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Posts posted by unfrumpable.

  1. There are a lot of good books out there that don't contain stuff like this.  I guess you haven't looked around much at the library or a bookstore. 


    If I had to take an educated guess, I would say that I have most likely read more books than you have. I may not be a literary genius, but my love for reading spans many, many years. I'd say I have  400+ books in my own home library. And that is after I pared down some with my recent move.


    I could be really rude and say that I've most likely given away more books than you've read, but why go there?

  2. THis is not literature.  THis is Satan getting into the minds and hearts of our children in a whole new way. Many of you keep mentioning your daughters...what about your sons reading this book?  I cannot for the life of me imagine any circumstance under which any human being should read this filth.


    This book should not even be on the list.  And I'm sorry, but there are only about 20 books on the list to begin with for that age range, so it's likely that there is going to be pressure from the teachers to assign this book.  


    This is, by far,the most amusing post in this thread. And I don't say that lightly.

  3. But we do ourselves a favor by dwelling on things that are inappropriate?  I have nothing against an adult reading this if that is what they choose to do, but it is different when you are talking about a high school CHILD.


    A CHILD in the 11th grade is a hop, skip, and a jump away from being an adult.  Plenty of 17 year old CHILDREN are already in college as well as working full or part time.


    Reading a book and processing the information contained within is not dwelling on anything. What kind of judgmental views do you have no those whose job it is to investigate those who actually do participate in (true) child porn? Or those who have to investigate rape cases? They are certainly dwelling on things that are inappropriate, it is their job to do so.


    When my husband was a paralegal in the Navy, he had to help investigate cases like these. Yes, those in our military also do horrendous things. It was very disturbing for him, but, miracle of miracles, he didn't turn into a pedophile or anything like that.


    Really, if you don't want to read the book, don't. If you don't want your kids to read it while you (think) you still have control over them, then don't let them. But really, to come on here and trash a book you've never even read is just silly.

  4. That isn't a book I would read, it isn't a book that my dh would be ok with me reading or my kids reading, I certainly wouldn't allow it in our house. That is porn. When sex is spelled out that explicitly, it's porn. The only thing missing is pictures for the visually inclined learners. If my kids were to read about pedophilia in any other way people would be horrified, why is it ok in a school book.


    Do you have to have your dh's approval for which books you read?

  5. You forgot the "other people's children" option. That option worked for me for years and years. After my own son turned three or so, that option changed to "my own child." :)


    After my son was born but before my hysterectomy, I was using Paraguard IUD. I liked that a lot and went with it because I did not want to take any hormones. My periods did increase on it. After removing it, we tried two different pills to help my period decrease and become more regular. It only got worse and a fibroid was discovered.


    Before I met my husband, while I was at boot camp and then A school (2003), I had two doses of the Depo shot. I did it to, hopefully, help decrease my period while I was at boot camp. I had two slightly decreased periods at boot camp, then nothing for a couple of months, then constant spotting. I did not go back for a third shot because the constant spotting was too much and I wasn't with anyone at the time anyways.

  6. Gah, there is no winning, I swear.


    Grow up disgusted and feel bad and rotten because their mother told them that no good people show their naked bodies on TV or the internet? Really? What should I say to warn them about porn then, for when they stumble across it? Hey kids, enjoy!!


    And really, people who choose to be in porn movies, or even those who choose to show their bodies in regular movies or TV shows are not bad people because of their career choice.


    I can think of quite a few people off the top of my head who have done sh***y things w/o ever flaunting their naked bodies around, but I'm having a hard time thinking of someone who has flaunted their body having done something horrible.


    There are ways to talk to your kids about porn without being so overly judgmental about those who choose to perform (haha) in those movies.

  7. Ethan is starting Hip Hop classes next week. They are given in a ballet studio. :) It's actually a really nice family owned Jazzercise studio. The daughter was a professional ballerina for nine years and she stopped dancing professionally, had a baby and opened a ballet studio within the Jazzercise studio. It is a non-competitive studio. They do a recital at the end of the year and the studio provides the costumes.


    He'll be taking the class once a week. The studio goes to local schools to do free classes and they let our hs group come to one in the studio. Ethan just loved it.

  8. I used to work LiveOps.  I'm thinking of going back.  Wish they'd let me have my original rep number back :)

    My daughter works for AT&T from home; but her company has set hours and you must work at least 15 (she works 34, I think...feels like forever to her poor mama who misses her something awful).


    I'm doing my certification for LiveOps now! :) How did you like it? I was certifying before we moved, but the move got hectic, so I let it go. So, I had to pay the background fee again, but oh well. I'm not a huge fan of the upsells and what not, but the flexible hours are a huge plus. I looked at so many other call center type jobs, many that didn't involve selling, but the hours were just not what I wanted.

