it's ringing or something. I use it for me, at my leisure. It often dies because it has sat around too long unused if I don't go anywhere for a few days. :)


    I use FB to keep in touch with friends and family, as well as local social groups and other groups. I use the chat function. I use FB often, but I don't play games and don't spend all day glued to it or anything.


    I love technology. People know the best way to reach me is via email or FB messenger. I dislike talking on the phone. I rarely pick up my phone unless it's a number I recognize and even then I may not.

  2. I dunno, there is a video on youtube of the toy, and the line in the video looks long enough to wrap around the neck. I still don't buy a "federal agent" showing up at the house and seizing toys.


    I stand corrected on the string length. :) I was only looking at the toy on the Toys R Us page.


  3. I don't think posts should be deleted or edited. I don't have someone following me around IRL modding what I say. *shrugs* We are all adults and should be treated that way. Erasing or editing what was posted doesn't change the fact that it was posted and read by others.


    But whatevers. :) I've been against censorship on forums for a long time and it is still around. I just deal with it.

  4. I have purchased an Omega twice because I think it's one of the best ones out there in its class. It gets reviews that say the same. But every time I purchase one, I end up not using it. 


    Need a good deal on an Omega that was used just once or twice?  ;)


    haha :) I have looked at them on Amazon and they have good reviews overall, but I'm not sure I want to spend that much money plus the tube looks really small where the veggies go in. Do you just not like it?


    I am thinking that if I get a less expensive centrifugal juicer, I can squeeze out the pulp and then use the pulp in smoothies.

  5. I have a Vitamix. I have read online that some people just blend their juice stuff then strain them. I like making smoothies, but am considering getting a juicer, if even just for the hard veggies/apples.


    So, do you peeps have any favorites?

  6. I can only speak for myself, but I was not scolding anyone on this thread. I was sharing my experience as a restaurant and retail worker and how I choose to conduct myself in the same situation. Obviously, if one orders food close to closing time, it is expected that one will sit and eat said food. However, if one is still sitting there chatting it up 30-45 minutes after said food is done, that is just rude IMO.


    I certainly never let a customer know I was peeved they were still sitting there, if that is what is being taken away from what I said. I was working for tips, why would I do that? That doesn't mean that I can't have an opinion on the rudeness of said customer though.


    Yes, there are announcements in retail stores for closing times, as I mentioned. People do choose to ignore those though and the registers are not closing until everyone is out of the store.


    Honestly, I can only remember a handful, if that, of times that someone stayed that late after closing. Fortunately most people are considerate and don't hang around that long after eating when the place is closed. :)

  7. In my restaurant experiences, it was the cooks that were the most pissed off if someone walked in within the last 15 minutes because they had already cleaned everything up, especially on slow nights. Obviously the customer never knew that, but they let the wait staff know! These were regular sit down restaurants and we were allowed to clean front and back, chairs up, then stand around and do nothing while people sat there and talked. Not eat, talk. Eating, fine. Hanging around talking, not fine. Go somewhere else to talk.


    Sure, you can go in someplace up until closing time and order. People do that all the time and justify it by saying the employees expect it. Which I suppose they do. I still think it's rude though, that's just me. I've worked enough time in retail to see people linger shopping after the store was closed, several announcements had been made, and the lights were off.


    I suppose management does play a part too. I currently work at Kroger's. On Thanksgiving, the manager was very proactive about walking the store and getting people out so we could be out of the store by 4:15. We closed at 4. I appreciate a manager who is thinking of his employees.

  8. I always hated waiting for those last customers to leave after the place was closed when I waited tables. No, I have never asked anyone to leave nor witnessed anyone asking anyone to leave, but I'm sure the customers were aware the place was closed and that they were the last people there.


    I am not sure how it is awesome to stay past closing time or to be encouraged to order more after the restaurant is closed.

  9. Going back to the original post - I personally find it completely unfair for any parents, regardless of their religious system of choice, to suggest limited options for their daughters, based on religous or simply sexist ideas, and not for their sons.  It's not logical - women are just as capable as men - and it's not fair.


    If I found myself married to a man who suggested that my daughter (if I had one) should just focus on marrying and reproducing, whether that was a new idea to him or not, I would throw him under the bus with no apologies, and go gung-ho with encouraging that girl to go for whatever goals she could dream for herself.  She would also get a crash course in feminism/women's lib from me, as well as learning some practical things about how to function as an independent adult. 


    We are not half-people or second class citizens.  We can be just as financially productive and independent as any man.  When we choose not to because it makes the most sense for our current life circumstances, that is a choice.  But it's not a choice if a young woman doesn't have the means or knowledge to live any other way...then, it's a trap.  If I wanted my child to believe in God, I would not want for her to believe that God wants her to be trapped in an out of date, man-made idea of a gender role. 


    BTW, I don't believe in any divine being that has a gender.....so the idea that God has ideas about gender roles is very suspicious to me.  Who benefits from those ideas about gender roles ?  Who gets to hold onto their power ?  Who do I think made up those gender roles ?  Yeah.


    If I had to choose between supporting my daughter or keeping the peace with my husband, my responsibility would be to my child.


    Love times a million because liking this post wasn't enough. :)

  10. I can recall being marginalized and ignored at group gatherings well before there were cell phones and tablets. I'm not saying that overuse of these items while in a group setting cannot come off as rude, I am saying that cell phones/tablets/etc are not the cause of people having rude behavior.


    We do plenty of screen time in my household. None of us have issues interacting with people IRL on any level. Including my eight y/o son. *shrugs* I don't think it's a big deal.

  11. I guess I don't really understand why anyone feels the need to "come out" as an atheist.


    I have never felt the need to tell anyone what I do or don't believe. It's my business, not anyone else's.


    I don't think it's a "need" to come out. I am currently not an atheist, though I have been. I am also currently not of any faith. I was raised Catholic. I have been with a fundamental, evangelistic group.


    Pretty much, when out and about and conversing and interacting with the general public, here in the parts of the US I have lived in, everyone basically assumes one is Christian. Unless there is something about one's outward appearance that suggests otherwise. I cannot even count the number of people who have talked to me as if I was their fellow sister in Christ. They just assume. I normally just nod my head, roll with it, and move on. I am not talking about people who are out recruiting, I am talking just normal conversation with a cashier, someone in line, in the parking lot, wherever.


    So no, I don't feel the need to come out to everyone in every place (my close friends and family know where I stand religiously and vice versa). But it would be nice if that assumption was not always there.

  12. I still fail to see how seeing this unknown woman's picture on a billboard would have the slightest impact on how I feel about atheists. I truly don't care one way or another what this Brooke person believes, nor do I care what anyone else believes. It has absolutely nothing to do with me. People are either nice or they aren't nice. That's all I care about. 


    It's teribly unfortunate that anyone judges people based on their religion or their lack of religion, but I honestly don't think an unknown person's photo on a billboard is going to change anyone's opinion. If anything, those who feel negatively about atheists will dig their heels in even deeper because they don't like having Brooke and her message shoved into their faces on a giant billboard -- in the same way that many of us get offended by some of the supposedly religious billboards.


    IMO, the billboard is not supposed to make anyone feel differently about atheists. It is supposed to let those who are already atheist or leaning that way, or confused or whatever, know that they are not alone. It's like the billboard is saying, "Hey look! There are others out here who are the same as you! It's not all bad if you don't have a faith!" And that can be a very good feeling to have for someone who's feeling alone or battered down while adrift with those who do have faith and do look down on those who are without faith.

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