  9. I did Amway briefly once. They definitely highly encourage you to dig up any and all phone numbers you may have. It doesn't matter if you haven't talked to someone in years or not. I never did that because I was not comfortable with it, but I did take my best friend and my mom to a meeting. They both thought I was nutty and it eventually faded away.


    The pitch I received was that I was already buying all these items anyways (toiletries, groceries, etc) why not buy them from myself and make some money doing it? Well, I am also a bargain type shopper and a price checker. These same items I was already buying less expensively at the grocery store. Meh. Not for me.

  10. Then why are stories of people committing evil in the name of God or religion used as an indictment against religion rather than of the people who commit those acts? If someone wants to argue that people use religion to justify evil, I'd doubt you'd find anyone who would disagree with you.


    I would think because the two seem to go hand-in-hand. People do use religion/Bible/God/Quran/any religious text to do bad things, but if there wasn't something there to back up those things, then it wouldn't work. So, IMO, if there was not anything in religion/Bible/God/Quran/any religious text to justify the actions of these people, these people would not use this tool to do their dirty work. I'm having a hard time expressing myself with this, is what I'm saying making any sense?


    I know there are people within certain religions that try to work against this image, but, again IMO, it is not really working. When you read through history and see the atrocities that have been done in the name of God and you look at atrocities going on today in the name of God, it is hard to not be anti-religion. I've seen people on this very forum say hateful things in the name of their God. There are also many other wonderful people on this forum who try to counteract that, but it is still there and prevalent in our society.


    I am of the opinion that if one wants to be hateful and atrocious, then they should own up to it as their own opinion and thoughts. Because, once again IMO, that is what it really is. It is the individual, not the faith they choose to follow.

  11. Ultimately this is a matter of faith.  I have faith that Jesus didn't float off into space and so his head exploded.  My belief in Jesus' divinity is that He rose from the dead, hung around to instruct His followers a bit more, then ascended to Heaven.  The reality of it may be that He popped off to another dimension.  Or the mother ship beamed Him up.    How it actually happened is a mystery.  Mysteries are a matter of faith.  They can't be helped.


    I am an odd duck in that I put faith in both science and religion.



    Those are some interesting interpretations. I don't think I have ever heard anyone put forth anything like that before. I like it. :) Definitely interesting.

  12. "Evil Done In The Name Of Religion," and "Religious Teachings Are Bad" is not equal to "Religion Or Belief In God Is The Root Of All Evil." Religion does not encompass or provide a foundation for the entire set {evil} simply because it resides in part of it. 



    Atheism isn't actually a belief system, by the way, but in this thread I'm challenging is the claims made by religious faith, I'm not promoting an alternative. This isn't a thread about humanism, secularism, atheism+, anti-theism, or anything along those lines, and I'm not trying to steer it in that direction. There is one thread "ask an atheist," in which I hogged some broadband space myself and explained my own opinions. If you'd like to engage me there I would be happy to answer any questions, field any challenges you might have. The idea that religion is the root of all evil is a common misconception, perhaps we can discuss that a bit. If there's interest, we can have an "ask an anti-theist" thread, since that is a positive belief whereas atheism is simply a lack of a particular positive belief. 


    I agree that religion is not the root of all evil. It just seems that a lot of people use religion as a tool to do very bad things. That is something that is very prevalent in history and up through modern times.


  13. My husband has told me before that his dad would leave him out in the car while he went into the casinos. WTF


    When I used to work at a gas station, I used to have people who would come it and try to cut in line because they left their kid in the car. I became more sympathetic towards those people after I had a kid, but I still don't think that buys you a right to cut in line or rush other customers.


    That said, I have left Ethan in the car for very short period of times before. I am not comfortable doing it and it is something I only do rarely, but I have done it.


    I think I was 9ish the first time my mom left me at home alone with my little brother. And that was only because she was driving to different bars to find my dad.

  14. You are proving my point. I don't even know who you are and you are being sarcastic and rude to me!  I've never done a thing to you.  ???


    You're proving my point and it is rather amusing.


    I am not being rude or sarcastic. I very simply stated that I felt you were being hypocritical, hence the pot kettle black post. I based my decision on other posts of yours that I have read.


    You've done nothing to me, I've done nothing to you.


    And yes, if you talked to me IRL the way you post on here, I would say the same thing to your face. I've always had this issue of being blunt and honest. Some people seem to take it as being rude, though that is not my intention. *shrugs*


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